Thursday, September 19, 2024

Public School Nurses Trained to Hide Kids’ ‘Gender Transitions’ from Parents

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A Colorado school district coordinator has been caught training nurses to keep students’ “gender transitions” hidden from their parents.

Poudre School District (PSD) LGBTQ Coordinator Shayna Seitchik’s radical teachings were exposed in a presentation obtained by the Daily Caller.

On April 27, 2022, Seitchik gave a presentation titled “LGBQIA+ considerations for PSD school nurses” that taught the school’s medical professionals different gender transitioning vocabulary such as “puberty-blocking medicines,” “hormone therapy,” “top surgery” and chest “binder.”

Computer-modeled severe-weather trend forecasting distorts reality


from WND:

Coastal residents and mariners are ‘bombarded annually by hurricane alarmism’

While media reports on major weather events convey the distinct impression that catastrophic climate change is causing an unprecedented increase in the frequency and severity of hurricanes, the reality turns out to be quite different.

BREAKING: 2023 Banking Collapse Just ECLIPSED 2008!!! Market to Lose 45% by Fall, Experts Say

from Man in America:


Google Computer Scientist Quits So He Can Warn World Of ‘Scary’ And ‘Dangerous’ AI

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

Warns that “bad actors” will attempt to use AI for “bad things”

A Google computer scientist dubbed the ‘Godfather’ of AI has quit the company, stating that he did so in order to warn the world of the dangers that the technology presents as big-tech engages in an AI arms race.

Geoffrey Hinton responded Monday to a New York Times article that insinuated he had quit Google in order to criticise the company, noting that the real reason was he actually wanted to freely talk about the dangers of AI.

France on strike

by Claudio Grass, Claudio Grass:

The roots of the injustice that brought over a million to the streets 

It is the core of a long running joke that the French love to strike more than they like to work – and for good reason. Demonstrations, strikes and even riots, have been a common occurrence for decades. However, this latest round seems to be interestingly persistent, despite the fact that it’s receiving increasingly sparse media coverage.

Magnetic Rain? (Activist Video)

from Dane Wigington:



from State Of The Nation:

Controlled Demolition In Progress of All Banks That Are Not TOO BIG TO FAIL

But what exactly are the Khazarian banksters up to with this black operation?

Will Tucker Host a Trump Debate? (Ep. 2005)

from The Dan Bongino Show:


BRICS to lay foundation for EXPANSION: 13 Nations formally asked to join group, 6 others expressed interest

by Arsenio Toledo, Natural News:

Nineteen nations have expressed interest in joining the BRICS group of nations. The bloc of emerging markets and developing economies made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa will be meeting in Cape Town in the latter nation from June 2 to 3 to discuss its possible enlargement.

“What will be discussed is the expansion of BRICS and the modalities of how this will happen,” said South African Ambassador to BRICS Anil Sooklal in an interview with Bloomberg. “Thirteen countries have formally asked to join and another six have asked informally. We are getting applications to join every day.” (Related: Potential BRICS expansion could mark end of dollar as world’s pre-eminent currency.)

Covid-19 pandemic is over – WHO

from RT:

The World Health Organization has said that coronavirus no longer qualifies as a global emergency

After more than three years and nearly 7 million dead, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that Covid-19 is no longer a global health emergency. Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus officially downgraded the status of the disease on Friday while stressing it remained a “global health threat.”

Next PLANDEMIC Already Underway: Global Elites To HYPE Marburg Virus FEAR & Deploy Next Bioweapon?

from Stew Peters Network:


Just going to leave this here for now #BankFailures

JUST IN – COVID no longer a “global health emergency,” WHO declares.

Fed’s Balance Sheet Plunges by $230 Billion in 6 Weeks, Biggest such Plunge in 14 Years

by Wolf Richter, Wolf Street:

Massive gyrations on the balance sheet after FDIC’s take-down of First Republic, sale of its assets to JP Morgan, and FDIC’s loan to JPM.

Today we were served a special spectacle on the Federal Reserve’s weekly balance sheet. Total assets dropped by $59 billion in the week, and by $230 billion in the six weeks since peak bank bailout, to $8.50 trillion, as QT continued on track with a big Treasury securities roll-off, and as First Republic, the FDIC, and JP Morgan were splattered all over this balance sheet.

Microsoft forces Edge on Users: Outlook and Teams to override default browser preferences on windows


by Cindy Harper, Reclaim The Net:

More anti-competitive practices.

In yet another attempt to force users to use Edge browser, Microsoft has begun notifying IT admins that Outlook and Teams will ignore the default browser users have set on Windows and open links in Edge.

“Web links from Azure Active Directory (AAD) accounts and Microsoft (MSA) accounts in the Outlook for Windows app will open in Microsoft Edge in a single view showing the opened link side-by-side with the email it came from,” the message to IT admins reads.