from The New American:
from The New American:
from Great Game India:
In a lawsuit filed on Monday, Sam Bankman-Fried’s parents have been accused of being involved in Democratic dark money and ‘illegal’ election tactics.
A right-leaning political research group identified the parents of suspected cryptocurrency fraudster Sam Bankman-Fried’s involvement with Democrat dark money and ‘illegal’ 2020 election strategies.
by Ayang Macdonald, Activist Post:
Activist Post Editor’s Note: As you’ll read, the “authentication for some” will become “authentication for all.” The increasing requirements to use biometrics for nearly everything is going to create a complete loss of privacy and likely a new level of threat for identity theft and other forms of cybercrime, despite claiming to thwart those invasions. Remember, the current systems were put in place to supposedly counter the threats of the old systems. The same rationale is always used to seize more control.
from State Of The Nation:
“There are an estimated 200 billion pieces of plasmid DNA in each dose of the Pfizer covid vaccine…..” — University of South Carolina Professor Phillip Buckhaults, Ph.D.
Special Note: Submitted by A Covid Vaccine-Induced Injury Consultant
SOTN Exclusive
The following scientific research analysis represents perhaps the single most important assessment of the meticulously formulated COVID-19 bioweapon ever performed.
from The Jimmy Dore Show:
by Kurt Schlichter, Townhall:
The United States just lost an F-35 as part of its campaign to reduce itself from the greatest superpower in human history to a pitiful punchline. Ah, the magic of leftism – only it can make a great country like America ridiculous. From an inability to find its fighters to an unwillingness to defend its borders or prosecute criminals – with the exception of conservatives framed for the crime of conservativing – our country has become the Three Stooges without the dignity.
from WND:
Senator: ‘None of them should ever be hired, work for, or paid by the U.S. government’
The 51 ex-Intelligence officials who signed a letter just before the final 2020 presidential debate strongly suggesting that a New York Post story exposing Hunter Biden’s discarded laptop was a “Russian [dis]information operation” not only have never been punished, they’ve never shown any remorse. A few have landed “plum jobs, including working with the federal government,” a leading Washington, D.C. news site reports.
from DailyClout:
by Michael Cantrell, PJ Media:
The worst excuse liberals make in support of gun control laws is that good guys with firearms don’t stop bad guys from committing mass shootings or other kinds of violent crime. This is simply not true. There are plenty of examples of law-abiding citizens exercising their Second Amendment rights and preventing horrific acts from taking place.
from The Dan Bongino Show:
by Corey Lynn, Corey’s Digs:
The apocalyptic prophecies of government, academic, and corporate sponsored climate alarmism have manipulated the minds of the masses to believe that mankind is to blame for our own demise.
Despite their failed predictions of climate catastrophe over the years, the propaganda campaign has paid off, as a vast segment of the population emphatically supports funding so-called “green” projects. The climate doom boondoggle has swindled trillions in taxpayer funds from the working-class multitudes into the pockets of the powerful and wealthy few. Turns out the climate hoax was always a thinly disguised ploy to launder money, consolidate wealth and power, and justify government land grabs.
by Patty McMurray , The Gateway Pundit:
Independent reporter Lara Logan has dropped a bombshell report about yet another hidden truth behind a casualty of a heartless and punitive government agency that has become frighteningly powerful under the Biden regime.
In her report, featured on “Truth in Media,” Logan reveals how the DOJ knew that 37-year-old Matthew Perna, a non-violent January 6 suspect, was suicidal, yet instead of backing off over concern for his well-being, the callous and highly politicized government agency pushed even harder, leading what his family and friends believe was “the final blow,” which led to the death of an honest young man who loved God, his family and his country.
by Brandon Smith, Alt Market:
Last month in the middle of the surreal “Bidenomics” hype I published an article titled ‘Nothing Is Over: Inflation Is About To Come Back With A Vengeance.’ I outlined the misconceptions surrounding CPI and how it is not an accurate model for the effects of inflation. I also noted that the index had been manipulated downwards by Joe Biden as he flooded the market with oil from the strategic reserves. Because so many elements of the CPI are connected to energy, Biden had created an artificial drop in CPI using this strategy.
I argued that as the strategic reserves ran out and Biden lost his leverage, CPI would rise again and prices on a number of necessities would climb. This is happening now, with the biggest jump in CPI in 14 months and gas prices clawing back towards all-time highs.