by Single Farmer, Survival Blog:
Editor’s Introductory Note: This young man is prayerfully seeking a wife. He is offering an after-marriage gift of up to $50,000 to whoever introduces him to his bride with $18,000 after their marriage and another $16,000 to the individual who provided the introduction after the first two births of healthy children born to him and his wife, for a total potential gift of $50,000. For further details, see this link to his article posted on February 24th, 2025: My Quest For a Wife.
We find ourselves in a unique time which will be of great change. We can either make preparations to survive this time period like any other time or take whatever happens as it happens. Prepared people like to have options, so I am going to present to you a practical and historical case study of previous golden ages. I will bring you on a short historical journey to a few different golden ages along with some more difficult times, analyze the current situation, and provide some very practical ideas. I do hope that this journey will be profitable to you and that you will pass along any wisdom that you find to others. This is a very “future” piece, so please do not take anything I write as advice as this is only speculative. Consider this to be at best a “Gedankenexperiment” — a thought experiment — and I may be very wrong in my conclusions. It would be wonderful to be wrong and for us to be truly entering a golden age. Every day that we do not use our supplies eating from our pantries in peace and using our firearms for sport and recreation is a wonderful day. Please verify everything yourself and pray for the success of our country during this time.