Saturday, October 5, 2024

New Global Internet Censorship Tool Kit – By GOOGLE

by Michael McKay, Activist Post:

Google’s new global censorship tool’s purpose (found HERE) is to eliminate dissent on any topic Google selects.

Google’s partners are the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), plus 71 PAGES of other partners listed in the fine print on this website.

Basic Home Safety Plans for the Duration – Part 2

by Michael X., Survival Blog:

(Continued from Part 1. This concludes the article.)


Sadly, I have found that it is very easy to not use the proper protective equipment. If I happen upon a piece of work that needs doing, I have a tendency to just start it. If a person doesn’t think about the proper tools and processes used for a task, they may not use them. If they don’t think about the risks with the work, or they decide the proper tools and PPE is inconvenient to get, they may just start the job. I have learned some hard lessons in this area, mostly cuts, slivers, and sprains.

ARE WE DUPES? 100% Federal Income Tax is Stolen from the People w/ former IRS Agent Dr. Jackson

from Sarah Westall:


See how (what calls itself) “the left” today is nothing but a bio-fascist lynch mob

by Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground:

Two ugly moments, one from 1957 and one from just the other day, together tell us that America—and all the “democratic” West—is in an even darker place than they were then

New COVID-19 Variants: Propaganda Is Ramping Up and the COVID Con Is Back On

by Dr. William Makis, Global Research:

I will review latest COVID variant propaganda published on Aug. 7, 2023 by USA today, and a substack by one of USA’s top COVID con-artists Dr.Eric Topol:

EG.5.1 – “Eris Variant”

On Aug. 7, 2023, USA Today ran a story about the new COVID-19 variant being pushed by big pharma as becoming the prevalent one in the US and UK: EG.5.1, nicknamed “Eris”.

Human Rights Council Seeks To Criminalize Criticism of Pedophilia

from The Alex Jones Show:


Ukrainian ‘Kill Teams’ Using U.S.-Supplied Black Hawks to ‘Carry Out Assassinations Inside of Russia’

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Ukrainian special forces “kill teams” are using US-supplied Black Hawk helicopters to carry out cross-border assassinations inside of Russia, according to a new report from The Times.

The US specifically told Ukraine not to use US-supplied equipment to attack inside of Russia at the start of the war to avoid dragging the US into the war and risking WW3 but now they’re just looking the other way as Ukraine is regularly striking Russian territory (most likely using US-supplied intelligence).

Rand Paul Escalates Fauci Criminal Referral

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

Biden DOJ failed to even respond

Senator Rand Paul has escalated his previous criminal referral of Anthony Fauci after the Biden Department of Justice failed to respond or take any action.

Paul tweeted Tuesday “Because of the DOJ’s inaction regarding Fauci’s lies to congress, I’ve now sent a criminal referral to D.C. U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves. I’m demanding an investigation.”

Americans are being impoverished, poisoned, exterminated and REPLACED

from Health Ranger Report:


Putin’s Excessive Caution Is Leading Directly to WW III

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

After 18 months of an ever widening war, Putin is still unable to recognize the failure of his “limited military operation.”  Far from convincing Washington that his interests are limited to protecting the Russian people in former Russian territory who were dumped by Soviet leaders into the Ukraine province of the Soviet Union, Putin has convinced Washington that Russia is weak and that he is irresolute.  

The consequence has been an ever widening war and a massive expansion of NATO on Russia’s northwestern border with the addition of Finland and Sweden to NATO.  And now Putin’s hesitancy, which seems permanent, is bringing him the occupation of western Ukraine by the Polish army.

STUDY: Most Americans have been “vaccinated” for covid whether they wanted it or not due to “shedding”

by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

Researchers at the University of Colorado have published a study showing that it does not really matter if you just said no to Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination” because more than likely a “fully vaccinated” family member, friend, or even neighbor “shed” the jab on you regardless.

According to the experts at CU, aerosol transmission of antibodies represents “an entirely unrecognized mechanism by which passive immune protection may be communicated.” In other words, the fully jabbed are spilling the vial contents not only inside their own bodies by getting pricked but also to others who come near them simply through proximity.


from The Red Elephants:


Massive Voter Fraud Exposed? (Ep. 2064)

from The Dan Bongino Show:


The Occult Meaning of Doja Cat’s “Paint the Town Red”

from Vigilant Citizen:

The video “Paint the Town Red” features Doja Cat removing one of her eyes to then descend into a diabolical adventure that is highly symbolic. Here’s the meaning of this video and its messages about the music industry.

If you’ve been following this site, you’re probably aware of the fact that Doja Cat is one of the industry’s current “it girls”. Like the many others who preceded her (and the many others who will follow her), Doja Cat is currently profiting from an artificial, inorganic surge of media attention. This translates to magazine photoshoots, invitations to high-profile events such as the MET Gala, and lucrative contracts with companies such as Victoria’s Secret.