from One America News Network:
from One America News Network:
from Jim Fetzer:
from Dr. John Campbell:
by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:
President Joe Biden admitted the truth – the government is claiming your children as their own.
Speaking on his favorite topic, the LGBTQ community, Biden addressed the nation in a disturbing video posted on Twitter that states:
“To the LGBTQI+ Community – the Biden-Harris Administration has your back. These are our kids. These are our neighbors. Not somebody else’s kids; they’re all our kids. And our children are the kite strings that hold our national ambitions aloft. It matters a great deal how we treat everyone in this country. LGBTQ Americans, especially children, you are loved, you are heard, and this administration has your back.”
by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:
Scientists have created synthetic human embryos using stem cells, in a groundbreaking advance that sidesteps the need for eggs or sperm.
When you read the book of Revelation, it’s a veritable cavalcade of end times entities that come bubbling up from the nether regions of the abyss, much of it of the non-human variety. Scientists have now figured out how to create a synthetic embryo in the lab that needs neither sperm nor egg to form. Let your imagination wander to just what type of spiritual things might want to inhabit these bodies. It’s all ‘par for the course’ in the coming Days of Noah.
by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:
In June 2022, The Gateway Pundit’s Joe Hoft reported that an Obama judge had sealed the much anticipated Halderman Report on election voting machines used in Georgia.
Corrupt Obama Judge Amy Totenberg sealed and covered up the results of an investigation of voting machines in Georgia. This report has still not been released. This week CISA released a report showing material discrepancies in these systems while attempting to downplay these material issues.
Corrupt Obama Judge Amy Totenberg is the sister of NPR’s far-left correspondent Nina Totenberg.
from Breitbart:
If you remember, just two years ago, President Joe Biden asked Congress to authorize the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) data collection on bank accounts with more than $600 in annual transactions. But banks and depositors pushed back, and the $600 figure was raised to $10,000. Everybody was happy.
But guess what didn’t change? The reporting of all digital transactions of $600 or more. That means that digital payment platforms like Zelle, PayPal, Venmo, Square Cash, and other Digital Wallets are required to report your transactions of $600 or more to the IRS.
by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:
The United States Department of Agriculture has reported that more mammals have been discovered with the H5N1 bird flu pathogen. As of June 12, 2023, a total of 196 mammals have been recently infected with bird flu in the U.S.
Four Skunks Died Of Bird Flu In Colorado
Bird Flu Spreads To Sea Lions and Foxes
Bird flu infections in mammals are a cause for concern. When something much closer the humans than birds get infected with the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HAPI) virus, it’s a global concern, says the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
from Jordan Sather:
by Selco, The Organic Prepper:
Note: The biggest concerns in any long-term emergency are water and sanitation because the lack of these things can cause serious illness or even death. Because water and sanitation aren’t nearly as glamorous as guns and gadgets, they’re often overlooked in a preparedness plan. I asked Selco some questions about these important issues in this interview. The truth about it is dirty, unpleasant, and something for which you absolutely must plan.
by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSite News:
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has urged the faithful to ‘prayer, fasting, and penance’ in ‘atonement for the disrespect and sacrilege committed’ at the ‘Pride Mass’ in Washington, DC.
(LifeSiteNews) — Today at Holy Trinity Parish, run by the Jesuits of Georgetown University in the Archdiocese of Washington, a Mass will be celebrated for “Catholic” activists of the LGBT movement.
from The Highwire with Del Bigtree: