from childrenshealthdefense:
from childrenshealthdefense:
by Janet Levy, American Thinker:
Do you believe that human beings are sexually aware right from birth? That children should know about masturbation at 0-4 years, and about hugging, kissing, and sexual behavior at 5-9 years? Or that children aged 9-12 years should know about sexual attraction, stimulation, and using pornography because by then they are ready for their first sexual experience?
from The Epoch Times:
Some embalmers around the world say they’re observing previously unseen clots in bodies, and others are denouncing that as “nonsense.”
Embalming a body involves replacing the blood with chemical solutions to preserve it and slow decomposition.
Some embalmers say that starting in 2021, they suddenly began seeing an “anomaly” during that process—a phenomenon of long, rubbery, white masses inside the blood vessels.
Others say they have seen nothing new.
by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:
In a stunning vote, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy was voted out of office. Matt Gaetz and 10 other House Republicans sent him packing when Gaetz forced a vote. McCarthy agreed on not funding Ukraine war spending but cut a side deal to do it anyway. That, along with other things, got some Republican House members so mad they simply voted McCarthy out in a vote that surprised almost everyone including the Deep State. Now, Representative Jim Jordan looks like the leading candidate for Speaker, especially after Trump endorsed him for the job. Trump was considered as a Speaker candidate, but Trump is running for President and has too many other witch hunt court cases on his plate to do the job.
by Alasdair Macleod, Schiff Gold:
This article looks at the collateral side of financial transactions and some significant problems that are already emerging.
At a time when there is a veritable tsunami of dollar credit in foreign hands overhanging markets, it is obvious that continually falling bond prices will ensure bear markets in all financial asset values leading to dollar liquidation. This unwinding corrects an accumulation of foreign-owned dollars and dollar-denominated assets since the Second World War both in and outside the US financial system.
from Ivory Hecker:
by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:
90 schoolgirls in Kenya develop mysterious paralysis months after first-ever malaria vaccine funded by Bill Gates started shipping to Africa
On July 5th of 2023, the World Health Organization reported that 18 million doses of a ‘first-ever’ malaria vaccine had been allocated to 12 African countries, in a 2-year rollout. Further down in that same article, it noted that the source of these vaccines come from GAVI the Vaccine Alliance, a group funded and started by Bill Gates. Who is the world’s largest private donor to the WHO? Bill Gates.
by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit:
Police in the progressive haven of Portland, Oregon are telling residents not to call 911 ‘except in event of life/death emergency.’
Certain parts of the United States are regressing into the wild wild west as crime surges with less resources.
This is a good reminder to be prepared for anything. There is no guarantee that the police will be able to help you or even to respond in an emergency.
from TheHealthyAmerican_PeggyHall: