Saturday, October 5, 2024

NY Democrat Rep, Charles Barron says he’s proud that white people are leaving his community.


Learn the Truth About Chinese Lasers Causing Fires in Hawaii

from AlexandraBruce:


Nearly a fourth of states introducing biometric digital IDs — and more than half are Republican ‘red’ states

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

If there is one indisputable fact when it comes to the epic changes now enveloping the world as everything, even money and humans themselves, become digitized, it’s this: The race to install a global totalitarian control grid is taking place outside of the normal left-right paradigm.

Everything you see being argued within a left-right dynamic is a smoke-screen meant to distract and deceive.

Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist Signs Declaration: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A world-renowned, Nobel Prize-winning scientist has joined hundreds of other leading experts and academics in signing the World Climate Declaration (WCD).

Dr. John Clauser has now officially put his name to the World Climate Declaration (WCD) which states that “there is no climate emergency.”

As Slay News recently reported, Clauser sent shockwaves through the “global boiling” alarmism industry by declaring that the “climate crisis” narrative is a hoax.

The Climate Change Con Has Literally Terrorized An Entire Generation Into Thinking The World Is Burning – The Only ‘Man-Made’ Climate Change Is From Geoengineering And Weather Warfare


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

Man-made climate change has got to be one the biggest cons every perpetrated on the the entire global community.

Is it hot this summer? Yes. Is there “record-breaking heat this summer? Yes. Those are the headlines being blared all across the world, causing panic, terrifying children who are being indoctrinated to believe in “man-made” “climate change” will be the cause of human extinction.

Make no mistake, the only thing “man-made” about our weather comes from government geoengineering, and not fossil fuels.

The entire climate change scenario is manufactured, and in many cases, used as part of weather warfare.

Warning to the Followers of Satan: God has Energy Weapons Too

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

We now know that Satan and the Globalists who serve him have tipped their hand as to their current campaign in their war against humanity, by massacring innocent people on the island of Maui, which includes children who were at home the day the terrorist attack occurred because school was canceled that day, in what clearly looks to be some kind of energy weapon of mass destruction that causes fire that melts metal but does not burn down trees or wooden structures.

Where’s the Darn Recession?


by Jim Rickards, Daily Reckoning:

Analyzing today’s economic conditions is a challenge.

If the world is in good economic health, you can describe the policy reasons behind that condition and identify specific stocks and sectors that will outperform the market.

You’d point to trends such as low inflation, positive real interest rates (a sign of strong growth resulting from a healthy competition for funds) and stable exchange rates (indicating that investment decisions are made on the basis of fundamentals rather than speculation).

The Walker Art Center has received millions of dollars in taxpayer funds through Minnesota’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

What Is Happening In Syria?

by Philip Giraldi, The Unz Review:

Washington’s interventionism and its disregard for its own highly promoted “rules based international order” is outrageous

Which are the governments generally regarded as “rogue” by an overwhelming majority of the world’s nations? If you answered either Russia or China you would be wrong, even though many countries have condemned Russia’s attack on Ukraine on grounds that no government has an intrinsic right to invade another unless there is an imminent serious threat that would excuse such an intervention. I would however expect that most readers of this review would have made the right choice, which is that the United States is probably number one based on its ability to destabilize whole regions with a military reach that spans the globe. And indeed, it is important to note that the Russian “special military operation” directed against Ukraine would not have happened at all if the Joe Biden Administration had simply indicated clearly and non-ambiguously to the Russian government that there was no intention of allowing Ukraine to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) alliance.

Scott Ritter Scrubbed From Youtube

by Declan Hayes, Strategic Culture:

The best place to begin a discussion of b scrubbing Scott Ritter from its public arena is with former English football international Matt Le Tissier, whose footprint can be still found all over social media.

In his interviews, Le Tissier comes across as a nice, well-balanced guy, who exudes the abundance of confidence which he himself admits made him such a formidable spot kicker for Southampton FC, which he loyally served for an impressive 16 years, despite getting much better offers from Spurs and other big clubs.


from Arcadia Economics:


Christians Barred from Fostering Children in Massachusetts


by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

I reported in April that Oregon’s Department of Human Services announced it would prevent some Christian families from adopting children due to their “extreme views.” Potential adopters now receive an ideological litmus test to ensure that parents adhere to the woke agenda and will agree to let their child transition to any gender at whim.


from The Healthy American:


The Satanists Have Put Their ‘Death Machines’ Into Hyper Drive – As More Awaken To Their March Towards Oblivion And 2025 Grows Near, Expect They’ve Unleashed The Next Bioweapon

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

Way back on March 17th of 2020, All News Pipeline published this story titled “‘Lock Step’: 2010 Rockefeller Foundation Paper Laid Out Ominous Scenario How A Pandemic Could Be Used To Lock Down Society With Alarming Implications For Our Post-Pandemic Future,” a story within which we referenced a mysterious ‘exercise‘ called ‘Event 201,’ and a story called a ‘crazy conspiracy theory‘ by TPTB who’ve been waging a very real war upon everybody going against their agenda ever since.


by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

By now we’ve all heard of the disastrous, and sad, fires on Maui that have wiped out hundreds of people’s homes, livelihoods, and tragically ended the lives of many. If you’re wondering why I’ve not commented until now, it is because  like many of you, I’m  shocked and saddened that these fires caused so much damage, and seemingly struck without much of a warning. Unlike the propatainment media, I did not want to comment in my usual fashion about my suspicions about these fires, because it was just not “right” nor the time to do so.  Needless to say, such attempt to maintain some tact was utterley absent from the propatainment media which wasted no time invoking its nutty climate change narrative, beating even the Bai Den Dzhao misadministration to that punch. Indeed, in a rare display of sensitivity and tact, and to his rare credit, the “president” refraining from making any reference to that narrative.