Sunday, February 2, 2025

Biden Regime Blows Fortune on Transgender Research

from Moonbattery:

The national debt has skyrocketed past $33 trillion. Inflation is much worse than the authorities admit. Meanwhile, our moonbat rulers waste money on a gargantuan scale to finance their sick agenda:

The Biden administration has awarded over $100 million in federal grants to colleges, universities, and hospitals to fund research into “transgender” medicine, according to a report published by the Capital Research Center on Sept. 12.

Researchers Parker Thayer and Katie Cagle write that the Biden Administration has spent “over $104 million in payments to initiatives mostly or exclusively promoting, subsidizing, or studying transgenderism.”

Americans Must Bring an End to Obama’s Efforts of “Fundamentally Transforming” the US

by D.W. Wilber, America Outloud:

During his first campaign for president back in 2008, Barack Hussein Obama asked Americans to join him as he “fundamentally transformed” the United States of America. Many Americans, in fact, did join him, enough to get him elected to the office twice.

We are now witnessing what Obama meant, with the lawlessness, anarchy, and chaos on the streets of many of our major cities, and the police helpless to do anything about it. After the drug overdose death of George Floyd, police officers have been under nearly constant attack from both criminals and the George Soros-funded prosecutors who let criminals go free, but are quick to punish any police officer for using any level of force in what’s becoming an increasingly violent society.

Lara Logan Reveals Why Innocent Children are Vital to the Elite’s SICK Agenda

from Man in America:


The Democrats’ Plot to Turn Texas Blue


by Mark A. Hewitt, American Thinker:

Maybe you’ve seen it on FOX: Texas’s Governor Abbott (R) declared that an invasion is happening on the southern border and moved to invoke invasion clauses of the U.S. and Texas constitutions to allow him to boost security at the border while clown reporters from lefty newspapers, like the Dallas Observer, disparagingly note that Gov. Abbott continues “invasion” rhetoric as Texas sees an increase in “migrant crossings.”

Mexico Takes a Stand Against U.S. Big Ag and GMO Corn to Protect Their Native Varieties of Mexican Corn

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Back in 2014 when my online food store, Healthy Traditions, started testing all of our USDA certified organic grains for the presence of the herbicide glyphosate, which is used in RoundUp and is the world’s most-used herbicide, we were shocked to find out that even our USDA certified organic grains were almost all contaminated with glyphosate, even though they were “certified organic.” See:

Greg Hunter from sounds off in RARE interview with Mike Adams

from Health Ranger Report:


Russia Prepares for WWIII as Public Receives ‘Nuke Incoming’ Warnings

by David Lindfield, Slay News:

The Russian public has been taking part in nuclear attack drills across the country as the nation appears to be preparing for World War III.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, sirens blared out across Russia as part of a bone-chilling drill for an incoming nuclear attack.

Children at every Russian school donned gas masks while civilians flocked to bomb shelters and workers hid under benches.

The eerie siren could be heard across the country.

Starbucks Closing 7 San Francisco Locations Amid Crime Wave (But Swears It’s Unrelated)


from ZeroHedge:

In July of 2022, Starbucks announced the closure of 16 profitable locations due to dangerous incidents involving drug use and “other disruptions” in cafes. In a leaked video, former interim CEO Howard Schultz said that the US “has become unsafe,” and that Starbucks is a “window to America.”

Now, the company is closing seven locations in San Francisco. And while they didn’t cite the explosion in crime in the Golden Gate City (and no leaked videos to shed light), the move comes amid a shocking survey that found roughly 97% of San Francisco’s restaurants have experienced some form of graffiti or property crime in the past month.

We Are Witnessing One Of The Greatest Financial Market Crashes In History Right Now

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

History is starting to repeat itself.  In 2008, bond prices crashed before stock prices did.  Here in 2023, bond prices are crashing again.  In fact, we are currently witnessing one of the greatest financial crashes in U.S. history at this moment.  Of course most Americans have absolutely no idea that this is happening.  Most Americans don’t know anything about the bond crash that is causing a tremendous amount of fear in the financial community right now, and that is because the big news networks aren’t talking about it too much.  But it is serious.  Since the peak of the market, 10 year bonds are down 46 percent and 30 year bonds are down 53 percent

After Getting the Largest Bailout in U.S. History in 2008, 85.5 Percent of the $1.34 Trillion in Deposits at Citigroup’s Citibank Lack FDIC Insurance Today

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

As evidenced by the speech that the FDIC Chair, Martin Gruenberg, delivered at a conference yesterday, the FDIC is very much aware that both the level of uninsured deposits and the concentration of those uninsured deposits among a handful of mega banks is a serious problem for the U.S. banking system. Gruenberg didn’t name names, but we will do that in this article.

Gruenberg pointed out in his speech that year-end data for the three banks that failed this past spring indicated that anywhere from 90 percent to 70 percent of their deposits were uninsured. (During a banking panic, uninsured deposits are typically those that head for the exits at the fastest clip.)


from Lauren Southern:


Bill Gates Appointed Major Stakeholder of Global Digital ID System

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

The Gates Foundation has been officially designated a major stakeholder in a new global digital ID scheme being rolled out by world governments.

Mastercard and the Gates Foundation have joined forced to launch ‘Community Pass’. All citizens of the world will be required to carry one if they wish to participate in society. The pass will be linked to a social credit score, which will increase or decrease depending on how compliant you are.

It’s no longer safe for White children to ride the bus at public schools.


Matt Gaetz Sends McCarthy Packing!

from The Jimmy Dore Show: