Friday, March 14, 2025

Clintons Re-Launch Global Initiative Foundation & Presidential Run

by Helena Glass, Lew Rockwell:

As Congress meets to argue whether Ukraine is entitled to another dime, out of the cobwebs comes Hillary to save the day.   Metaphorically.   She wants to save the day for Ukraine at the expense of USAID via US Taxpayers.   Relaunching her Foundation that reportedly actually granted roughly 6% to charity, she has declared her foundation’s newest scandal will be to ‘give humanitarian aid to Ukraine’.   That is double speak for ‘YOUR tax dollars will go to Ukraine via the Clinton Foundation financed by the US Government’:


from TheCrowhouse:


Promoting a Cult, for the “Good” of Society

by Robert Malone MD MS, Who Is Robert Malone:

Another fifth generation warfare tool of governments, propagandists and intelligence agencies

The Netflix documentary “How to Become a Cult Leader” is a must watch, if like me, you are still mystified as to how our society, which become so hysterical over COVID-19, then managed to pivot 180 degrees to becoming just as hysterical about climate change science <insert sarcasm emoji> and the science <insert sarcasm emoji> of gender ideology. You know, that new scientific definition of gender – as defined by the World Health Organization. Because we all know the WHO is the global arbiter of health truthiness.

VIP Elite Panic After NEW Epstein List Exposes Powerful Pedophiles


by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai

Some of the world’s most powerful people are panicking following news that the real Epstein list of elite pedophiles has been leaked online.

As Biden’s DOJ continues to block the “client list” of Epstein, investigators have released new names of VIP pedophiles connected to the child sex trafficker.

Investors are FLEEING the Big Banks… They Know What’s Coming Next

from Man in America:


UK quietly passes “Online Safety Bill” into law

by Kit Knightly, Off Guardian:

Buried behind the Brand-related headlines yesterday, the British House of Lords voted to pass the controversial “Online Safety Bill” into law. All that’s needed now is Royal ascent, which Charles will obviously provide.

The bill’s (very catchy) long-form title is…

A Bill to make provision for and in connection with the regulation by OFCOM of certain internet services; for and in connection with communications offences; and for connected purposes.

…and that’s essentially it, it hands the duty of “regulating” certain online content to the UK’s Office of Communications (OfCom).

Ofcom Chief Executive Dame Melanie Dawes could barely contain her excitement in a statement to the press:

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Are Destroying Young People’s Immune Systems and Each Dose Makes It Worse


by Dr. William Makis, Global Research:

12 Sepsis cases

July 30, 2023 (above) – Federal Way, WA – 24 year old Vitaliy Motso ended up in emergency room in critical condition with whole body sepsis and organ failure on July 28, and died on July 30.

July 27, 2023 – 41 year old German doctor anesthesiologist Dr.Klaus Ott, was on vacation in Croatia when he developed sepsis and died suddenly within 12 hours of getting to the hospital.

25% Of Americans Live In Polluted Air Life Expectancy & Fertility Plummet As Cancer Spikes

from Stew Peters Network:


AG Garland Invokes Holocaust to ‘Defend His Policies of Persecuting, Indicting and Imprisoning His Political Opponents’

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday invoked the Holocaust during testimony before Congress to defend his policies of prosecuting and persecuting his political opponents and argued his Jewish “family background” means he’s immune to wrongdoing.

From The Gateway Pundit, “SICK! Lawless AG Merrick Garland Lectures on Holocaust to Defend His Policies of Persecuting, Indicting and Imprisoning His Political Opponents (VIDEO)”:

The Global War On Free Speech Explodes (Ep. 2093)

from The Dan Bongino Show:


Rebooted Clinton Global Initiative Licks Chops Over Ukraine ‘Humanitarian’ Aid

from ZeroHedge:

The now-revived Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) has found a new grift – Ukraine.

But first – a short review. The Clintons, through their foundation, fleeced Haiti to the tune of Billions following the 2010 earthquake which killed an estimated 220,000 people.

Ukraine Puts Jack Posobeic on Hit List

from The New American:


Experts, media wrong! COVID vaccine mRNA ends up in mothers’ milk

from WND:

A new study of lactating women who took the COVID vaccine finds “trace mRNA amounts were detected” up to 45 hours after vaccination in the breast milk of 10 the women – contradicting the government’s and vaccine enthusiasts’ official narrative that mRNA was safe for breastfeeding moms and their infants because it did not travel throughout the body.

“Our findings suggest that the COVID-19 vaccine mRNA administered to lactating mothers can spread systematically to breast milk in the first two days after maternal vaccination,” states the study, “Biodistribution of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in human breast milk,” published in the October 2023 edition of the British medical journal Lancet.

Maybe This Latest Blatant Ballot Box Stuffing Scandal Will Be the Last Straw

by Athena Thorne, PJ Media:

Whether it’s because they have no fear of consequence or because they really are that stupid, Democrat operatives regularly stuff ballot boxes in full view of cameras. The pattern is nauseatingly familiar at this point: First, Big Left’s candidate comes from behind to win an election with a handful of mail-in or absentee votes. Then, video, sworn testimony, and/or official complaints of ballot harvesting and ballot box stuffing emerge. The matter is referred to law enforcement, which opens an investigation.

Prince Warned Humanity About WEF’s Depopulation Agenda in 1996

from The People’s Voice: