Monday, September 23, 2024

Independent Data Shows Dozens of Power Grid Malfunctions at Start of Maui Wildfires; Could Utility “Smart” Meters Have Played a Role?

by B.N. Frank, Activist Post:

Hawaiian Electric has installed what are often referred to as “advanced” meters or -2-way wireless transmitting “smart” meters:

What are Advanced Meters?

Advanced meters are modern electric meters that enable two-way data sharing between your home or business and Hawaiian Electric through a secure wireless communications network. Advanced meters look just like the analog electric meters but with a digital display. Advanced meters are an important component of our grid modernization efforts.

Damning Life Insurance Data Proves Far More Young People Are Dying — And It’s Not from COVID

from The Vigilant Fox:


The ONE celebrity who’s blowing the lid off the Covid jab genocide….

from State Of The Nation:

…and she’s not even conscious.

Princess Bajrakitiyabha & Her Vax Attack

How is it possible that, in the whole wide world, there’s only one celebrity who just may blow the lid off the Covid injection genocide?!

Male Transgender Powerlifter Smashes Women’s World Record By More Than 440 Pounds

from The Epoch Times:

A male powerlifter who identifies as a woman just set a new world record—in women’s powerlifting.

In the Canadian Powerlifting Union’s (CPU) championships from Aug. 10 to Aug. 17, Anne Andres lifted 597.5 kilograms or 1317 pounds, according to advanced results.

This weight was at least 440 pounds more than the top-performing woman, SuJan Gill, lifted.


from World Alternative Media:


Canada Govt BANS Media, Drones & “Non-Essential” People After Forcibly Evacuating 30,000 For Fires

from Tim Truth:


CBDCs Are the Ultimate Corruption Of Money

from 21st Century Wire:

Imagine this: It’s payday but before the money reaches your account, someone else has already decided what you’ll spend your money on — one third of your paycheck on housing, one third on food (only plant and insect protein allowed), 10% on transportation (with little allowance for gas), 10% on a mandatory pension plan (mostly allocated to government bonds) and the remaining 14% on clothing, alcohol and pharmaceuticals in state-licensed shops. Spending outside of these allocations comes with huge markups and, as if this isn’t bad enough, saving is impossible as this money comes with an expiration date: after three months, it simply disappears from your account.

Bartiromo: Biden Regime Sold $300 Million Worth of Border Wall Parts for $2 Million (Video)


by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

They really, really hate this country.

On day one – The Biden regime opened the US southern border on day one of the administration. They also ended all construction of the Trump border wall on the US Southern Border.

For years the excess parts and segments of border wall lay in the desert collecting dust.

During that same time period over 7 million illegal aliens have walked across our open US southern border.

The Criminal Insanity of Climate Change: Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) Create Forest and Bush Fires, Destroying Entire Cities and Igniting Boats in the Sea.

by Peter Koenig, Global Research:

Climate change – climate change – climate change – the world is burning. The Global North with the CO2 emission is the culprit. Weather maps in Southern Europe and Australia are deep red. Add an invented degree or two, and they are going to be black.

News are talking about 48 to 50 and more degrees C in Spain, Southern Italy, Sicily, Greece. Scary. Hardly anybody notices and reports that the temperatures are largely exaggerated by the media, to cause a fear and guilt effect. Possibly a precursor to heat-lockdowns.

Meteorologists are part of the lie-game. Often, for fear and shock effect, they are reporting ground temperatures instead of air temperatures which are usually measured 2 meters above the ground and are typically 10 or more degrees C lower than ground temps.

German Public Radio Promotes Sympathy for Pedophiles, Profiles Woman Who Lets a Pedophile Look After Her Children


by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

National public radio in Germany ran a recent segment promoting sympathy for pedophiles who fight their constant urges to rape children and profiled a woman who trusts her children in the care of a pedophile.

The public radio station, Deutschlandfunk (DLF), aired the episode on July 26 titled “Under Control – How Pedophiles Live With Their Addiction.” They profiled a pedophile going under the name “Max” who defined pedophilia as “sexual preference that deviates from the norm” and justified his pedophilia by saying that heterosexual males do not “attack every woman” that they find attractive.


from The Highwire with Del Bigtree:


Joe Rogan Blasts the Left’s Obsession With Climate Change: ‘You’re Not Saving Jack Sh*t!’ (VIDEO)

by Mike LaChance, The Gateway Pundit:

During a recent episode of his podcast, Joe Rogan threw cold water on the left’s obsession with climate change.

While speaking to former CIA officer Mike Baker, Rogan pointed out that even if the United States went to zero carbon emissions, it wouldn’t make any difference because China and India are the world’s biggest polluters and they certainly aren’t changing their behavior.



from The Salty Cracker:


COINCIDENCE? Maui neighborhood was winning against catastrophic wildfire until water was deliberately cut off

by Belle Carter, Natural News:

The Lahaina residents, using their own water hoses, battled hard with the raging wildfire in Maui to help out the local fire department when the blaze jumped containment near a residential neighborhood. At one point, it appeared they were winning until the water supply was cut off.

Ross Hart, a resident of Maui for the last 40 years, recalled how he and his neighbors were fighting, keeping the blaze at bay, keeping it off of the properties, then the water shut off. “Even the firemen that were patrolling could not refill their trucks. The fire just grew. The sparks started blowing over, and it just beat us in the end,” Hart lamented. After the water went out, he said there was nothing they could do but to get in their cars and leave the place, only to come back in the morning to see the whole place all burned down and leveled.

Hunter Biden’s Lawyers Threatened To Put President Biden On Witness Stand If Hunter Was Charged By DOJ: Report

by Ryan Saavedra, Daily Wire:

Chris Clark, a lawyer for Hunter Biden, threatened the U.S. attorney investigating his client that if his client was charged in the case, the defense would call President Joe Biden to testify, thus creating a constitutional crisis by pitting the president against his own Department of Justice, POLITICO reported.

The warning came after information had leaked to the news media that federal prosecutors believed they had enough information to charge Hunter Biden for illegally purchasing a firearm despite being a drug addict.