Friday, September 6, 2024

There is a flash of light when life is created and scientists can’t explain why…

HAITI HELL: Unelected Transition Council Chooses THIRD Prime Minister in a Month, a UN Official Linked to the Clintons


by Paul Serran, The Gateway Pundit:

The two Haitis seem to remain in a collision course.

In the first Haiti, the elegant political class in their salons keep making unelected political decisions about the future of the country, but these decisions don’t necessarily apply to the second Haiti, the real life one, in which the heavily armed rebel gangs have territorial domain over 80% of the capital Port-au-prince.

$244 Billion of Treasury Debt to Hit the Market Today and Tomorrow as Interest Rates Spike on Ballooning Supply

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

When Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell held his press conference on May 1 to explain the Fed’s latest policy actions, more than a dozen reporters showed up to ask questions. Those reporters came from every major business news outlet. (See transcript here.)

But on the same date, when the U.S. Treasury’s Assistant Secretary for Financial Markets, Josh Frost, conducted a press conference to announce the details of the Treasury’s plans to issue $125 billion in Treasury debt securities (quarterly refunding), only one reporter from Bloomberg News showed up to ask questions. (See the awkward video at this link.)

The World Has Accumulated A $315 Trillion Mountain Of Debt, And Global Events Will Soon Bring It Crashing Down

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

I suppose that congratulations are in order.  It is no small feat to pile up a debt of $315,000,000,000,000, and we will never see a mountain of debt of this magnitude ever again after it comes crashing down.  Even though delinquency rates are rising all over the world, as long as conditions remain at least somewhat relatively stable the game will be able to continue.  Unfortunately, conditions won’t be relatively stable for long.  Global events have started to accelerate significantly, and that is really going to shake things up in the months ahead.

Civilian BLOODBATH In Rafah: Israel SLAUGHTERS Innocent Kids In Rafah “Safe House” Refugee Camp

from Stew Peters Network:


WEF Orders US Farmers To Slaughter MILLIONS of Chickens To Prevent Bird Flu

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

The World Economic Forum has ordered US farmers to slaughter millions of healthy chickens as a preventative measure to stop the spread of bird flu.

Crews have already begun the process of killing 4.2 million chickens in Iowa after one case of bird flu was detected at a farm.

Overall, almost 100 million birds have been killed since the alleged outbreak began in 2022, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.


by Harley Schlanger, LaRouche Organization:

On May 21, Tass news service confirmed that Russian forces will begin military exercises near its border with Ukraine, to simulate loading tactical nuclear warheads onto delivery vehicles. These will include Iskander tactical missiles and hypersonic Kinzhal missiles. There has been no confirmation as to whether the exercises will include test-firing of the missiles.

The Tass dispatch explained that these exercises are a response to “the provocative statements made by western officials”, specifically citing the green-light given to Ukraine by British Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron to use long-range missiles provided by the U.K. to hit targets in Russia. Following a previously-unannounced meeting with President Zelensky on May 21, U.S. Secretary of State Blinken indicated that the U.S. may follow suit, and lift its ban on using U.S.-supplied weapons to hit Russia.

US Hopes to Convince EU to ‘Steal’ Russian Assets for Ukraine

by M Dowling, Independent Sentinel:

The US financial system is facing a catastrophic loss of credibility, sending even more nations to BRICS. The latest plan is to take Russian assets and give them to Ukraine. They will call it sanctions. Some G7 nations don’t want to do it because they have much more to lose than the US.

Since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the U.S. has sanctioned more than 4,000 people and businesses, including 80% of Russia’s banking sector by assets. It hasn’t changed the course of events, but it has pushed nations toward BRICS. Thailand now wants to join BRICS. We haven’t seen the results yet because it’s not completely off the ground, but it will kill the US dollar.

Covid Shots during Pregnancy Cause Brain Damage in Offspring, Study Warns

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A new peer-reviewed study has warned that Covid mRNA shots have been found to cause brain damage in offspring when administered to mothers during pregnancy.

The medical study, conducted by prominent scientists in Turkey, was published in the prestigious Springer journal.

The researchers gave pregnant rats an mRNA Covid vaccination during lab tests.

CENSORSHIP is VIOLENCE against humanity

from Health Ranger Report:


The Crumbling Empire: Will America’s Defense of Israel be Her Last Stand?

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

This past Sunday, during the Memorial Day weekend as Americans were out celebrating the weekend holiday that traditionally kicks off the Summer Season, Israel bombed a refugee camp in Gaza where dozens of innocent people, including women and children, died horrible deaths as many of them were burned alive.

Those who view the current war in Israel through the eyes of Zionism may try to claim this is fake news as they do almost every time a news outlet reports the massacre of innocent women and children in Gaza, cannot do so this time, as Netanyahu himself admitted that this was true, as he vowed to continue the bombing.

‘Ukraine Is Losing’ – NATO Chief Urges Strikes on Russia with Western Weapons.

by Jack Montgomery, The National Pulse:

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg says “the time has come” for NATO governments to greenlight direct strikes on Russia using Western weapons. Before now, Western governments have asked that the Ukrainians not launch Western missiles into Russia proper — excluding the Crimea and other territories annexed from Ukraine. Stoltenberg and 24 NATO governments now want to escalate the alliance’s proxy war with Moscow.

“The time has come for allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions they have imposed on weapons donated to Ukraine,” Stoltenberg said in Bulgaria. “NATO’s main goal is not to fight war. It should prevent war. NATO’s goal is peace,” he added, despite the proposed measure being likely to intensify and potentially expand the war in Ukraine.


from The Salty Cracker:


Tony Timpa died after a cop kneeled on his neck for 14 minutes, and here’s why you’ve never heard of him…

from Revolver News:

Last week marked the anniversary of Saint George Floyd’s death. On May 25th, 2020, this career criminal and drug addict attempted to pass a counterfeit $20 bill. When the police arrived to arrest him, the lumbering giant fought back, setting off a series of events that would alter history—thanks to deceitful Democrats, the propaganda media, and some spineless Republicans. George Floyd was practically canonized because he died while actively breaking the law: carrying drugs, passing fake bills, resisting arrest, and God only knows what else. It was a shameful spectacle to witness. Police officers were kneeling to honor a man who once held a loaded gun to a pregnant woman’s belly and threatened to kill her, while his buddies ransacked and robbed her home.