Sunday, March 16, 2025

Bill Gates Admits ‘Climate Crisis’ Narrative Is a Hoax

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has admitted that “climate crisis” prophecies of doom are a hoax.

In a major U-turn, climate alarmist Gates backtracked and confessed that “global warming” does not have apocalyptic consequences.

Gates reportedly told a group of his fellow globalist green agenda advocates that the “climate doom” narrative has now become so exaggerated that the public now sees right through the charade.

The United States has been the Center of the New World Order Controlled by Satan for 250 Years

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

In my New Year’s article for 2023, I asked this question about the year 2023: “Will America Fulfill Its Destiny?” I wrote:

As the year 2022 comes to a close, there can be little doubt that the United States is a nation in decline, in many ways. More and more people are waking up to the fact that the U.S. Government is not looking out for the best interests of its citizens, and in fact is part of the Global plan to implement a New World Order.

Burger King Facing Boycotts for Pulling Advertising From Rumble Over Russell Brand Controversy

by Jeff Charles, Red State:

The controversy over the sexual assault allegations against podcaster and comedian Russell Brand continues to dominate political discourse. When accusations emerged, it led to a series of occurrences that have made ripples in the world of entertainment and business.

Brand, who has denied the allegations, finds himself at the center of a storm. But now, companies like Burger King and others have also been targeted for criticism after it was revealed they pulled their advertising from the video-sharing platform Rumble, which has continued to allow Brand to broadcast on their platform after YouTube demonetized his channel due to the controversy.

As The US Govt Proves Itself The World’s Biggest Terrorist Organization, Dishing Out Pain To All Foes, It’s Time For ‘The Department Of Injustice’ To Go Extinct For Crimes Upon America

by James Howard Kunstler, All News Pipeline:

“Our government has not failed us. To fail implies there was at least a good faith effort to do the right thing.” — Eric Matheny

The new science of blobology informs us that political blobs blow up like dying stars gorging on runaway fusion. The blob expands beyond the viable limits of its internal contradictions and implodes in a spectacular vacuum of absurdity. The Washington DC blob’s dire pulsations lately signal that it’s about to blow its toxic endoplasm all over our nation’s capital, drowning many denizens in deadly slime.

General Mark Milley – A Threat to the Nation?

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley is a Neocon. He has taken every possible action against Donald Trump because Trump was against war. Hia latest venture to support the neocons is to imply that Trump is a threat to nuclear war. He said that while the president has the authority to decide to launch a nuclear weapon, he does not “launch them alone” while discussing former President Trump in a recent interview.



from TheCrowhouse:


THEY KNEW—COVID shots were kill shots


by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News:

Celia Farber:

“THEY KNEW—FOIA Emails Sent To Daily Clout Team Reveal WH/CDC/NIH KNEW Covid Shots Were Causing Deadly Blood Clots And Myocarditis In MAY 2021; Senior WH Team Colluded To LIE To The American People; Naomi Wolf: ‘It’s So Huge. I Hope You’re All Sitting Down.’”

The federal public health agencies knew. The White House team knew. In 2021.

Hello President Biden, Banning Gasoline Powered Cars Is Not Popular

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

The House votes to kill California’s onerous EV mandates. It’s a symbolic gesture, but an important one.

It’s a symbolic vote because Biden would veto the legislation if passed, but a House vote shows Banning Gas Vehicles Isn’t Popular

Eight House Democrats joined 214 Republicans last week in voting to block California and other states from banning gasoline-powered vehicles. While the legislation has no chance of becoming law this Congress, the vote is politically and legally important.

“It’s Time To Engineer The Sky”, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News

from Dane Wigington:


People Planning to Get New Covid-19 Vaccine Are Getting Hit With High Fees

by David Greyson, The Gateway Pundit:

Some people planning to get the new COVID-19 vaccine are getting hit with a hefty bill, some as high as $200.

A man from Acton, a town not too far from Boston, Massachusetts, said he received a text on his phone before the vaccine appointment informing him that he would owe about $190.

People are being charged for vaccines even though signs outside of CVS say, “Free Flu and COVID-19 Vaccines Here.”

According to CVS and Medicare and Medicaid services, the charge was related to billing errors on billing codes.

What Did Russian FM Lavrov Mean by Urging to ‘Reform Existing Global Governance?’

from Sputnik News:

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s address at the 78th UN General Assembly sparked discussions on the challenges faced by United States and European NATO allies. Sputnik turned to geopolitical and economic diplomacy analyst, Robinder Sachdev, founder-president of The Imagindia Institute, to shed light on these topics.

Uncensored: Smart City Locations & Agenda EXPOSED!!!

from Stew Peters Network:


Report: Leaked Veterans Affairs Training Video Promotes Abortion, Says Pregnancy Not Exclusive to Women


by Katherine Hamilton, Breitbart:

A training video allegedly leaked from the Department of Veterans Affairs promotes abortion and even suggests that men can become pregnant, Fox News reported Wednesday.

The “Reproductive Health Training” video from April 2023 tells staffers how to talk to veterans who are considering aborting their babies.

Biden Confirms U.S. Abrams Tanks Will Arrive In Ukraine Next Week

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

In another move that will surely increase tensions, the Biden administration (current ruling class) will be sending Abrams tanks to Ukraine. These machines will arrive sometime next week.

There is no shortage of ways to prolong and advance a war, and the current rulers of the United States are most definitely pushing all the buttons. “Next week, the first US Abrams tanks will be delivered in Ukraine,” Biden said before reporters while sitting alongside Zelensky, who was on his second visit to the U.S. since the war began.

Hawaiian Government Shutting Down Mutual Aid Efforts!

from The Jimmy Dore Show: