Wednesday, September 18, 2024

When Delusion Morphs into Lunacy: ‘Permanent War’ Backers Push Mankind to Brink of World War III

by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

April 5— A month after the September 11, 2001, deadly attack on the United States, the War Hawks in the U.S. and the UK moved ahead with a plan to attack Iraq. According to an article published in the London Observer on October 14, U.S. intelligence had “a growing mass of evidence that Iraq’s President Saddam Hussein was involved” in the attacks. The article quoted an anonymous Bush administration official, who said that British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who was a leading advocate for a war against Iraq, is a “faithful ally” in the war on terror, and that if the intelligence assessment means that “we are embarking on the next Hundred Years’ War, then that’s what we are doing.”

Huge Japanese Protest Against The WHO Pandemic Treaty

by M Dowling, Independent Sentinel:

The WHO Pandemic Treaty, now called an Accord, is a communistic document by an organization partially controlled by Maoist China. The elites now call it an Accord, as they did with the Paris Accord, yet both are treaties. However, this Accord is legally binding and includes penalties. Biden has already said he will sign it and introduced the worst amendments.

Will our weak congress allow this? It must go through the Senate, where it will not pass.

CDC: Covid Shots Caused 14,000% Increase in Cancers

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Official government data published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows a shocking spike in cancer among Americans who received Covid mRNA shots.

The latest figures published by the CDC confirm that the injections caused a staggering 14,000% increase in cancer cases in the United States up to the end of March 2024.

The data also reveals an alarming 6,113% increase in cancer cases reported among children and young adults.

The shocking spike is revealed in comparisons between the official data for Covid shots compared to figures for influenza vaccines.

College math professor validates my survey conclusions: vaccines ARE the main cause of chronic diseases

by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

Confirmed: vaccines are a public health disaster because they are the #1 cause of chronic disease. When will the medical community admit their error?

Executive summary
Pretty much all mainstream statisticians, data scientists, and epidemiologists ignore my work.

But not all. I recently got an email from a college professor of mathematics who decided to do a more detailed analysis to see if my recent survey was accurately reflecting reality.

WHAT? – New EU rule BANNING garden bonfires

by Peter Sweden, The Freedom Corner with PeterSweden:

Yet more restrictions coming in the name of the environment.

It’s now gone a few years since the British left the EU, in part because they didn’t like all the restrictions and rules that they were coming up with.

Now there is a new rule.

People will be banned from starting bonfires in their garden to burn garden waste such as grass, leafs and sticks.

RAW EGG NATIONALIST: Tennessee Bans Geoengineering

by Raw Egg Nationalist, The National Pulse:

In a welcome development, Tennessee has become the first state in the United States to ban geoengineering. Geoengineering is any form of deliberate intervention to alter the earth’s climate. As the so-called “climate crisis” has deepened, a scenario that was once the province of science fiction and cranks has become a frightening possibility. State and non-state actors are testing large-scale geoengineering projects with a view to implementing them soon. The actual effects of geo-engineering remain anybody’s guess.

The Tennessee House of Representatives and the state Senate have approved a bill targeting several geoengineering technologies. These include attempts to modify the amount of solar radiation reaching the earth, whether by physical barriers in the high atmosphere, through spreading reflective chemicals in the sky, or by practices like cloud-seeding, which is used to increase the amount of rainfall over a particular area. If the bill is signed by the state governor, Republican Bill Lee, it will go into effect on July 1.


from RichieFromBoston:


Things You Didn’t Know About Serial Killers

by Jared Taylor, The Unz Review:

This video is available on RumbleBitChute, and Odysee.

Most people think virtually every serial killer has been white. Almost all blacks probably agree with Nickole Cunningham, who is on San Franco’s committee to figure out how much the city owes blacks in reparations.

Terrorist Billionaires & The Future Of Food: The Global Push To Force Humanity To Eat Sometimes Deadly And Often Poisonous Insects Ties Directly To Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab And The CIA

by Amil Iman, All News Pipeline:

Let us be clear—consuming insect-based foods comes with potential health risks. These risks are primarily related to food safety and the presence of allergens or toxins in some insects.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) highlighted several food safety issues associated with edible insects, including:

Pathogens. Insects can harbor bacteria, viruses, and parasites, which can risk human health if not properly handled or cooked.

Allergens. Some insects contain allergens that can cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.

Toxins. Certain insects may contain toxins that can be harmful if consumed in large amounts.

It’s Been a Bloody Month for Bond Market Bulls

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

If you are a bond market bull, it’s been a tough month. Let’s review what happened, why, and what’s ahead.

Yield Change In Past Month

  • 2-year: +49 Basis Points
  • 5-Year: +55 Basis Points
  • 10-Year: +46 Basis Points
  • 30-Year: +38 Basis Points

And to add more injury, 30-year mortgage yields rose from 6.87 percent to 7.37 percent as of yesterday, down to 7.30 percent today according to Mortgage News Daily.

That’s a rise of 43 basis point from a month ago to today.


from Dr. Jane Ruby:


Iran Puts 100 Cruise Missiles In Place, United States Moves Destroyers Around The Red Sea As Israel Awaits ‘Imminent’ Incoming Attack From Tehran

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

Iran has reportedly readied more than 100 cruise missiles as part of an ‘imminent’ strike on Israel after the US moved more forces into the Middle East over fears an attack could spark a full-scale war.

The United States right now is absolutely expecting that Iran will unleash a potentially devastating attack on Israel, so much so that it has positioned aircraft carries and destroyers to defend the Jewish state. I cannot seem to recall the last time that America was in such a position to not only defend Israel, but to be on the front lines with them before the attack took place. You can tell it’s an election year for sure.

Democrat Equity – Progressivism in Action: This Week’s Success Stories – Oakland, Philly, San Francisco

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

The joys of Democrat Progressive living.
There’s nothing like it!

Democrat Party has a consistent track record of taking over the politics in an American city and turning it into a sh*thole in just a few short years.

Today’s example is Oakland, California.

Via Reeve Swainston:

Episode 3536: A WarRoom Special The Coup d’etat

from Bannons War Room: