Thursday, March 6, 2025

JFK Assassination Witness Breaks 60-Year Silence and Blows Up Key Government Claim Regarding the President’s Death – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Responds


by Cullen Linebarger, The Gateway Pundit:

A somewhat unexpected twist has emerged in the JFK assassination saga, which blows a hole in a critical government narrative surrounding his death.

On Saturday, 88-year-old Paul Landis gave an exclusive interview with The New York Times where he shared he shared his revelations regarding what happened November 22, 1963, in Dallas — the day JFK was allegedly assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. Landis that year was a Secret Service agent assigned to First Lady Jackie Kennedy’s protective detail, as the Daily Mail notes.

Why We Need To Understand What Happened at Pearl Harbor

by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

In the Ukraine war, we have seen how the state uses lies and propaganda to get us into war. It will stop at nothing to pursue its nefarious schemes. To understand fully how the state operates, it’s essential to understand what happened at Pearl Harbor.

Why is this important? Murray Rothbard explains: “Some readers might ask: why?  What’s the point?  Isn’t this just a raking up of old coals?  Aren’t we merely pursuing an antiquarian interest when we examine in such detail what happened over a quarter-century ago?  The answer is that this subject, far from being antiquarian, is crucial to the understanding of where we are now and how we got that way.  For America’s entry into World War II was the crucial act in expanding the United States from a republic into an Empire, and in spreading that Empire throughout the world, replacing the sagging British Empire in the process. 

Spanish Death Data – Part 4 of Vaccine Evangelists, Apostates, and Apologists.

by Jordan Henderson, Activist Post:

We’ve reviewed in this essay series historical infectious disease mortality, and the introduction (or lack thereof) of widespread vaccination for various diseases in England and Wales, in Australia, and in the USA (we reviewed this in Part 2: Apostasy).

We’ve seen how the historical data available for these countries directly contradicts the messages preached by the Vaccine Evangelists (we reviewed their preaching in Part 1: The Evangelists).

Details Of Saudi Arabia’s Shocking Plan To Divide The Holy Land

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

One of the most important international agreements in modern history is being secretly negotiated behind the scenes, and once it is publicly announced it could fundamentally change the geography of the Middle East.  I wrote about this last week, but I have learned more since that time.  As part of a blockbuster deal to normalize relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, the Saudis want to achieve some sort of a diplomatic breakthrough for the Palestinians.  That won’t be an independent Palestinian state, because Benjamin Netanyahu would never accept such an outcome.  But the Saudis have floated another plan that might be acceptable to Netanyahu’s government, and it would result in a historic division of the Holy Land.

BUILDING 7: The 9/11 Controlled Demolition That Woke The World; Molten Metal & Thermitic Material

from Tim Truth:


NWO Cyber-Terrorists Launch Major Attack on SQUARE & CASH APP Right After CEO Jack Dorsey Started Retweeting Content by VIP Truth-Tellers

from State Of The Nation:

SQUARE & CASH APP Payment Platforms Taken Down Nationwide Via Massive Cyber-Attack
SOTN Editor’s Note:  The Tyrannical Technocracy just leapt to a new plateau of brazenness and recklessness in the their perpetration of cyber-attacks on any major platform that does not conform with their woke New World Order agenda.

Americans Divided As Mask Mandates Make Comeback Amid COVID-19 Surge

by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:

Titles to articles like this infuriate me. By adapting to their narrative, you play right into their fear narrative. More than half the population are clueless idiot sheep who will do as instructed by their overlords. There is no fucking surge in Covid-19 cases. First of all, all the left wing narrative spewers (NYT, Johns Hopkins, WEF) stopped tracking Covid cases in March 2023 because their narrative was kaput.

Russia and China have effectively ditched the dollar – Moscow

from Azerbaycan 24:

The share of the greenback in trade between the countries has dropped to a historic low, according to a Foreign Ministry official © Getty Images / Oleg Elkov

The de-dollarization of Russia-China trade is practically complete, according to Georgy Zinoviev, the director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s First Asian Department, as cited by RIA Novosti.


from The Salty Cracker:


Prof. Fukushima at Press Conference. (No.1) “This is not drug harm. To be clear, the vaccine is not a drug, but a bioweapon with all kinds of toxicity. So many people have died because of distribution of the bioweapon. It’s a massacre. It’s a Holocaust.