Saturday, October 5, 2024

The US Air Force directed the ATACMS missile strike against Russian civilians today.

Tin Foil Haturday: The Democrats Claim There Is No Lefty Pedo Cabal. Roll the Tape.

by Kevin Downey Jr, PJ Media:

I’ve been informed by the few liberals utopian socialists who still deign to speak to me that there is no secret confederacy of left-wing pedophiles ravaging hordes of children and that this was just a conspiracy theory whipped by tobaccy-chawin’, trailer-dwellin’ whackjobs. So I thought I’d pour some bourbon over an ice cube the size of the Death Star, gather some clues, and see what we can learn.

It’s now official. The Covid shots infest the entire body. But they really like the liver and ovaries.

Putin Vows To Shut Down Hollywood Adrenochrome Supply Chain

from The People’s Voice:


HISTORIC POWER OUTAGES WORLDWIDE! – Balkans Suffers Grid Collapse Not Even Seen In War! False Flag?

from World Alternative Media:


Insane Video: Two Criminals Fight To Steal FedEx Parcel Seconds After Doorstep Drop

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

There was a race to rob the package

A now viral video shows two criminals pull up behind a FedEx truck and race to steal a parcel just seconds after the driver drops it on someone’s doorstep.

ABC7 News reports that the incident took place last week in Sinking Spring, Berks County – about an hour northwest of Philadelphia.

Evil Is Now the Dominant Power in the Western World

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Can People Cope with the Challenges of Life when so Much of their Culture has been Destroyed?

Depression, the meaninglessness of life and spiritual depravation engulfs so many people today, because they no longer have the cultural knowledge gained from familiarity with their classic literature and religion which teaches how to deal with the challenges of life and how to grapple with inner demons. This knowledge has been lost. It has been excised from education as outdated, racist, not inclusive, judgmental, and white.

Another COVID “Conspiracy Theory” Becomes Reality

from Vigilant News Network:


Australia introduces controversial mind control Ministry aimed at controlling and changing men’s behavior

by Lance D Johnson, Natural News:

The totalitarian, morally-bankrupt nation of Australia has introduced a controversial new Ministry that specifically targets MEN and seeks to change MAN’s behavior. The Premier of Victoria – Jacinta Allan – has appointed a man named Tim Richardson to become the nation’s first Parliamentary Secretary for Men’s Behavior Change.

The new Ministry will seek to monitor, control and change men’s behavior throughout Australia. The Ministry will use online tools to make men have respectful dialogue with women, etc. To get the population behind this social engineering program, there must be a manufactured crisis. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and the corporate state media claim the country is experiencing a “national crisis” of “gender-based violence.” The Prime Minister suggests that all men should take responsibility for this crisis, and the government must act now!

Who Holds the Recklessly Ballooning US National Debt of $34.7 Trillion?

by Wolf Richter, Wolf Street:

All of these Treasury securities have been sold. So here are the holders.

The US national debt – now $34.7 trillion, up from $23.3 trillion in January 2020, and from $27.6 trillion in January 2021 – has spiked so fast that it would make our eyes water with disbelief, if we didn’t know better. Over the four years and five months since January 2020, it has spiked by $11.4 trillion. Since the pandemic trough, the economy has been growing rapidly, yet trillions were flying by so fast it’s hard to see them. We don’t even want to imagine what this will look like during the next recession.


WarRoom Battleground: The Lies Of Think Tanks, Pentagon, And The Deep State

from Bannons War Room:


UK PM Sunak Proposes Disabling Driving Licenses and Financial Services For Youth Avoiding National Service

by Ken Macon, Reclaim The Net:

Rishi Sunak, the British Prime Minister, recently shocked the nation with a proposal reminiscent of social credit systems for the United Kingdom. The plan suggested restricting access to essential modern conveniences, like cars and financial services, for young individuals refusing to participate in National Service.

During a Thursday night national television forum, electoral party heads fielded audience questions on a BBC-hosted program.

Sunak found himself defending a novel electoral promise – the introduction of mandatory national service for British youths if he could retain his seat. Despite bleak poll evaluations and mounting public pressure, Sunak refused to accept the possibility of defeat.

Dr. David Martin: Since 2002 coronavirus has been a man-made pathogen

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The entire exercise over the last four and half years was wilfully misleading the population into taking something through coercion that would not have otherwise ever been accepted.

“Since 2002, there has not been a coronavirus; there has been an engineered pathogen.  Engineered by Ralph Baric at the University of Carolina Chapel Hill where, in 2002, he patented the’ infectious, replication defective, clone of coronavirus’,” Dr. David Martin said.

“The ‘coronavirus’ that has been branded to be part of covid-19, does not exist.  What does exist is a pathogen modelled off of properties of what was once upon a time isolated as coronavirus,” he explained. “Properties that increased its pathogenicity [and] increased its toxicity but … decreased its transmissibility … In 2002 it was patented to be non-transmissable.”