by Edward Dutton, The Unz Review:
In the relentless Machiavellian Leftist attack on European culture, we hear much about Bad Whites in Canada, England, and the United States. Yet we hear little about whites in the other large English-speaking nation, Australia. Tucked away “Down Under,” with just 26 million inhabitants, the continent maintained a “White Australia” immigration policy until 1973 that kept the country overwhelmingly white. Even today, it is 90 percent white, and 81 percent ethnically British, about the same as the Mother Country whose convicts settled it. But as Anglophobia: The Unrecognised Hatred reveals in great detail, Anglo-Australia is under sustained racial and cultural attack. Leftists, particularly organized Jewish leftists,have mounted a propaganda campaign that says Anglo-Australians are racists who should be ashamed of their history.