Thursday, March 6, 2025

Globalists use geoengineering “weather weapons” to destroy cities so they can rebuild with a police state infrastructure, warns analyst


by Belle Carter, Natural News:

On 25 October, Category 5 storm Hurricane Otis made landfall in the Mexican state of Guerrero with a death toll of 46 and 58 people missing as of press time. It left a nightmarish scenario at the popular tourist destination Acapulco.

Media ecologist James Martinez – one of the major proponents of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR), or cold fusion technology, which is considered a stable provider of nuclear fusion and a possible future energy source for humankind – was a witness to the devastating calamity. In a recent interview with Mike Adams, founder of the free-speech video platform, Martinez talked about the horrific experience and the possibility that geoengineering of “weather weapons” was performed in the recent catastrophe.

The Horseman of the ECONOMIC APOCALYPSE draws near channel image Health Ranger Report 43568 Subscribers More options


from Health Ranger Report:


Canada expands assisted suicide laws to allow for killing of INFANTS for profit

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

Canadian Dr. Louis Roy is leading the charge to allow toddlers and infants in Canada to be killed through euthanasia.

Boasting the world’s laxest assisted suicide laws, Canada is now a safe haven for young children to be euthanized for profit under the expansive Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) program.

From now on, infants deemed too sickly to live can be signed up for assisted suicide in Canada, even though critics argue that a young child is not old enough to make this kind of decision without coaxing.

New Data Shatters Legacy Media Narrative That Rumble Is a “Right-Wing Echo Chamber”

by Tom Parker, Reclaim The Net:

For years, legacy media outlets have taken aim at free speech platforms such as Rumble by suggesting that they’re “echo chambers” that amplify right-wing views.

This dismissive framing ignores that these free speech platforms allow a wider range of viewpoints than their pro-censorship Big Tech counterparts and is likely to dissuade left-leaning, independent, or non-political users from checking them out.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib Member Of Secret Facebook Group That “Glamorized” Hamas

from ZeroHedge:

Fresh off her house censure, it has been revealed that ‘squad member’ Rep. Rashida Tlaib is part of a secret Facebook group that has “glamorized” Hamas amidst the terrorist group’s ongoing battle with Israel.

The Democratic representative from Michigan belongs to the Palestinian American Congress group on Facebook, a private group not visible to non-members and not searchable on the platform. However, Fox News managed to access it.




UNFORGIVABLE: CDC confirms 58k Children were Injured, 15k were Hospitalized, 1.2k were left Disabled & 163 tragically Died due to COVID-19 Vaccination in the USA by October 2022

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Just over a year ago, an advisory committee to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) voted on Thursday 20th October 2022, in favour of adding the COVID-19 vaccine to the recommended immunisation schedule for children aged 6 months and over.

But was the CDC’s advisory committee aware of figures published by the Centers for Disease Control that reveal nearly 58,000 children had been injured due to COVID-19 vaccination across the USA by September 29th 2022?

CDC Runs Two VAERS Systems — The Public Can Access Only One of Them


by John-Michael Dumais, Childrens Health Defense:

An investigation by The BMJ into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, found multiple deficiencies in the system, including the revelation that the government runs two systems — one for the public, and a private back-end system that contains all of the corrections and updates, including deaths that occurred after an initial injury.


from The Red Elephants – Vincent James:


Dr. Robert Malone: It’s time to bury government-sponsored medical tyranny

by Robert Malone M.D., LifeSite News:

(Robert Malone) — Friends, physicians, citizens – lend me your ears.

I come not to praise the top-down regulation of medicine endorsed by the mandarins of finance, governments, globalist organizations, and massive non-governmental organizations, but rather to bury it.

It has now been four full years since a novel coronavirus first infected the human community. Laboratory engineered for enhanced human infectivity and disease, development of which was funded by the U.S. government and performed by the U.S. medical-industrial complex working in cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party.

Kathy Hochul Expands Surveillance State

from Moonbattery:

To get an idea of the level of tyranny we will be subjected to if Democrats consolidate power, look to the states where they already have — like New York under the rule of leftists like Governor Kathy Hochul:

Hochul said Monday that the state is “very focused” on collecting data from social media platforms as part of an effort to counter online “negativity” and “hate speech” after a rise in antisemitic attacks.

She must have been inspired by the immortal words of Thomas Jefferson: “…to combat negativity and hate speech, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the media…”

Marjorie Taylor-Greene Holds Hearing On Covid Injection Injuries

by Paul Dragu, The New American:

On Monday, Representative Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-Ga.) held a field hearing on “vax” injuries, featuring Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Kimberly Biss, and lawyer Thomas Renz. The experts claimed the shots were causing widespread injuries, including heart damage and miscarriages. They also discussed why the jab’s destruction is being covered up.

Also, illegal immigrants are beginning to self-deport as blue cities run out of room, money, and summer weather; California is cleaning up San Francisco to impress a mass-murdering communist dictator; and did the Catholic Pope just fire a bishop for being conservative?

Nazi Revivalism in America

by Kathleen Brush, American Thinker:

When Palestinian-American and Democrat Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib posted a video saying from the river to the sea, she was promoting a “rallying cry for the destruction of the State of Israel and genocide of the Jewish people.” This call for Jewish genocide was the same call the Nazis made. It’s disturbing to realize that many pro-Palestinian and, inevitably, antisemitic protesters know nothing about the history of the Jews and Israel. They have no sense that Jews, rather than controlling the world, have been its victims for millennia, enduring an incomparable history of persecution that has led to repetitive bouts of ethnic cleansing, genocide, and racist laws that make Jim Crow seem tame.

Here’s How Greta Thunberg Was MANUFACTURED By Ruling Elites!

from The Jimmy Dore Show: