Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Anti-Christian Mind of the Democrat Party

by David R. Carlin, American Thinker:

Watching a cable TV network the other day (I think it was CNN), I saw a brief discussion between a liberal and one of CNN’s token conservatives regarding the question of whether or not the Democrat party is hostile to religion.  In the discussion, the word “religion” obviously had reference above all to Christianity.  Nobody was talking about Islam or Buddhism or Hinduism, and probably not even Judaism.

The conservative asserted that the Democrat party is hostile to religion.  The liberal denied this.  To prove his point, the liberal reminded listeners that blacks are a major fraction of the Democrat party and that these same blacks are almost all of them Christian believers.  How absurd, then, to say that the party is anti-religious.

Snopes Finally Admits Trump Never Called Neo-Nazis ‘Very Fine People’

from ZeroHedge:

One of the more common lies peddled by top Democrats, including of course President Joe Biden, is that former President Donald Trump called neo-Nazis ‘very fine people’ during his press conference following the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally in 2017.

Except, anyone who watched the full clip knows it’s bullshit, which is why anyone peddling the hoax has been operating in bad faith.

Extreme Global Hunger: The UN Warns That Some Of The Poorest Areas Of The World Have “Zero Harvests” Left

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

In 2015, UN officials established a goal of completely eliminating global hunger by the year 2030.  Needless to say, they have failed dramatically.  According to the UN, someone is dying from starvation “every few seconds” as the global food crisis continues to accelerate.  Unfortunately, experts agree that what we are experiencing right now is just the beginning, because land is being degraded at a staggering pace.  As you will see below, 40 percent of the world’s land is already degraded, and it is expected that figure will reach 95 percent by 2050.  Here in the western world, we can still use various methods to temporarily improve the quality of our soil, but the head of the UN World Food Program says that in some of the poorest parts of the planet we have already reached a point where there are “zero harvests” left…

Climate Change Activists Are Scaring Children With ‘Alarming’ Lessons In Schools

by Niamh Harris, The Peoples Voice:

Former Ofsted chief Amanda Spielman has warned that climate change activists are frightening children with ‘alarming’ lessons in schools.

(Ofsted is the office for standards in education. It is responsible for inspecting a range of educational institutions, including state schools and some independent schools).

The following were told to 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 from investigating the Biden family:


Why the West’s BRAZEN THEFT of Russia’s assets will catastrophically BACKFIRE

from Health Ranger Report:


How the Deep State Infiltrated Trump’s Cabinet and How to Stop It in a Second Term

by Alex Newman, Liberty Sentinel:

In 2018, Mark Moyar, a senior political appointee at the US Agency for International Development (USAID) revealed to agency executives that he had found evidence of wrongdoing involving five career bureaucrats. A sophisticated retaliatory conspiracy, masterminded by senior bureaucrats, started when a Special Operations general falsely accused Moyar of disclosing sensitive material and resulted in Moyar’s removal.

First Look At Russia’s New Monster Glide Bomb Striking Ukraine?

from Great Game India:

First video footage purportedly shows Russia’s FAB-3000 M54 glide bombs in action, striking a Ukrainian building in Lyptsi, part of Ukraine’s northern Kharkiv region, raising concerns over new threats to Ukrainian defenses.

Russia may be deploying massive 6,600-pound bombs turned into advanced glide weapons in Ukraine, potentially creating a significant new threat. A video on a Russian Telegram channel claims to show these bombs in action, targeting a Ukrainian building. However, questions remain about the practicality and availability of these bombs, and no independent verification has been made. If true, this development could challenge Ukraine’s defenses, though the actual impact remains uncertain.



from OH MY GOD:


Major Study Confirms Covid Shots Cause Brain Damage

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A major new study has concluded that Covid mRNA shots cause brain damage and trigger multiple issues with cognition.

A team of top researchers in South Korea analyzed the electronic health records of 4.3 million individuals in Seoul.

The findings of the study were published in the MedRxiv Journal.

What the study uncovered was alarming.

U.N. has ‘plan of action’ to curtail free speech in every nation of the world

by Leo Hohmann, Leo’s Newsletter:

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says the quiet part out loud: All speech contrary to established narratives must be reined in.

Don’t look now but your First Amendment rights are up for negotiation at the United Nations, just as they are at the World Economic Forum and other globalist organizations that are aligned with the burgeoning one-world system.

On June 18, in recognition of International Day for Countering Hate Speech – yes, they actually have a day for that – the United Nations Secretary-General called for the eradication of “hate speech” around the world.

Pushback Against AI Hype is Increasing as AI Failures Continue to Increase

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

As Silicon Valley investors continue investing in the AI hype that started at the end of 2022 with Microsoft’s release of ChatGPT, many now are beginning to wake up to the fact that AI’s promises are still all hype at this point, and may never develop into the techno-prophecies that continue to make the news each day, especially in the Alternative Media.

Here is an example that was published last week in the Alternative Media that highlights the hype still surrounding AI that keeps the money flowing into this technology, based ONLY on what the techno prophets tell us is going to happen in the future, as opposed to giving us real world examples in the present as evidence that any of this could ever actually happen some day.

Biden Seeks to Delay COVID Vaccine Safety Data Release Until 2026

by Jack Montgomery, The National Pulse:

The Biden government is seeking an 18-month delay in releasing COVID-19 vaccine safety data, pushing potential disclosure until at least 2026. This regime claims an influx of pandemic-related information requests is overwhelming the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and that releasing vaccine records requires extensive staff training and onboarding, which could take up to two years.

“This is a typical government excuse which is,’ Oh, we’re so busy, we don’t have the resources to help provide you, the American people with the information that you need,’” says America First Legal lawyer, Gene Hamilton, representing Just the News, which is requesting vaccine safety records under freedom of information laws.

Biden Is In Full Denial As He Escalates His Wars

by Philip Giraldi, The Unz Review:

When are American soldiers not really engaged in combat?

Over the past week it was revealed that Congress is considering legislation that will strengthen current conscription registration requirements and could even include women. It seems that the US armed services can no longer obtain enough volunteers to meet their needs and are getting desperate given the wars both ongoing and planned by the National Security State. The Pentagon planners note how the wars in Gaza and Ukraine are also escalating alarmingly and China and Russia are being targeted over the horizon.