Friday, September 27, 2024


from Infowars:


BREAKING: Pope Francis to address pro-abortion Clinton Foundation conference on ‘climate change’

by Michael Haynes, LifeSite News:

Pope Francis is to address the Clinton Global Initiative conference via video link next week in a “special conversation” with President Bill Clinton, in a discussion including “climate change, the refugee crisis, the welfare of children.” 

Announced by the Vatican September 14, details of the pope’s involvement with the Clinton family endeavors were revealed. Pope Francis will kick off the 2023 Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) two-day conference September 18, by holding what was described as a “special conversation” with former President Clinton.

5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science paper reveals cell phone signals can activate the release of biological PAYLOADS from graphene oxide injected into the body

by Mike Adams, Natural News:

science paper published in MaterialsToday Chemistry reveals that cell phone signals can be used to release biological or chemical payloads from graphene oxide that’s introduced into the human body. The paper, published in September of 2022, is entitled, “Remotely controlled electro-responsive on-demand nanotherapy based on amine-modified graphene oxide for synergistic dual drug delivery.”

The study abstract reveals how a cell phone can emit signals to activate a low voltage current that interacts with Graphene Oxide (GO) molecules, causing efficient delivery of drug payloads:

Controlled Demolition: From the Federal Reserve to 9/11 to the COVAIDS 19

from DollarVigilante:


“Never Embrace Socialism… Or The Siren Song Of Social Justice” – Argentine Presidential Candidate Milei Warns Tucker Of The Dangers Of Statism

from ZeroHedge:

Argentina’s leading presidential candidate Javier Milei – a self-described anarcho-capitalist who won the primaries with 30% of the vote – sat down with Tucker Carlson this week in Buenos Aires for a wide-ranging discussion.

Prior to the interview, Carlson documented first-hand the hyperinflationary perils of statism run wild

Another FDIC-Insured Bank Is Teetering, Closing at 27-1/2 Cents Yesterday, Down 96 Percent in a Year

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

There may be a lesson here: don’t put the word “Republic” in the name of your bank; don’t hold a lot of uninsured deposits; and don’t have wads of unrealized losses on your investment securities.

If those lessons sound familiar, it’s because they played out in stunning fashion earlier this year when the second, third and fourth largest bank failures in U.S. history occurred.

CCP Satellites Over Maui At Time of Fires

from Reese Report:


Dr. Fauci Admits Vax Failure, Pushing Nuke War, Inflation Rising

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

The death and disabilities from the failed CV19 bioweapon vax must be getting obvious to the general public because Dr. Anthony Fauci just admitted the CV19 so-called vaccine can cause severe heart problems.  We all have known this for more than a year, but Dr. Fauci never mentioned it.  This is a sure sign that it is becoming obvious to all that the CV19 shots were a total deadly and debilitating scam on America and the world.  The total public awakening is going to be beautiful and ugly at the same time.

The Child Poverty Rate In The United States Has More Than Doubled

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

If you take an honest look at the numbers, the obvious conclusion is that the U.S. economy is rapidly going in the wrong direction.  Delinquency rates are soaring, sales of previously-owned homes have declined by more than 32 percent over the past two years, inflation is starting to rise at a frightening pace again, large companies all over America are laying off workers, and we just witnessed the largest decline in real median household income in more than a decade.  Sadly, it is often the most vulnerable members of our society that get hit the hardest when economic times get rough.  According to the Census Bureau, the child poverty rate in the United States more than doubled from 2021 to 2022…

G20 Announces Plan to Impose Digital Currencies and IDs Worldwide

by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic:

The leaders of the Group of 20 nations have agreed to a plan to eventually impose digital currencies and digital IDs on their respective populations, amid concern that governments might use them to monitor their people’s spending and crush dissent.

The G20, which is made up of the world’s leading rich and developing nations and is currently under India’s presidency, adopted a final declaration on the subject over the weekend in New Delhi.

The group announced last week that they had agreed to build the necessary infrastructure to implement digital currencies and IDs.


from childrenshealthdefense:


Understanding How Washington DC Works

by Tom Renz, Esq., America Outloud:

Let’s jump into no other than the ED leader of the Senate, Mitch McConnell. He seems to be slowing down even further, leading to a serious issue. McConnell sold out long ago; he’s about as Republican as Chuck Schumer; regardless, he’s a very powerful senator; he’s a monster. He’s slowing down, and they can’t cover when his brain freezes up. They can try to make excuses and dodge things, but he can’t hide his mental decline when he’s locked up in front of the camera like that. He’s 8,676 years old, give or take a few days, and the reality is he’s not fit to be where he’s at. He’s pretty close to having to go, whether he likes it or not.

The Mathematics of Democrat ‘Justice’

by George W. Shuster, American Thinker:

Judge Tanya Chutkan of the D.C. Federal District Court has ruled that the trial there against Trump will begin March 4, 2024. Many have already commented on how badly that will impact candidate Trump subjectively, given the electoral calendar’s Super Tuesday primaries the next day. Attention should also be directed to how Democrat “justice” is being imposed on defendant Trump in objective terms.

When March 4 rolls around, the prosecution will have had about 38 months to prepare its case since the events of January 6, 2021. The Trump defense team will have had a little over six months since indictment. That is a disparity of over six to one, advantage offense.

Nigel Farage: Over 100 Countries Plan To Introduce CBDCs

from Bannons War Room: