Monday, December 2, 2024

Switzerland Mails Iodine Tablets to 5 Million Residents in Case of Nuclear Disaster: Take ‘at Request of Authorities’

URGENT: Media Blackout, Dire Situation in Acapulco, Mexico Due to Category 5 Hurricane Otis


from DollarVigilante:


12 Basic Actions To Make It Through the First 12 Weeks of TEOTWAWKI – Part 2


by Michael X., Survival Blog:

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.)


We have a super-efficient wood stove in our basement that can heat our entire cabin. We can vent heat into various parts of the house. We have two propane fireplaces that do not use any electricity. I put all these in when we built the cabin as our electricity as always spotty and my belief is that electricity is going to be a problem in almost every society fail scenario.

More people are DISASTER PREPPING these days than perhaps ever before, says WSJ


by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

The social and political landscape in the United States is seeing dramatic changes, particularly with regards to prepping.

More people than perhaps ever before in our nation’s history are feeling the heat of the impending collapse, prompting them to stockpile food, weapons, and other emergency supplies.



from The Common Sense Show:


Post-TEOTWAWKI Community and Employment – Part 1


by 3AD Scout, Survival Blog:

Humans are no strangers to catastrophe. Through the centuries, civilizations across the earth have succumbed to volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, plagues, and crop failures. Regardless of where this took place, or the people it affected, there was a rebuilding of society and life went on.

For many of us, we focus on surviving the immediate effects of disaster or catastrophe, but few focus on what comes next, the recovery or rebuilding phase. Just like being prepared to survive the immediate impacts of an incident starts in the years long before the disaster ever strikes, so does preparing for rebuilding our community. Let us explore some strategies for being better prepared to rebuild society after the end of the world as we know it (TEOTWAWKI).

Even Navy Seals Practice Mindfulness. Here’s Why Preppers Should, Too.


by Chloe Morgan, The Organic Prepper:

Mindfulness is one of those terms that gets thrown around a lot these days, but what is it? A lot of folks wouldn’t hear that term and think, “Wow, that person practicing mindfulness is one of the most bad to the bone people around!” But did you know some of the toughest people in the world practice it regularly? This list includes everyone from Navy Seals, and other branches of the military (both in the US and other countries), the FBI, and many other high-stress jobs such as surgeons.

A Nuclear Attack Quick Actions Checklist


by Anon-6, Survival Blog:

I’ve been a prepper since 2012 and was born in the early 60s. I started prepping when Obama was reelected and realized we’re on our own to protect our families from the hazards of a dangerous world. One of my first purchases was a 1-ounce silver Eagle that stays in my pocket to this day as part of my EDC kit – a small metal cigar case that works nicely (maybe a future article on that). From there, research and then purchasing food, water storage, comms, medical supplies, guns, and getting trained.

The Hard Truth About Storing Fuel


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

We all have read the stories from our favorite post-apocalyptic authors where our hero has stored a huge amount of fuel for his or her vehicles in a facility. To keep warm in the winter, scout in the 4×4, looking for marauders, fueling the generator while a snowstorm outside roars without mercy.

Very romantic. As much as we can enjoy this idea, reality is way different these days. Truth is hard, as most of them are: we can´t store enough fuel for as long as we would like to.

A Local Disaster Network – Part 2


by J.M., Survival Blog:

(Continued from Part 1.)

There are two additional items required to run a Raspberry Pi – a microSD card for storage and a power supply. I’ve set up, configured and run dozens of Raspberry Pis since they came out in 2012, and 90% of all of the problems I’ve ever encountered with them are the result of either a bad microSD card or inadequate power supply, so you don’t want to cheap out on either.

A Local Disaster Network – Part 1


by J.M., Survival Blog:

There have been a number of articles on SurvivalBlog on the use of mobile devices like cell phones and tablets in survival/disaster scenarios (including one I wrote – ‘Tactical Technology for TEOTWAWKI’ parts 123456). In that article, I briefly introduced the idea of setting up and using a home server/network infrastructure for a disaster scenario, which can provide you with a lot of options for planning, organizing, coordinating, sharing, and communicating information among your team, family, group, or community. In this article, I’ll discuss one possible approach for configuring such an infrastructure for disaster situations. Note that this is based on an actual configuration that I regularly use a couple of times a year at a friend’s off-the-grid cabin out in the wilds of Maine; a group of us outdoor geeks get together to go hiking, fishing, hunting and to practice bushcraft, and we use the network infrastructure to plan and document our activities, as well as for occasionally playing multiplayer video games when the weather is too bad to go outside.

Food Shortages And Price Hikes Are Back As The Media/Biden Regime Continues To Try To Gaslight Americans On ‘Bidenomics’ – It Is A Failure


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

Despite the gaslighting of the Biden regime and their media supporters, the price of food is not, and will not be coming down… all. While August’s numbers on inflation and food inflation won’t be released until September 13, we do know that July’s overall inflation rate rose, and that food inflation has remained far higher than overall inflation for more than two years.

In some cases food rose more than double of overall inflation.

Feeling Discouraged? Take a Look at The Preps You Already Have


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

I want to talk about what’s in your closet.

The things that are tucked away, all but forgotten.

The stuff you bought on sale and forgot about. The things you only used once and then stashed away. The items at the back of the pantry, the clutter in the junk drawer, and the stash in the garage.

You probably have all sorts of preps already.

Long Term Storage of Household Batteries


by OhioGalt, Survival Blog:

Several years ago, I began purchasing Lithium Batteries in AA and AAA sizes for long-term storage in case of some event where batteries were not readily available. I was also using them in several trail cams around the property because they would last roughly 10-to-12 months before replacement. I recently went to buy another couple of 48-packs and found the price had significantly increased. The cellular cameras I use offer a rechargeable lithium pack and comparing to lithium AA I found I could pay for the rechargeable pack in less then two sets of AA lithium batteries. Unfortunately, you cannot safely charge AA or AAA lithium batteries as they are designed as single-use items.