Sunday, July 7, 2024

John Grisham Finds Justice Not in the System, but in the System’s Defeat

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

A while back I wrote about British female authors of mystery novels during 1920-1940, such as Agatha Christy, Dorothy Sayers, Ngaio Marsh, and Elspeth Huxley, the last two being colonial British. I noted at the time that even in the case of murder in the novels, those decades as portrayed in the novels were a highly civilized period in England. Readers have let me know that they, also, have found relief from our woeful times in the civilized recent past described in British mystery novels.

As an aside, I cannot help but say that ideological feminists who claim the oppression of women are ignorant beyond belief. Female authors became very wealthy. Their books sold in millions of copies–and not only to women.

Obama Meets With U.K. Spooks: Traitor & Former President Attempt To Get Story Straight

from Stew Peters Network:


OMG: Shocking footage shows trans Pentagon employee argue for repealing 2A, packing SCOTUS, abolishing electoral college, and opening the border

from Natural News:

In the newest video from James O’Keefe’s O’Keefe Media Group, a Department of Defense employee was heard saying that the Second Amendment should be repealed, only the government should have guns, and that the Supreme Court needs to be packed.

(Article by Hannah Nightingale republished from

“I think we should repeal the Second Amendment and take the guns all away,” said Jason Beck, who works in Total Force Requirements & Sourcing Policy in the office of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

EU Passes the AI Act — A Law Accused of Legalizing Biometric Mass Surveillance in Europe

by Didi Rankovic, Reclaim The Net:

Particularly as it relates to travel.

The European Parliament (EP) has passed the AI Act, a piece of legislation that started to be drafted back in 2021 as a way to prevent mass surveillance based on biometrics – but has now in fact promoted this practice into law.

And it’s a law that will enter into force this May after receiving a “blessing” from the Council of the EU, to then be implemented starting 2025.

The Royal Family Is LYING About King Charles and Princess Kate | Redacted w Natali & Clayton Morris

from Redacted News:


Just Like Pharma? Bayer Lobbies for Liability Shield After Juries Side With People Harmed by Pesticides

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

After a series of lawsuits alleging Roundup caused cancer led to high-dollar judgments against Bayer, the company is lobbying state legislatures to shield it from future lawsuits and to annul at least some of the 50,000 claims that are currently active, according to a New Republic report.

In 2018, German pharmaceutical giant Bayer acquired Monsanto, producer of the controversial pesticide Roundup, in a $63 billion all-cash deal described at the time as an “important milestone toward the vision of creating a leading agricultural company.”

Ron Paul calls out the RINOs in Congress:

Hunter Biden Ex-Business Partners To Go Scorched Earth On Bidens, House Democrats In Testimony

by Reagan Reese and Henry Rodgers, The Daily Caller:

Several of Hunter Biden’s ex-business partners are planning to go scorched earth on the first son and his father, President Joe Biden and House Democrats during a congressional hearing on Wednesday, according to opening statements obtained by the Daily Caller.

As a part of the the House Oversight and Accountability committee’s investigation into President Biden’s potential involvement into Hunter’s foreign business, Tony Bobulinski and Jason Galanis will appear for a testimony on Tuesday. Bobulinski blasted those who have criticized his character through his testimonials and Galanis detailed the value the Biden name brought to business deals, according to opening statements obtained by the Daily Caller.

Episode 3472: The Misinformation Of The Mainstream With Trump, Immigration, And The Economy

from Bannons War Room:


Pope Francis denounces ‘anti-vaxxers,’ calls COVID jab refusal an ‘almost suicidal act of denial’

by Michael Haynes, LifeSite News:

VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis has issued fresh condemnation of critics of the abortion-tainted COVID-19 injections, saying that opposition to the shots “distressed” him since “being against the antidote is an almost suicidal act of denial.”

Speaking as part of his newly released memoirs, in a series of interviews conducted by journalist Fabio Marchese Ragona, Pope Francis highlighted his thoughts and responses to the COVID-19 era, including the abortion-tainted COVID jabs and his warm welcome of them.

COVID-19 Was a Coup D’État

by Dr. James Alexander, Daily Sceptic:

The estimable David McGrogan has done much for bringing an understanding of law to the pages of the Daily Sceptic. In an era in which everyone talks about science, it is very important that there will be some of us who keep talking about law — and literature — and politics.

McGrogan’s latest essay argued — it was a complicated piece and worth summarising — that Lord Diplock, a renowned old horse-rider of a lawyer, told the House of Lords in 1985 that he could see no reason why the lawyers shouldn’t be able to subject prerogative powers to judicial review. (McGrogan is very funny on the trickiness of the bland phrase, “I see no reason”.) This was part of the thing Jonathan Sumption has written about in his recent non-historical books: the tendency of lawyers to turn political convention into legal regulation: that is, more simply, the tendency of law lords to go after power. But the broader point is about the civil service.

The Ben Armstrong Show | How Much More Can Our Country Take?

from The New American:


Squatters Displace Owner From Her House

from Moonbattery:

Under anarchotyranny, 13-year-olds face criminal charges for displaying disapproved attitudes on social media. Meanwhile, law-abiding citizens are at the mercy of criminals. From New York:

[Adele] Andaloro inherited her family’s home in Flushing, Queens after her parents passed away. She was in the process of selling it when she noticed a problem. Someone changed the entire front door and lock of her home.

She managed to get in the house, brandishing her deed to it. Her belongings were gone. Strange men were living there. They called the police on her.