Friday, September 20, 2024

Famed Doctor ‘Instrumental in the Emergency Authorization of the COVID-19 Vaccine’ *Dies Suddenly*


by Kyle Becker, Becker News:

A famed virologist who was “instrumental in the Emergency Authorization of the Covid-19 vaccines” died suddenly earlier this month.

As reported by WDIV in Detroit, the University of Michigan virologist died suddenly from a “brief non-Covid-related illness.”

As an Oncologist I Am Seeing People With Stable Cancer Rapidly Progress After Being Forced to Have a Booster


by Dr Angus Dalgleish, Daily Sceptic:

There follows a letter from Dr. Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St George’s University of London, to Dr. Kamran Abbasi, the Editor in Chief of the BMJ. It was written in support of a colleague’s plea to Dr. Abbasi that the BMJ make valid informed consent for Covid vaccination a priority topic.

Dear Kamran Abbasi,

Covid no longer needs a vaccine programme given the average age of death of Covid in the U.K. is 82 and from all other causes is 81 and falling.

Died Suddenly – the groundbreaking investigations that made the film possible


by Mike Adams, Natural News:

Before the film Died Suddenly, there were investigations that received far less attention but were pivotal in uncovering the truth about the “fibrous clots” that are causing people to die.

Dr. Jane Ruby broke the “fibrous clots” story in early 2022. She’s the one who first “discovered” embalmer Richard Hirschman. She did the initial due diligence, conducted the phone calls, and reached out to people like myself to get lab tests done on the clots so that she could try to confirm what they were made of. (For the record, we still don’t know for sure what they’re made of, but we are able to eliminate some guesses on what they’re not, which is helpful.)




Bill Holter returns to SGT Report to help break down the latest REAL news from the FTX Crypto scandal to precious metals to the rush toward global government – we have seen the truth: There are zombies and Traitors are among us.

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Another military member says government offered assisted death for PTSD treatment


by Mike Campbell, The Counter Signal:

Another military member says a Veteran Affairs case worker hastily offered him assisted suicide — the second member to say so in one month.

“I had been suffering from PTSD and recently had a lot of suicidal thoughts,” he said on a podcast about trauma recovery for Canadian Forces members.

As reported by the National Post, the anonymous individual, given the pseudonym “Bruce,” said he hoped Veterans Affairs would help him transition out of the military and find new doctors. Bruce is an active Canadian Forces member.

Died Suddenly film review: It’s a powerful showcase of vaccine dangers, but why is Dr. Jane Ruby missing from the film when she BROKE the story about fibrous clots in the first place? (UPDATED)


by Mike Adams, Natural News:

The viral new film, “Died Suddenly” from Stew Peters depicts the widespread harm caused by experimental mRNA injections — so-called “vaccines” — that are killing an estimated 2,400+ Americans each day (source: Ed Dowd’s excess mortality analysis based on insurance industry numbers and US Dept. of Labor numbers).

(Editor’s note: An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated that the video of the collapse of basketball player Keyontae Johnson was in the film. In fact, that scene was found in the film’s trailer, not the full film. We regret the error and have corrected it here.)

Dr. Robert Malone talks mRNA, FDA criminality, depopulation and WEF agendas with Mike Adams


from Health Ranger Report:


Why Do Americans Hate Putin?


by Mike Whitney, The Unz Review:

Why do Americans hate Putin?

Tucker Carlson thinks he knows. Here’s what he said:

“… Democrats in Washington have told you it’s your patriotic duty to hate Vladimir Putin. It’s not a suggestion. It’s a mandate. Anything less than hatred for Putin is treason.

Many Americans have obeyed this directive. They now dutifully hate Vladimir Putin. Maybe you’re one of them. Hating Putin has become the central purpose of America’s foreign policy. It’s the main thing that we talk about. Entire cable channels are now devoted to it. Very soon, that hatred of Vladimir Putin could bring the United States into a conflict in Eastern Europe.

Before that happens, it might be worth asking yourself: What is this really about? Why do I hate Putin so much? Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years? Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl?” (Tucker Carlson,”Americans have been trained to hate Putin, and will suffer because of it“, Fox News)



from The Corbett Report:


Aaron Carter: The Suspicious Death of a Blatant Industry Slave


from Vigilant Citizen:

Aaron Carter accused family members of abusing him and claimed that the industry wanted to kill him. Then, he was found dead in a bathtub. Here’s a look at the troubled life and the suspicious death of Aaron Carter.

The death of Aaron Carter at the young age of 34 took everyone by surprise. But it also didn’t. That’s because the last years of his life were characterized by drug use, rehab stints, meltdowns, erratic behavior, and significant problems with his entire family. So, when TMZ reported that Carter was found unresponsive in his bathtub, the word “overdose” was immediately thrown around – as is always the case in these bizarre celebrity deaths.

NEW – Klaus Schwab says China is a “role model for many countries” and proclaims a “systemic transformation of the world” on Chinese state television





Arizona’s smoking gun? How did the Republican candidate for Arizona state’s mining inspector get 1,688,581 votes? That’s at least 400,000 more votes than Kari Lake or Blake Masters received. See it for yourself on the official Arizona election results page, here:

THE BIGGEST LIE — David Weiss & Justin Harvey



Mockingbird staple NBC Nightly “News” with Lester Holt is back with TWO 2-minute propaganda pieces about the biggest lie ever told. David Weiss & Justin Harvey help me break it all down in real time in this detailed MUST SEE broadcast. Thanks for tuning in.

Doctors Baffled After 16-Year-Old Football Player and Wrestler Suffers a Stroke and Bloodclot in His Brain


by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

A defensive lineman for Mount Pleasant High School in North Carolina who appeared to be in his prime at the age of 16 was found unconscious on the floor of his girlfriend’s house.

Tylin McDowell, a player for the Mt. Pleasant Tigers, played and excelled as a defensive lineman during a match with Maiden Blue Devils for the state playoffs.




The Rothschild supported Bolshevik Revolution killed tens of millions of people in Russia. Now the American Bolsheviks have the same goals for our nation; To destroy health, freedom and life. Chris Alexander the CMO of Dr. Zev Zelenko’s The Wellness Company joins me to discuss the problem AND real solutions.

You can JOIN the Wellness Company for less than $10 per month, here: