Saturday, March 29, 2025

Here’s a Look Inside the First Aid Kit of an Army Medic

by Chuck Hudson, The Organic Prepper:

Note from Daisy: What’s in the “perfect” first aid kit? There are so many different kits out there all claiming to be there claiming to be the very best that it can get a little confusing. So I asked my good friend, Chuck Hudson, to share some lists with us. Chuck is a former Army Medic and Scout leader, and he loves to share his wisdom. Below you can find two very comprehensive lists to help you create your own “perfect kit.”

Me, I’m an old medic. I played with the Infantry for years. One thing my beloved grunts taught me was KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid.  I was also an old Scout Master. For the most part, Scouts do NOT have a lot of money. So today we are going to talk about simple specialized first aid kits.  My scouts each carried a basic personal first aid kit. No, it would not take care of a rifle round to the upper chest. But it would take care of 90% of the injuries that could KILL you in a poop has hit the fan situation.

This Movie Star Is a Full-On Prepper with a Bug Out Retreat


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

Every once in a while, it’s nice to read that somebody in Hollywood gets it when it comes to prepping. Most of the time, however, they have some weird fantasy version of survival and preparedness. So when I saw the headline, “Josh Duhamel Is Obsessed with Doomsday Prepping,” I rolled my eyes.

But I went to read the article anyway, and I’m glad I did. Because Duhamel really does seem a lot like one of us (except with a crap ton of money). Here’s what I learned.

The Hard Truth About Storing Fuel


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

We all have read the stories from our favorite post-apocalyptic authors where our hero has stored a huge amount of fuel for his or her vehicles in a facility. To keep warm in the winter, scout in the 4×4, looking for marauders, fueling the generator while a snowstorm outside roars without mercy.

Very romantic. As much as we can enjoy this idea, reality is way different these days. Truth is hard, as most of them are: we can´t store enough fuel for as long as we would like to.

Alternative Energy Solutions for Preppers and Survivalists

by Mike Roth, The Organic Prepper:

Are you searching for dependable alternative energy solutions as a prepper or survivalist? Given the fragility of the power grid in disaster scenarios, investing in reliable and sustainable power generation is necessary for maintaining safety and connectivity.

Delving into renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower, this article offers insights into diverse power solutions and their setup requirements.

We will provide the following:

Some Last-Minute Purchases and Preps – Part 1


by M.M, Survival Blog:

It appears that we are close to World War 3 according to all the reliable news outlets and the unfolding of current events.  It is only going to take one mistake to get a full-scale war going in several countries, maybe here also.  Pastor Jack Graham of Dallas, Texas has a wonderful video explaining why Hamas hates Israel. It began during King Saul’s time and has escalated to modern-day Iran (Persia). Dr. Graham states we are perilously close to the end of days, and that the current events may be prelude to the end of time.


from World Alternative Media:


Invisibility: Increasing OPSEC – Part 3


by St. Funogas, Survival Blog:

(Continued from Part 2.)


It goes without saying that our social security number shouldn’t be given to anyone unless we’re legally required to provide it, and that’s not very often. On the other hand, if it’s a private business they can also deny us service. But there’s a caveat.

After selling an item to a business for a large sum of money I went straight to their bank to cash the check. The amount of cash was small enough to avoid government paperwork but the bank demanded I write my social security number below my signature on the check.

10 Countries That Will Collapse Soon According to Experts.


by Milan Adams, Lew Rockwell:

Predicting the collapse of a country is like reading between the lines of history, economics, and politics. Some nations, however, are walking on thin ice, where even a small additional burden could lead to their downfall. In this article, we’ll explore 10 countries facing severe risks that could put them on the brink of collapse by 2027. Some of these might surprise you.

Useful Tools For The Homestead


by Sarah Latimer, Survival Blog:

I love reading about homesteading back in the late 1800s thru the 1940s. I also like to study photos from earlier times, especially kitchens to see what they used. Back then there was no microwave, Kitchenaids or food processors. What you had was what you had and it better be durable as there was no Walmart around the corner to replace what you just broke. Most household kitchen countertops today are cluttered with all kinds of machines designed to make our lives easier. Today’s homesteader can spend a lot of money on “essential” tools only to sell them off for pennies at the next yard sale. Having been a homesteader for over 15 years, I will go over some of tools, appliances, and gear that have worked well for us.

Long Term Storage of Household Batteries


by OhioGalt, Survival Blog:

Several years ago, I began purchasing Lithium Batteries in AA and AAA sizes for long-term storage in case of some event where batteries were not readily available. I was also using them in several trail cams around the property because they would last roughly 10-to-12 months before replacement. I recently went to buy another couple of 48-packs and found the price had significantly increased. The cellular cameras I use offer a rechargeable lithium pack and comparing to lithium AA I found I could pay for the rechargeable pack in less then two sets of AA lithium batteries. Unfortunately, you cannot safely charge AA or AAA lithium batteries as they are designed as single-use items.

If You Live in a Major US City, It’s Probably Time to Move

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • The crimewave overtaking Chicago, Illinois, is a perfect example of the moral degradation happening in most metropolitan areas around the U.S. A person is shot every three hours and 41 minutes in “The Windy City.” This despite having some of the toughest gun control laws in the country
  • Democrat-controlled cities and states are decriminalizing theft, looting and even violent crime and murder under the banner of fighting systemic racism and inequality. Yet the end result is always the same: More crime and rising lawlessness

Panic Buying Starts Again

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

First, it was toilet paper, then baby formula, and now it’s non-basmati rice that people are running to the stores and buying in bulk. India has put into effect on July 20th the ban on non-basmati rice in order to calm domestic prices. According to the International Food Policy Research Institute, the global rice market prices have already risen 15%-20% since September of 2022. People have already started panic buying in Texas, Washington, Michigan, and other states. It has not hit every state yet; the impact of this ban has been more so in the regions of larger Indian-origin populations. Most grocery stores have already allegedly limited one bag of rice per customer. Wholesalers and other companies have been adjusting prices which leads to price gouging, so rice is selling for double than usual.

A Prepper’s Guide to Personal Hygiene When the SHTF


by Daisy Luther, The Organic Prepper:

When I think of prepping, I often envision the usual topics of discussion: stockpiling food, raising crops, accumulating weapons, and methods of water purification. These are all very important subjects that need to be discussed and expanded upon. However, one of the least discussed preparedness topics is maintaining good personal hygiene when the SHTF. While it may not be the most riveting problem to face, it’s still an important issue we’ll all be forced to reckon with during an SHTF event.


from SGT Report:

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15 seconds

Matt Riley spent 20 years in the US Navy in intel and he’s here to sound the alarm about what may be coming for the United States, and what’s definitely coming for the U.S. if Kamala Harris gets installed. Thanks for tuning in.

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