Monday, September 16, 2024

‘Manmade Climate Change’ Narrative Completely Fabricated, Study Warns

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

A recent study has concluded that globalist claims of “manmade climate change” are completely fabricated and have no basis in reality.

The researchers found that there is no scientific evidence to support theories of anthropogenic “global warming.”

According to the study, led by leading scientists in Greece, claims that humans cause “climate change” are based on imagination and assumptions.

“Mr. Bean” on free speech in UK.

Big Tech “Far-Right” Billionaires want to Eliminate Politicians and “Democracy” as They Believe They can Run the World Better by Themselves

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

I have frequently reported in my articles that politicians are not the main people who run the U.S., but that Wall St. billionaires and Silicon Valley billionaires do.

Unlike publicly visible politicians who at least have the illusion of accountability, the billionaires who fund them usually do not.

So it is a rare treat when I find an article like the one that The Information published in their Weekend publication that does just that, and exposes where a lot of the new “Far Right” ideology originates from that many Silicon Valley billionaires subscribe to.

I would vote on NATO being behind this.


Harris/Walz takes another savage blow thanks to a fresh round of dirt that was just unearthed…

from Revolver News:

Harris/Walz is the most extremist, communistic political ticket in US history. Kamala, the DEI candidate, hasn’t climbed the ladder on her skills or excellence but has leveraged her gender and skin color instead. She’s the epitome of a “finger in the air” politician, shifting her positions (pun intended) with the political winds. Now she’s aligned with her party’s ultra-extremists, is proudly supporting defunding the police, is promoting bail reform, and is helping violent rioters, murderers, and sex offenders get back on the streets. She’s also a radical LGBTQ advocate, pushing the most extreme and perverse elements of that disturbing movement. Kamala is malleable, shaped by the smarter people around her into a figurehead for pushing America to the brink with her low-effort, charity mentality.

Israel Runs the U.S. No, the U.S. Runs Israel. No, Wait …

by Patrick Lawrence, The Unz Review:

That deranged speech Bibi Netanyahu delivered to a joint session of Congress last month: I cannot get it entirely out of my mind. It did not change anything — neither the Israeli prime minister nor his hosts seem to desire or intend to change anything in U.S.–Israeli relations. And in this way, there is not much to say about that weird hour the world’s No. 1 terrorist — yes, think about it and tell me I’m wrong — spent at the podium under the Capitol’s rotunda. But the speech did clarify certain things, and then it raised an important question. Let us see about these matters.

The Forever Wars go full War OF Terror

by Pepe Escobar, Strategic Culture:

This is a very simple demonstration. Please allow me to present only two Exhibits, A and B.

Exhibit A

The stunning confirmation came directly from Russian Deputy FM Ryabkov, during a quite revealing interview on Rossiya TV. Ryabkov, extremely competent, is also the leading Russian sherpa for BRICS+, preparing the summit next October in Kazan.

From Tampon Tim, to Yellow Belly And Tiny Tim To Wannabe Walz, Donald Trump Has Some Hilarious Nickname Options For VP Hopeful Tim Walz


by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

In the past, we’ve gotten gems like Sleepy Joe, Crooked Hillary and Meatball Ron. Even Kamala Harris — Laffin’ Kamala or Kamabla — has a few options to choose from. But her running mate, Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, has yet to be blessed with a signature Donald Trump nickname.

Perhaps Trump is weighing his options. There’s just too many to choose from — and they’re all pure gold.

MK Ultra has been deployed on Everyone w/ Cathy O’Brien

from Sarah Westall:


BREAKING: Secret Trump Docs Hacked, Iran Primary Suspect

from The National Pulse:

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign has reported a hacking incident involving some of its high-level communications. The campaign attributed the breach to “foreign sources hostile to the United States” and referred to a recent Microsoft report on a hacking attempt by Iranian actors targeting a high-ranking official within a presidential campaign. POLITICO revealed that it had received emails from an anonymous source containing internal documents from Trump’s operation after a senior, unnamed campaign official fell victim to a phishing e-mail.

One of the documents sent to major media outlets since the hack appears to be an early, internal vetting document of Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance stretching to almost 300 pages of effective oppo research. The messages are being sent by a person using an AOL email account, identifying themselves only as “Robert.”

How Democracies Have Degenerated into Aristocracies

by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

One way is by means of coups that are either initiated by the U.S. Government such as happened in Ukraine in February 2014, or else are initiated by the local aristocracy (which American propaganda refers to instead as “oligarchs” so as to be able to hold America’s oligarchs as being superior to that) but then granted international ‘legitimacy’ by the U.S. Government, such as happened during June through August of 2009 in Honduras. In both instances, the U.S. Government changed what had been (though only briefly) a democracy into instead an aristocracy, in which the control of the Government passed from the country’s citizens (as in any democracy) and into, instead, control by America’s aristocracy using that local aristocracy so as to appoint the leaders of that nation’s Government. However, when the U.S. Government has itself initiated the coup (instead of merely adopted the local aristocracy’s coup), it is the American regime, and not the local regime, that appoints the new leaders (such as happened in Ukraine — and here is when that happened, and here is the broader context in which it happened).

Is this Election Going to All Fake Photos?

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Is anything real anymore? This photo appears to be Photoshopped, for when you look at the reflection on the underbelly of the plane and on the engine, you do not see the crowd. The polls will be rigged just as they were in 2016 and in London for BREXIT. The press is no more trustworthy than a career liar. This is why Socrates correctly forecasted both the 2016 election and BREXIT when the polls all claimed that Hillary would win and BREXIT would not pass. Newsweek had even sent out their edition assuming Hillary would win.