Thursday, September 19, 2024

Quebec Health Authorities bury Covid-19 death rates by vaccination status


by Dan Fournier, The Counter Signal:

Ontario stopped publishing Covid-19 hospitalizations by vaccine status on June 30. Quebec has done the same since July 6.

Screenshot of a notice from Santé Québec stating that data on cases and hospitalizations according to vaccination status is no longer available.

New Died Suddenly PSYOP: Mainstream Media Deploys New Narrative To Explain Sudden Death Surge


from Stew Peters Network:


World Health Organization meets to discuss granting of increased surveillance powers under pandemic treaty


by Tom Parker, Reclaim The Net:

The global health agency could get new surveillance powers by May 2024.

The unelected global health agency the World Health Organization (WHO) is currently meeting to consider a draft version of a controversial international pandemic treaty that will give the WHO increased surveillance powers.

The new surveillance powers are detailed in Article 10 (“Strengthening and sustaining capacities for pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of health systems”) and Article 17 (“One Health”) of the draft treaty. They include requirements for the WHO’s member states to “build and reinforce surveillance systems” across both the public and private sector and to strengthen the WHO’s “One Health surveillance systems.”

How Bill Gates and Other Private Interests Used Legal Loopholes to Corrupt FDA


by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Childrens Health Defense:

Millions trust the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to regulate Big Food and Big Pharma without realizing that Bill Gates and other members of the private sector are pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Story at a glance:

  • While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) itself does not accept corporate money, it does receive money funneled via a nonprofit foundation, which receives money from other nonprofits funded by private interests.

U.K. Approves Pfizer Covid Vaccine for Babies Despite Study Showing 1 in 500 Hospitalised With Side-Effects


by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic:

Pfizer’s Covid vaccine has been authorised in the U.K. for infants aged six months to four years-old, the medicines regulator confirmed today. The Mail has more.

Covid vaccines were today approved for babies in Britain, in a move likely to spark huge controversy. Regulators gave the green light for all infants older than six months to get a special, low-dose formulation of Pfizer’s jab.

Its decision opens the door for No. 10’s vaccine advisers to choose whether under-5s should be jabbed as part of the U.K.’s vaccination strategy.

Scientists world-wide debate discovery of Nanotech. found in COVID Jabs & strange Structures found in Blood of the Vaccinated


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

A little more than a week ago, International Crimes Investigative Committee (“ICIC”), hosted by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Dr Mike Yeadon, held a discussion with four experts on nanotechnology and self-assembling structures in mRNA injections.  The panel of experts comprised Dr. David Nixon, Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, Karen Kingston and Shimon Yanowitz.

Yesterday, ICIC Dr. Fuellmich hosted a second discussion, following on from the first, to discuss with Holger Reißner and Klaus Retzlaff what the observed phenomena and structures in the blood of people who have had an mRNA injection are all about.

COP27: Global Meeting to Destroy America – Alex Newman


by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular books “Deep State” and “Crimes of the Educators,” says Deep State globalists had a two-week conference in Egypt called COP27 that outlined the plan to enslave the planet with a New World Order globalist agenda.  It was a huge conference in mid-November that most Americans knew nothing about because the Lying Legacy Media (LLM) would not cover it.  Why did the LLM lie by omission and not show Americans what was going on when the entire world covered this conference?  Newman, who attended COP27, contends, “This is an incredibly significant story, and anywhere else in the world you would have seen very extensive coverage in the press, in the fake news media as we call it.  There were thousands of journalists there.  I call them the cheerleading section from all over the world.  Conspicuously absent, though, was the American media. . . . If Americans knew what was going on . . . they would put a stop to it almost immediately.  So, there was almost total radio silence in the U.S.  This was very, very significant because you had 125 prime ministers, kings, dictators and presidents, including Joe Biden, show up.  I actually ran into John Kerry there, and he was not very talkative. . . . It was just Americans that were kept totally in the dark about this.  This was the most significant thing going on in the world until the G-20 started. . . . There were world leaders from all over the planet.  We are talking about wealth redistribution.  We are talking about stealing money from middle-class and poor Americans and redistributing that to the very wealthy, uber elites and the kleptocrats who have kept the third world impoverished.”

Refusal To Comply With The Ruling Class Could Cause A “New Deadly Variant


by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

The ruling class wants the slave class to know that failure to comply with its arbitrary demands of social distancing and masking could result in a “new deadly variant.” Or, as they say, a “drop in COVID alertness” could usher in the next plandemic.

Well, at least we already know what they’ll blame this next one on: failure to obey your master. The World Health Organization claims that slaves’ unwillingness to continue obedience to their overlords is going to cause a deadly variant.

James Roguski unveils WHO’s global health SURVEILLANCE tyranny agenda


from Health Ranger Report:


Patent us6506148b2 concerns Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors


from Reddit:

Patent us6506148b2 concerns Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors. TV = Mind Control And the inventor’s name: LOOS (H?) HENDRICUS G (US) You can’t make this stuff up. Funny but it’s not.




What did Jesus mean by “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do.” Are miracles possible at a time when America and the West so greatly need them? The answer is a definite “yes.” James Perloff joins me to discuss his new book ‘Missing Miracles’ which you can get here:



from Dollar Vigilante:


P A R A S I T E S .



The political parasites are sucking us dry, and so are the ones inside of our bodies. Sadly, it’s easier to rid ourselves of the ones inside of our bodies versus the ones in our criminal government. Diane Kazer and Carmen Hunter join me to discuss the problem and to provide the solution.

Use SGT10 for 10% off anything in the store – programs or products, expires 12-12-22Warrior Cleanse Free Module: Warrior Ceanse Program:




Believe it or not amidst all of the lies, sedition and treason there is some GOOD news to share. Free speech is being defended, SCOTUS has received a TREASON case and much more. Dustin Nemos joins me to discuss this and so much more.

Biden Has Handed America Over To The Biodefense Cartel


by Patrick Wood, Activist Post:

On the heels of Biden’s September 12th Executive Order titled The National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative, I wrote two days later that it “is a complete capitulation of our government to Big Pharma, the biotechnology industry and the entire transhuman cabal that wants to create Humanity 2.0 by changing our genetic structure.”

The Initiative literally opens the floodgates of taxpayer resources and turns over government control to the biotech and Big Pharma industry. Some highlights include: