Friday, October 25, 2024

Insurance company finds triple-vaxxed more likely to get COVID than unvaxxed


by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

Ukrainian government sources have owned up to the attack, but this claim of responsibility stopped short of being made publicly or officially

Update(1435ET): Russia’s state Investigative Committee has put out a statement saying at least three civilians died as a result of the attack on the Crimean Bridge, which was likely a fertilizer-laden truck bombing. “According to preliminary data, three people died as a result of the incident.

Macron FAKED Vax: French Politician Of 20 Years Announces Vax Wrecked Heart & Govt Fakery


from Tim Truth:


Citing Adverse Effects, FL Surgeon General Recommends Against mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines For Males Aged 18–39


by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

Florida’s Surgeon General, Dr. Joseph A. Ladapo, announced new guidance on messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines on Friday, specifically recommending against mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for males aged 18 to 39.

Messenger RNA is the technology utilized by both the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, the most administered vaccines in the United States and a number of other countries.

The new guidance came after the Florida Department of Health carried out an analysis to evaluate vaccine safety, the department said in a bulletin on Friday.

BREAKING BIG: FL Surgeon General Finds 84% Increase in Cardiac-Related DEATH in Males 18-39 Following mRNA Vaccine – Recommends Young Males Refrain from Receiving COVID Vaccine


by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Florida Surgeon General released a shocking report on Friday. According to Dr. Joseph Ladapo, there was an 84% increase in the incidence of cardiac-related death among males 18-39 years old within 28 days following mRNA vaccination. That is a huge number!

Dr. Ladapo recommended that young males from 18 to 39 refrain from taking the COVID Vaccine.

Aussie Doctor Confirms New Discovery of Nanotech & MICROTECH, New Legislation to Silence ALL Doctors


from mariazeee:


Huge Number of Excess Deaths In Europe & US; Mass Murder Of European Children With mRNA?!


from Tim Truth:




from SGT Report:

Dr. Heather Gessling joins me to discuss the CDC/FDA/Fauci death protocols and the antidote to the madness: Establishing lasting relationships with doctors who are awake and who actually CARE about treating their patients and making them well. Sign up NOW for only $9.99 per month:

Pfizer Is Now Experimenting With mRNA Flu Vaccines.


by Natalie Winters, The National Pulse:

Pfizer Inc. entered into a Phase Three clinical trial for a new mRNA-based influenza vaccine, which will rely on the same controversial technology as the company’s COVID-19 vaccine.

The pharmaceutical giant’s clinical trial will “evaluate the efficacy, safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of the company’s quadrivalent modified RNA (modRNA) influenza vaccine candidate in approximately 25,000 healthy U.S. adults,” according to a company press release.

LOST IN SPACE — David Weiss & Jeranism


from SGT Report:

David Weiss and Jeran Campanella return to SGT Report to discuss NASA’s latest accomplishments and much more. Here’s the link to the True Earth Summit, use code SGT50 to get 50% OFF.

Seven people recently “died suddenly” (or did they “just” keel over?) right on camera


by Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground:

A Brazilian TV presenter, a Turkish bus driver, an Indonesian woman (died while praying), a man exchanging pleasantries with Charles III, UPS and FedEx drivers, and a young (Chinese?) man in a clinic

(And yet the University of California system STILL requires ALL students, faculty and staff to get injected with the toxins killing people right before our eyes, worldwide, day after day.)

Here We Go: Moderna and Pfizer Start Phase 3 Trial of mRNA Flu Vaccine


by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

The same technology that was used to treat COVID-19, which has seriously harmed millions of people and, in the worst cases, has caused death, will now be used to cure influenza.

The Phase 3 trial of an mRNA influenza vaccine has begun at two major pharmaceutical companies, Moderna and Pfizer.

More Women Than Men Reported Injuries After COVID Vaccine, V-safe Data Show


by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

Data collected from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s V-safe app reveal that women and also recipients of the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines were disproportionately affected by adverse events following their vaccination.

Dr. Charles Hoffe: “This Vaccine Rollout Has Been the Most Devastatingly Harmful Medical Intervention in History”


from The Vigilant Fox:


Alarming Reports Of Babies Mysteriously Dying Following Being Breast Fed By Just-Vaxxed Mothers Continue To Flood VAERS As The Bad News About The COVID Vax Never Stops


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

The following is from a great (although quite alarming) article from Israel.

648 cases of side effects were reported to the VAERS system on breastfed infants whose mothers received the Covid-19 vaccine 

Despite the lack of clinical studies, and even animal safety studies, health authorities did not hesitate to give the green light to the administration of Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines to pregnant and lactating women a few weeks after they themselves stated that they did not have such studies.

In Israel, the MOH even made a U-turn in a record time of four days, when already on December 20 a recommendation was issued for pregnant and lactating women to get vaccinated. Nevertheless, the issue of vaccine safety for breastfed infants is hardly discussed.



from SGT Report:

This is a re-release of a must see micro-doc I produced in 2017 about the widespread plague of child sex trafficking. Then, we hadn’t yet heard of Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein or his satanic island, but we knew about the Podesta brothers, Jimmy Saville, Sir Edward Heath and the Hampstead Coverup. This is the TRUTH about Pizzagate and Pedogate.