Wednesday, January 8, 2025


from Talk Digital Network:


Is There A Secret Plan To Merge Jordan, Gaza And The West Bank As Part Of A Normalization Agreement Between Israel And Saudi Arabia?

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Negotiations that are intended to lead to the normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia have begun, but they aren’t the only parties that must agree to a potential deal.  These negotiations are being conducted very quietly, because they are touching on issues that are extremely sensitive.  As you will see below, we are not likely to learn much about the exact details of the deal that is being formulated until it is finalized.  The Biden administration is brokering these peace negotiations, and one thing we do know is that there will be no normalization of relations unless Israel is willing to make major concessions regarding the Palestinians.  Benjamin Netanyahu is unlikely to agree to recognize a full-blown independent Palestinian state, but another plan is being floated that could potentially be acceptable to all of the parties.

If Everyone Understood That The US Deliberately Provoked This War


by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin Johnstone:

War is the single worst thing humans do. The most insane. The most cruel. The most destructive. The most traumatic. The least sustainable. Those who knowingly choose to steer humanity into more war when it could be avoided are the worst people in the world, without exception.

And there are mountains of extensively documented evidence that that’s exactly what the drivers of the US-centralized empire did in Ukraine. That’s why so many western analysts and experts spent years warning that the actions of western powers were going to lead Ukraine into disaster, and it’s why US empire managers keep openly boasting about how much their proxy warfare in Ukraine advances US interests. They knowingly steered Ukraine into war to advance their own geostrategic interests while being fully aware that no powerful nation would ever permit the kinds of foreign threats the west was amassing on its borders, and then they intervened in the early days of the war to prevent the outbreak of peace.

Solutions Are Scary: Part 1 – It’s Time To Bring Back Citizen Militias

by Brandon Smith, Alt Market:

The most common retort you will encounter from skeptics and dishonest people when it comes to discussing the issue of economic decline, social breakdown and the PROVEN conspiracy of globalist institutions to centralize power under the formation of a worldwide financial system and a world government, is that “It’s all well and good to talk about the problems, but unless you can come up with solutions your analysis is irrelevant.”

Investigation Confirms Infamous U.S. Army False Flag Manual Is Authentic

by Denis Voltaire, Activist Post:

(CAM) Criminal trials and investigations in Europe confirmed that top-secret “Supplement B” to U.S. Army Field Manual 30-31, contrary to the U.S. government’s oft-repeated denials, was indeed an authentic document.

FM 30-31B first surfaced in Europe in the 1970s and was long suspected to be used by U.S. and host countries’ intelligence as operational guidance for violent anti-Communist destabilization, including acts of terrorism.

DOD & FEMA Pre-Convened In Hawaii The SAME DAY As Fire, Setting The Stage For The Big Kill

from Tim Truth:


A Local Disaster Network – Part 3

by J.M., Survival Blog:

(Continued from Part 2.)

Now we’re ready to start plugging in hardware. Below is a picture of the what all of the connections will ultimately look like for your initial set up if you have a wired home network:

And here’s what the connections will look like for setting up in a cord-cutter network:

Do not comply

by Robert Malone MD MS, Who Is Robert Malone:

On planes and trains and children

By now, we probably have all heard about the Silver Spring Maryland elementary school that has put N95 masks back on children attending the school, and the same school district says that this same protocol that requires masking for an unknown threshold of cases will be put in place for other schools in the district. It was a total of 3 nine year old children that tested positive. Now, we all know about the Cochrane meta analysis study that shows that even N95 masks have limited value and that N95 masks cause significant CO2 toxicity.

You’d better care what they just did in Maui, because it isn’t just in Maui that they’re doing it

by Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground:

What you see is what you get; and what you don’t see—or WON’T see—is coming to get you

Whether they’re burning places outright, or just messing with the weather, they’re doing to ALL of us what they should NOT; but we can’t stop them if we tell ourselves it isn’t happening.

From Jerry Newfield in Chicago:

N@zi Protester Shouts SUPPORT For BIDEN!

from The Jimmy Dore Show:


Liberty Safe blasted over admission that it voluntarily gave FBI the access code to Jan. 6 protester’s gun safe: ‘Start marketing your stuff as Bud Light storage’

by Joseph Mackinnon, The Blaze:

A prominent gun safe company has come under fire after admitting that it voluntarily provided the access code for a customer’s safe to the FBI.

Liberty Safe’s attempt to explain why the company readily surrendered a January 6 protester’s code has not gone over well, prompting critics to threaten giving the company “the Bud Light treatment.”

Vaccines and “Fabricated Propaganda”: The Character Assassination Directed against Robert Kennedy Jr.

by Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null, Global Research:

Today, the largest purveyor of misinformation and fabricated propaganda is the US government, think tanks, compromised NGOs, social media and the mainstream corporate media. Behind this web and its false narratives is a network of powerful special interest groups who fund script writers and journalists, traitors to their profession, in order to promulgate their message. This certainly seems to be the case of a hit piece targeting Robert Kennedy Jr recently printed in the Libertarian publication Reason.

Liz Wolfe’s smear job is only one among many efforts to criticize and delegitimize Kennedy as a viable presidential candidate and to associate him with conspiracy theories.

GoldSeek Radio Nugget — Marc Faber:

from GoldSeek Radio: