Sunday, March 23, 2025

Preparedness in the New Golden Age or Grimy Age – Part 1


by Single Farmer, Survival Blog:

Editor’s Introductory Note: This young man is prayerfully seeking a wife. He is offering an after-marriage gift of up to $50,000 to whoever introduces him to his bride with $18,000 after their marriage and another $16,000 to the individual who provided the introduction after the first two births of healthy children born to him and his wife, for a total potential gift of $50,000. For further details, see this link to his article posted on February 24th, 2025: My Quest For a Wife.

We find ourselves in a unique time which will be of great change. We can either make preparations to survive this time period like any other time or take whatever happens as it happens. Prepared people like to have options, so I am going to present to you a practical and historical case study of previous golden ages. I will bring you on a short historical journey to a few different golden ages along with some more difficult times, analyze the current situation, and provide some very practical ideas. I do hope that this journey will be profitable to you and that you will pass along any wisdom that you find to others. This is a very “future” piece, so please do not take anything I write as advice as this is only speculative. Consider this to be at best a “Gedankenexperiment” — a thought experiment — and I may be very wrong in my conclusions. It would be wonderful to be wrong and for us to be truly entering a golden age. Every day that we do not use our supplies eating from our pantries in peace and using our firearms for sport and recreation is a wonderful day. Please verify everything yourself and pray for the success of our country during this time.

How Much Water? – Part 2


by R.E., Survival Blog:

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.)

Back to First Principles

What would be really useful would be a series of lights which would reflect how full the tank was, and if in addition to that, an audible alarm for high water-level. Perhaps I could build something like this using basic off-the-shelf electronic components and my rather rudimentary knowledge?

Like most reading this, I am no engineer, and no electrician. My only personal asset seems to be that, I like to tinker with stuff. So, I dug out the multimeter and an old breadboard and began to experiment. To save time for others who are trying to solve a similar problem, a description of what I finally concocted follows.

How Much Water? – Part 1


by R.E., Survival Blog:

Over the past several years we have experienced significant disruptions to our normal routines of life. In the big cities, the heavy hand of government. The ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’ turned into years with numerous stay home orders, social distancing, lockdowns of churches, face mask ‘requirements’ and ‘vaccination’ mandates. Vaccine passports, at one point it was said were required for travel between provinces and crossing the Canada-US border. Police were pulling people over on the roadways to check whether or not your reason to be out and about was considered ‘essential’. It all culminated in million-person waves of protest starting in Ottawa and spreading across the continent when truckers and farmers were joined with many of us who felt that we had already seen enough.

The Time to Plan is Now


by Prepping Engineer, Survival Blog:

The single biggest reason for failure is failure to plan. “When you fail to plan, you plan to fail” Another way to think of this is: planning is being prepared. That is prepping in a nutshell!

This is stated in many publications and articles about many subjects. I have experienced this more times than I can remember in my life. What I have noticed the most is the repetition of this error by both people and groups. Sometimes this seems to persist and someone else “helping” them out of the repeat failure to plan. It is a mistake the first time. The second time might be extenuating circumstances or a different cause. After that it is a failure to learn and accept responsibility — which I do not respect. There has been a big push to “drive them” by management if someone is failing to plan. Personally, this results in more work for someone who plans and less accountability on someone failing to do so.

Prepared For Financial TEOTWAWKI? – Part 1


by St. Funogas, Survival Blog:

Sometimes the truth is ugly and nobody wants to hear it. Ignoring the truth is what got us into the current budget deficit mess and the insurmountable national debt we now face as a nation.

Hope is a remarkable thing. Hope that our actions will pay off keeps us working toward the goal and it generally pays off.

False hope, on the other hand, causes us to work toward solving a problem which is impossible to resolve. Because we fail to recognize it can’t be fixed, we keep working and hoping and can’t understand why our exertions aren’t achieving the goal. False hope gives us an incorrect view of the possibilities and ignores reality, leaving us unprepared when the feces finally hit the fan. Our teachings from the cradle to the grave to never give up, only make the problem worse.

Preparing For The Post-Apocalyptic Economy – Part 3


by 3AD Scout, Survival Blog:

(Continued from Part 2. This concludes the article.)

Location, location, location

So you assemble enough barter goods to open a small general store, where, when and how do you trade these goods? Living in a rural area with lots of Mennonite, Amish, and Hutterite families, many of whom own and operate their own small businesses now each one of these small businesses is a potential location for commerce or barter. There is value in forming business relationships now and maintaining those relationships in a post-SHTF world. Being a familiar and trusted neighbor before the SHTF will put you in a better position to negotiate post-SHTF. Many people do not grasp that business is about relationships.

Preparing For The Post-Apocalyptic Economy – Part 2


by 3AD Scout, Survival Blog:

(Continued from Part 1.)

Service with a smile

Besides hard goods for barter, I have several “services” that I can provide. The key to being able to provide these services is to have the required tools and supplies on hand. Although I have several types of saws, I know that many people still have a rusty hand saw hanging up in their garage. Perhaps it was their grandfather’s but it has not been used since the cordless tool craze started. Those saws may need cleaning (rust taken off), sharpening, and perhaps even teeth resetting. Cleaning up the rust means sandpaper and stainless steel wool. Sharpening means files and setting saw teeth requires a saw tooth setter. I have not seen a saw tooth-setter offered for sale at a regular retail hardware store. Mostly they are at those venues that sell used goods. There are also multiple saw tooth-setters needed, based on the size of the teeth.

NEW: About 60 Amish community members from central Pennsylvania build 12 tiny homes in Boone, North Carolina in just two days.


Switzerland Urgently Preparing Network of Nuclear Bunkers for ‘Imminent’ WW3 Outbreak


by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

The Swiss government has begun preparing its vast network of nuclear bunkers for a potential World War 3 outbreak in the coming months ahead.

According to reports, Switzerland is spending 220 million Swiss franc to make sure its shelters are ready to accommodate all nine million Swiss residents when war breaks out. reports: “Pretty much all Swiss people have a bomb shelter, which has been used for a long time as their storage unit,” nuclear expert Stephen Herzog told As It Happens host Nil Köksal.

Three Layers of Food Preservation for Winter Survival

by Rowan O’Malley, The Organic Prepper:

As someone who lives in USDA climate zone 4, where temperatures dip down to -30F, I take winter seriously. Each fall, when winter looms, yes, I am thinking about the usual homestead tasks of preparing firewood and making sure the woodstove is ready for burning. However, I am also getting ready to survive the winter without grocery stores. Now, so far, the grocery stores have continued to operate, but you never know.

Don’t Stop Prepping Just Because Trump Won – The Biden Regime Continues To Foment World War III, Ignores A Drone Invasion Of The U.S., And Has Allowed Any Army Of Illegals Into America


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

While conservatives are justifiably relieved that there will not be a Kamala Harris presidency, the low percent of Americans that can be considered long-term preppers, those that can survive long in a disaster scenario, or the event of America being directly drawn into a fighting war, whether here in the U.S. or across the globe, shouldn’t be so relieved that they stop preparing for the worst while hoping for the best.

The actual percentage of preppers in America is almost impossible to truly gauge, since some will self-identify as a prepper if they can survive a ‘snowmageddan‘ storm, and a lack of electricity for a week or so. In the event of a prolonged need to survive with just what you have in your home, that small percentage of Americans prepared, gets much smaller.

ALERT: The Neocon’s Nuclear War Efforts Have Us Preparing – Peak Prosperity


from Peak Prosperity:


Lessons From Hurricane Helene – Part 1


by A.F., Survival Blog:

The following recounts some Hurricane Helene lessons learned from Western South Carolina.

Our power went off for the final time around 5:30 on Friday morning. It had blinked on and off twice earlier in the night, but I didn’t pay the warnings any attention. In the end, we were without power for nine days and only tonight as I’m writing this, 26 days post-storm did we get our regular Internet service back. I am fully aware that these are First World problems and compared to so many, Helene took it easy on us. Beyond ensuring that our vehicles were fueled, I didn’t make a single check, purchase, or additional preparation for Hurricane Helene.

Just-In-Time Food Storage – Part 3


by St. Funogas, Survival Blog:

Priorities in Food Selection For a JIT Food-Storage Program

The following list is a one-year supply for one person so multiply it by however many people you’re buying for. If a year’s worth doesn’t seem practical divide it by how many months you want to prepare for.

Any kind of food-storage program should be primarily based on daily calories. For those without much money to spend, you want the most calories each dollar can provide you with. High-calorie foods also take up less storage space than low-calorie foods.

Just-In-Time Food Storage – Part 1


by St. Funogas, Survival Blog:

This article describes a just-In-time food storage plan for preppers.

These are some of the biggest reasons/excuses why some preppers don’t currently have much food storage:

1. I’ll probably never need it.
2. It’s too complicated to figure all the techniques out.
3. It’s too expensive.
4. Where am I going to store it all?
5. It would be much too embarrassing if my family and friends found out!

This article is about taking probabilities into account as things heat up in the world and putting together a last-minute food-storage shopping list to be prepared just in case.