Saturday, October 5, 2024

‘He Was Alive’: Tormented Chinese Doctor Recounts Harvesting Organs in Back of Van

from The Epoch Times:

Stepping into the van guarded by armed soldiers with five surgeons and nurses, Zheng Zhi didn’t know he was entering into a world that would haunt him for the next quarter of a century.

Dr. Zheng, then a resident doctor at one of China’s largest military hospitals, knew little more than they were on a “secret military mission” near a military prison located around the northeastern Chinese city of Dalian.

A light blue fabric covered the four sides of the vehicle, shielding it from any curious glances.

Biden Crime Family Subpoenas, Karen Kingston Marked for Death, Hawaii Burns

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

It’s about to get ugly for the Biden’s in the coming weeks.  Representative James Comer says Congress is going to subpoena the Bidens to get to the bottom of the alleged bribes paid to President Joe Biden’s family with the help of bagman Hunter Biden.  One report says Comer believes new evidence, including testimony from Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Devon Archer, directly implicated the President in his son’s foreign business calls.  IRS whistleblowers and FBI documents show millions of dollars have gone to the Biden family from foreign sources like China without good reason.

Poisons, Potions, And Programming … All Part Of Global Control Experimentation

from DollarVigilante:


WeWork’s Stock Imploded to 13 Cents Yesterday; Its Cult-Master, Adam Neumann, Cashed Out Years Ago and Is a Billionaire


by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

That office space company we warned our readers about so extensively in 2019, WeWork, collapsed to 13 cents a share yesterday. Its bonds were trading at about 13 cents on the dollar.

WeWork’s stock has been on a steady decline since the company began to trade publicly on October 21, 2021. The chart above shows how investors would have fared in WeWork stock versus a 10-year U.S. Treasury note since WeWork started trading in 2021.



from Mark Dice:


An Open Letter To Joe Biden: The American People Are Absolutely Sick And Tired Of “Bidenomics”

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

Thanks Joe Biden!  Ever since you entered the White House, economic conditions have taken a major turn for the worse.  We have been experiencing the most painful inflation crisis since the Jimmy Carter era, more than 60 percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, the U.S. actually lost 585,000 full-time jobs last month, consumers now owe more than a trillion dollars on their credit cards, the housing bubble has started to burst, and the most dramatic commercial real estate crisis in U.S. history has begun.  Needless to say, the American people are fed up.  According to a brand new Reuters/Ipsos survey that was just released, a whopping 73 percent of all Americans believe that the economy is in worse condition than it was five years ago


from Dr. Jane Ruby:


Where is Hillary’s Indictment on the Same Charges as Trump?

by Daniel Greenfield, FrontPage Mag:

The Clinton campaign is actually guilty of the electoral coup Trump was indicted for.

On December 12, 2016 (or D12), the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign endorsed a call by Christine Pelosi, the daughter of then House Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi, as well as other electors to receive an “intelligence briefing” on how “Russian interference was performed to help Donald Trump get elected” from Obama’s Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.


from SGT Report:

Jim Willie joins me to discuss banana Joe, the UD debt bomb, CBDC’s and BRICS gold. Thanks for tuning in.

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Biden: ‘We’re Preparing the Military’ to ‘Deal with the Climate Stuff’

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Democrat President Joe Biden has revealed that the federal government is “preparing the military” to “deal with” so-called “climate change.”

Biden made the claim during a softball interview with the Weather Channel.

Biden sat down with the Weather Channel’s Stephanie Abrams during his visit to the Grand Canyon on Tuesday.

The interview focused on “climate change” propaganda and deceitfully linking “global warming” to “extreme weather.”

Whistleblower Karen Kingston Flees U.S. Claiming Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Advisor Dr. Robert Malone Ordered a CIA Assassination of Her

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Some of our readers have alerted me to an explosive video published by Karen Kingston on her GETTR account on August 6, 2023.

She claims to be video streaming from Mexico, where she said she had gone because it was no longer safe for her to travel in the U.S., because Dr. Robert Malone, who is an advisor to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a current candidate for the President of the United States, had allegedly worked with the CIA to put Karen on a hit list to be assassinated.

Trump Coming Back Is Already Spooking Western Elites Who Will Reminisce His First Term

by Martin Jay, Strategic Culture:

Should western elites and even NATO itself be afraid of Donald Trump returning to the White House in 2024? It’s an entirely valid question given that the elites’ own ‘news’ website in Brussels – Politico – penned a piece recently which argued not only should they be bothered, but they should also prepare themselves for it right now.

Trump’s return as U.S. president is looking more and more inevitable by the day, driven by the nefarious meddling of the Biden administration and its determination to put him into jail, where they, erroneously, think his bid for the White House ends. Even the most obscure French MP which Politico wheeled out to endorse its article accepts this, so what would 2024 look like with Trump back in the Oval Office for Europeans?

Disinformation Specialists, Conspiracies, And Attempts To Discredit Independent Media As A Whole To Drive The Newly Awakened Back To The MSM Propaganda Networks, Or To Go Out And Repeat Disinformation

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

For the past few months we have been seeing an uptick in not just out-there conspiracy theories being pushed in the comment sections, and while there is nothing wrong with that, a lot of them have been proven true over the years, as owners of a website that readers have been coming to for years and year, we have the responsibility to not break the trust of those that come to All News PipeLine for the truth.

JUST US – The Rising Tide of Civil Unrest

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

I have said that the reason they indicted Trump’s valet as a co-defendant in the Mar-a-Lago, was to pull the standard “extortion” where he is to perjury himself for the government or face 120 years in prison. This is how they win Conspiracy Cases. Federal Judge Jed. S. Rakoff wrote a book on the extortion process – WHY THE INNOCENT PLEAD GUILTY AND THE GUILTY GO FREE.