from Mark Dice:
by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:
As the BRICS+ nations rise to challenge the supremacy of the Western geopolitical bloc a false dichotomy is quickly being established between unipolar world domination and multipolar world domination. In reality they are both authoritarian.
(Off-Guardian) I am among a relatively small group of independent researchers and journalists who question the proposed multipolar world order.
One of the objections often thrown my (and our) way—by those who presumably support a new world order led by the BRICS+ group of nations—is that we critics of multipolarity are claiming, with regard to national governments, that “they’re all in it together.”
by Robert Malone MD MS, Who Is Robert Malone:
Across the globe, fair elections no longer exist.
We hear a lot about “election integrity” or lack thereof, particularly around the issues of counting the vote and the ballot box. But the truth is that elections are more likely to be stolen via search engine manipulation effects (SEME).
What is SEME?
SEME is an abbreviation for the search engine manipulation effect. In a series of randomized controlled experiments, it has been shown that more than 20% of undecided voters can be manipulated into voting one way or the other, by simply manipulating the rankings of search engine results.
from State Of The Nation:
Submitted by A Veteran Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer
SOTN Exclusive
First, it was common knowledge throughout the entire Global Intelligence Community that Alexei Navalny was a long-time CIA asset and MI6 operative.
by Jim Quinn, The Burning Platform:
“There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.” – Ludwig von Mises
by Matt Taibbi, Global Research:
The last time we let “sexed up” intelligence guide policy, we were led to war in Iraq. The 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment caused America to declare war on itself
In the New York Times on October 5, 2002, reporter Michael Gordon authored “C.I.A. Says Iraq Revived Forbidden Weapons Programs After the U.N. Inspectors Left.” It reported “a classified National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq’s programs to make weapons of mass destruction was provided to Congress early this week,” and quoted an unclassified summary of that Estimate, or NIE, saying “although Saddam probably does not yet have nuclear weapons… he remains intent on acquiring them.”
A month earlier, Gordon worked with Judith Miller to co-author what was to become an infamous article, “U.S. Says Hussein Intensifies Quest for A-Bomb Parts.” That piece was based on interviews with George W. Bush administration officials who previewed the public case for war, claiming “Iraq has sought to buy thousands of specially designed aluminum tubes” that “could be used to make centrifuges to enrich uranium.” Miller and Gordon added that technical specifications “persuaded American intelligence experts” that the attempted tube purchases were for Iraq’s nuclear program.
by Ben Bartee, PJ Media:
Europe — at least Western Europe; there may be hope yet for certain rogue Eastern European nations like Poland or Hungary — has fully abandoned any remnants of Enlightenment or Renaissance values.
On the road to techno-totalitarianism, Germany’s #1 SS officer, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, has announced an “early recognition unit” that will “detect far-right and foreign disinformation campaigns as early as possible.”
by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:
‘Misinformation’ industry is just a partisan front to censor legitimate information.
A new Harvard study that will shock the world has found that misinformation ‘fact checkers’ overwhelmingly hold left-wing political views.
Who could have seen this one coming?
Data from Harvard Misinformation Review shows that out of 150 “misinformation experts,” only 5 per cent lean “slightly right” in their political opinions.
by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:
It appears that the pigmies in Washington have chosen the wrong country for the role of preferred enemy if there is truth to yesterday’s reports that Russia has deployed or has in development an orbital nuke platform that can drop nuclear warheads out of orbit without warming and with no chance of interception. Recently I reported on Steven Starr’s new book that one, two or three high altitude blasts, depending on altitude, is all it takes to collapse the US and leave it in total chaos without having to do any ground damage. See:
by Ethan Huff, Natural News:
For the most part, Americans are middle-of-the-road when it comes to political hot button issues. The vast majority are the opposite of radical, taking a sensible approach that leaves room for conflicting points of view, but then there are the elitist one-percenters who are radicalizing everything and steering the country off a cliff.
Pollster Scott Rasmussen recently uncovered a fascinating tidbit stemming from his own surveys about what the major driving forces are behind the destructive radicalism in the United States that is ushering the nation into a cultural civil war.