Sunday, July 7, 2024

Julie Kelly: The DOJ Is Going to Indict Trump – May Put Him in Prison Until His Trial (VIDEO)

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Investigative reporter Julie Kelly joined Jesse Kelly on his podcast this past weekend. During their discussion, Julie Kelly described the implications of the Proud Boys trial that ended last week.

The DC kangaroo court found all five of the Proud Boys members guilty on Friday. Four of the members were found guilty of the junk charge of “seditious conspiracy.”

The jury agreed that the government proved the existence of seditious conspiracy (a complete joke).
Proud Boy Ethan Nordean – guilty of seditious conspiracy

Tucker Carlson Is About to Go to War With Fox News

by Matt Margolis, PJ Media:

After being abruptly taken off the air from Fox News in late April, Tucker Carlson has been rather mum about his next move. He’s got plenty of outstanding offers from networks waiting for him to be released from him contract, and it looks like he’s about to give the top brass at the network major headaches.

Elon Musk: Why Does The Media Misrepresent Interracial Crime Stats ‘To Such An Extreme Degree’?

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News:

Twitter CEO Elon Musk on Saturday questioned why the media misrepresents “the real situation” when it comes to interracial violence “to such an extreme degree.”

The media’s lies are getting innocent people killed and may be inciting more anti-white violence than ever.

Central Bank Gold Buying Off To A Record-Breaking Start In 2023, Led By Singapore

from ZeroHedge:

It may not be the off the charts gold buying observed in the second half of 2022, but central bank Central bank gold buying made a blistering start to 2023 when according to the latest report from the World Gold Council, demand for the hard currency by the world’s money-printing authorities reached 228 tonnes in Q1, a 176% increase compared to the 82.7 tonnes one year ago. While lower than the figures seen in the previous two quarters this was nonetheless the strongest first quarter on record. According to the WGC, “this is all the more impressive considering it follows the record-breaking pace of demand last year.”

As GOP Promises More Words, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn Demands Action Against the Biden Crime Family


by JD Rucker, Discern Report:

Since before the 2022 midterm elections, we’ve continuously heard about all the things Republican lawmakers would do if given the power. But since Kevin McCarthy took over as Speaker of the House, we’ve heard a whole lot of talking while not seeing much action.

The latest offering doesn’t seem to be any different, though I’ll reserve judgment until later this week. Congressman James Comer made some headline-grabbing statements on Sunday, saying that the Justice Department shouldn’t arrest Hunter Biden before Wednesday because of the bombshells the House Oversight Committee would be dropping then.

More Troubled Banks

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

As I reported at the time, the banking crisis is not limited to Silicon Valley Bank.  Silicon Valley Bank’s failure was followed by the failures of New York Signature Bank and First Republic Bank of San Francisco.  Now three more banks have had their stock prices collapse–Western Alliance, PacWest Bankcorp, and Metropolitan Bank.

As I have emphasized, the Federal Reserve’s higher interest rates are the cause of the bank troubles.  The decade of zero interest rates left banks with portfolios of low interest rate assets on their balance sheets.  As the Federal Reserve raised rates, these assets declined in value.  Depositors saw that the banks were technically insolvent  and withdrew funds.  Others withdrew funds because they can now get higher interest rates from money market funds.  

Biden regime turning military into a freak show as Navy uses ‘non-binary’ sailor who performs as a drag queen in recruitment campaign


by JD Heyes, Natural News:

Since the earliest days of the Biden administration, Republicans and conservatives in Congress have accused the White House of increasingly imposing ‘woke’ left-wing cultural ideology on the U.S. military, which in turn has led to a sharp decline in enlistments.

But instead of reversing course, the politically correct brass in place at the Pentagon appear to be doubling down.

“Struggling to meet their recruiting goals for fiscal year 2023, U.S. Naval leadership has found whom they believe to be the perfect person to increase the branch’s ranks: Drag Queen Harpy Daniels,” The Federalist noted this week in a head-shaking report.



from And We Know:


Where Not to Be in a Crisis

by Jeff Thomas, International Man:

For many years, there have been those who have been prognosticating an economic crisis – not just a recession lasting a year or two, but a full-blown Greater Depression that would eclipse any major event we’ve seen in our lifetimes.

That may appear to be an overstatement, but historically, it’s the norm for a time of major upheaval to occur every eighty years or so. And although some of us began analysing and commenting on the Greater Depression many years ago, it’s clear to all of us that we’ve now entered the leading edge of the crisis.

World Economic Forum-Affiliated Pro-Censorship Group Is Hit With House Panel Subpoena

by Dan Frieth, Reclaim The Net:

After failing to provide documents on request.

The House Judiciary Committee has issued subpoenas to executives at a group often affiliated with the World Economic Forum (WEF).

Chair of the committee, Rep. Jim Jordan said the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) and the organization that created it, the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA), might be allowing the violation of US antitrust law.

Banking Time bomb as Dominos begin to fall, Economic Collapse & the BRICS w/ Harley Schlanger (2of2)

from Sarah Westall:


Analysis of obituaries shows a 40% increase in deaths of younger pilots during 2021

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

Claims continue to be circulated on social media that there have been exponential increases in pilot deaths based on the Airline Pilot Magazine’s ‘In Memoriam’ section – these claims are false.  However, what detailed analysis of the information does show, is a significant increase in deaths of younger pilots in 2021.

The Airline Pilots Association (“ALPA”) is an organisation that represents more than 67,000 pilots at 39 US and Canadian airlines, making it the world’s largest airline pilot union.  It publishes the monthly Airline Pilot Magazine

Applied Critical Race Theory: Killing People for Being White

from Moonbattery:

Spend whole generations telling one group that all their problems are the fault of another group, which supposedly oppresses them, and you would be a fool not to expect results like these from Tulsa:

[On April 18, Carlton] Gifford went inside the Rudisill Library around 9:40 a.m., walked up behind Lundin Hathcock, 35, and sadistically shot him in the back of the head…

Later that day, Gifford went to a nearby QuikTrip convenience store and allegedly shot James McDaniel in the back of the head.

Both men died, never having seen it coming.

Chelsea Clinton: ‘It’s Time To Force-Jab Every Unvaccinated Child in America’

by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World:

The deranged One World Government assets are nowhere near ceasing and desisting in their slow kill bioweapon program, even after their murderous C19 DEATHVAX™ campaign has been finally rejected by the majority of the population; and precisely due to this, they are now doubling down in their targeted destruction of children.

If you had any doubts at this stage in the Great Reset game if these puppets are not actively worshipping evil, then here is yet another reminder: