Wednesday, September 18, 2024

It’s so obvious…


from Liberal Hivemind:


Ukrainian Mercenary NATO Forces Invade Russia Targeting Civilian Populations – Russia Labels Invasion as “Terrorist Attack”

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

While most of the world has been holding their breath and waiting for an Iranian response to Israel’s recent assassinations in Tehran and Beirut, a Ukrainian military group reported to consist of NATO mercenaries invaded Russia and drove into the Kursk region of Russia, where there were no military bases or military operations, and attacked civilian neighborhoods who obviously offered little to no resistance.

Are Americans Worried About Illegals Voting? Here’s What the Data Says…

by William Upton, The National Pulse:

Americans are increasingly concerned about noncitizen voters illegally casting ballots in federal elections. New data from Rasmussen Reports indicates that 55 percent of American voters believe it is likely that noncitizens influence election results where they live. The polling data suggests that noncitizen voters are beginning to receive attention among the electorate after being dismissed by the corporate media for years.

The Rasmussen Reports poll also reveals an overwhelming number of American voters oppose allowing noncitizens to cast ballots in U.S. elections. A total of 85 percent of those polled said that only U.S. citizens should be allowed to vote. Just 11 percent said noncitizens should be legally able to cast ballots. These trends were present regardless of political affiliation, with 87 percent of Republicans, 81 percent of Democrats, and 86 percent of unaffiliated voters all saying that only American citizens should be legally allowed to vote.

Meet the monkeypox czar chosen by President Joe Biden as the White House’s National Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator.


Over one BILLION views and counting…

from Revolver News:

The mainstream media is dead. How do we know? Just look at the signs. Take Tucker Carlson, for example—he’s racking up tens of millions of views on his new internet platform and X, way outpacing what he did at Fox News and surpassing Joe Rogan in popularity.

Who can forget the Trump/Tucker interview that racked up over 200 million views in less than 24 hours? President Trump chose that interview over participating in the GOP primary debates. Smart move.

Kursk was low hanging fruit. What now for Zelensky and his allusions?

by Martin Jay, Strategic Culture:

The recent move by Ukraine to take Kursk was bold. It’s hardly surprising that media in the west have blown it up to be bigger than it really is though, given that they have been starved of positive chaff to spin for months for their NATO clients and so it comes as little surprise that it will run for days. But of course, the real test of the move comes in the days ahead. Taking a small enclave of Kursk with little or no resistance from Russian forces there – who are not battled hardened top notch – was hardly the Hollywood epic that the West is presenting it as. Taking it is one thing. Keeping it is a whole new matter.

Heels Up Harris And ‘Tampon’ Tim Panic Over The Elon Musk, Donald Trump Conversation On X – Bonus: EU Panicked As Well And Threatened Musk. His Answer Is Not Safe For Work

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

First, an explanation of the names.

Heels Up Harris references the fact that Kamala Harris literally slept her way up the political ladder, starting with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, who admitted to “dating” her, and then appointing her to posts.

Tampon Tim is Tim Walz, the “stolen valor” vice presidential choice of Kamala Harris, who for the record did not win one single primary vote, but has been coronated as the Democrat nominee after Democrat party leaders forced Joe Biden to withdraw from the race. Tampon Timmy earned his moniker by signing a law as Governor to make menstrual products available in schools for free, including in the boys bathrooms.

Body Cameras for Food and Retail Workers?

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

Crime in the UK has become so insane that employees at coffee shops and grocery stores are now wearing body cameras for their own safety. The government wonders why average citizens are taking to the streets to protest. What has changed among the demographic of the UL to cause violence toward these workers to increase by 50% in the past year?

Grocery chain Lidl has invested £2 million on body cameras. Employees in every store will be required to wear a body camera as a safety precaution. Popular coffee chain Pret A Manger has also begun asking their employees to wear a camera that will be turned on in “specific circumstances.”

Weather modification using EMF

from Smoke&Mirrors:



by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

We all remember what The Science told us during the planscamdemic, but we seem to have forgotten what The Science is. The Science told us that masks were not necessary, then it said they were, then it would not answer questions when some of us asked how the masks would do any good since the virus was much smaller than the pores in the masks, then we were told to wear two masks, and no we don’t need to keep away from each other, then we were told it was necessary to do so, then they started to lock everyone down to “stop the spread” of a virus they never completely managed to isolate, but no matter, here, take these entirely experimental wholly new and inadequately tested injections that use a new kind of genetic therapy; they’re absolutely safe and will stop the spread, and you only need two three four five …ok sixteen no seventeen booster shots and ignore all those reports about adverse reactions because they’re all coming from crazed conspiracy theorists, and if you had qualms about putting an inadequately tested injection into your body that might permanently damage you or your children well you were just a Luddite, said The Science, who reminded us all that he was, indeed, The Science because… well… The Science.

EXCLUSIVE: Black Doctor On African Fact-Finding Mission Discovers Cashless Society In Full Rollout + Microchipping Of Children

Federal Budget: Government Adds $662B of Debt in Three Months


by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:

The Federal Government publishes the spending and revenue numbers on a monthly basis. The charts and tables below give an in-depth review of the Federal Budget, showing where the money is coming from, where it is going to, and the surplus or deficit.

This month saw a $244B deficit, which followed 2 months of large deficits. This brought the three-month total to a whopping $662B.

Cancer Breakthrough! The Prevention & Natural Cure for Cancer

by Dr Robert Young, Dr Robert Young:

On March 18th, 2019, I presented my cancer research at the Global Summit on Oncology and Cancer at the 15th International Conference on Cancer Sciences and Therapy. This presentation took place in London, England on March 18th and 19th, 2019.

In attendance were several of my clients/patients who were part of my research, including Inger Marie Hartelius from Denmark.