Sunday, September 22, 2024

WHO director Tedros says COVID is ‘here to stay,’ urges people to get booster shots

by Andreas Wailzer, LifeSite News:

‘COVID is here to stay and that we will continue to need tools to fight it,’ said WHO chief Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus at a press conference promoting mask use and booster shots.

The director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that “COVID is here to stay and that we will continue to need tools to fight it.”

Terror by Night: Who Pays the Price for Botched SWAT Team Raids? We Do

by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute:

We’re all potential victims.”—Peter Christ, retired police officer

Sometimes ten seconds is all the warning you get.

Sometimes you don’t get a warning before all hell breaks loose.

Imagine it, if you will: It’s the middle of the night. Your neighborhood is in darkness. Your household is asleep. Suddenly, you’re awakened by a loud noise.

Barely ten seconds later, someone or an army of someones has crashed through your front door.

The intruders are in your home.

Poland Issues Military Order You Have 6 hrs to Report for Service

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

As of yesterday, Poland has issued a new directive that if you are called for military service, you have just 6 hours to report. The penalty for failure to report is three years in prison. If you cannot make it there in 6 hours, call the commander and explain why. If you fail to show up and avoid military service, you will be imprisoned for five years.

CNN Anchor Argues US Cities Are Disgusting Because They Are “Expressions Of Democracy”

by Steve Watson, Modernity News:

Claims dirtier and chaotic cities are ‘more vibrant’

CNN host Fareed Zakaria aired a monologue this past weekend arguing that major US cities are dirty and chaotic because of “democracy,” and that makes them more “vibrant.”

Zakaria was attempting to provide a counter argument to Tucker Carlson’s recent focus on how much better Russia’s subways are than America’s, but only succeeded in making Tucker’s assertions more convincing.

Democrats Call For Tucker Carlson To Be Charged With Espionage Act Over Putin Interview

from AlexandraBruce:


Senior House Dems Signal They May Not Certify 2024 Election Results If Trump Wins: REPORT

by Katelynn Richardson, The Daily Caller:

Senior House Democrats signaled Friday that they may not certify the 2024 election results if former President Donald Trump wins, according to The Atlantic.

During oral arguments earlier this month to consider a Colorado ruling finding Trump ineligible for the ballot under the 14th Amendment’s “insurrectionist ban,” the Supreme Court did not appear persuaded that a single state should be able to remove him, though it is unclear whether the justices will address the eligibility question directly. Depite criticizing Republicans who voted against certifying President Joe Biden’s victory in 2020, several senior Democrats who spoke to The Atlantic reportedly left open the possibility of not certifying a Trump 2024 victory if the Supreme Court does not clearly rule on his eligibility.


from Chembuster:



from SGT Report:

Nathan Reynolds was heir to an illuminati family fortune, but after a childhood filled with unimaginably horrific physical, sexual and mental abuse he learned that the cost of his inheritance would be his first born daughter, and his eternal soul. With the grace of God he escaped, but just barely. This is his story.

Get the FREE video report from Dr. Gundry here:

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FM8’s interview with Nathan:

Police Dept Will Send Drones to Investigate Outdoor Parties When Neighbors Complain

by B.N. Frank, Activist Post:

Not everybody likes drones.  They’re loud.  They’re privacy invasive.  In addition to their potential for crashing, they can create other dangerous situations.  Nevertheless, the NYPD plans to put them to use this holiday weekend for “non-priority calls and priority calls.”

From Ars Technica:

Breaking: First Canadian Community Mandates QR Codes for Residents: Echoes of China’s Surveillance State (Video)

by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation:

The Canadian community’s proposal, led by its left-wing mayor, to require QR codes for residents exiting the area introduces a level of governmental oversight reminiscent of China’s social credit system, signaling a disturbing shift towards unprecedented surveillance and control, akin to measures seen in authoritarian regimes.

The serene landscape of the Îles-de-la-Madeleine, nestled in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, is currently gripped by a contentious debate over a proposed municipal regulation that has sent shockwaves through the community.


from SGT Report:

Former film producer, activist and survivor of childhood abuse John Paul Rice returns to SGT Report with a dire warning about cultural Marxism, wolves in sheep’s clothing and the fall of the Republic which very much mirrors the fall of Rome. Thanks for sharing this one far and wide.

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Google Rolls Out ‘Pre-Bunking’ Censorship Operation To Kill Independent Media

by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

Google has announced a ‘pre-bunking’ censorship campaign which they say will eliminate the last remnants of independent media from the Internet before the 2024 election later this year.

According to Reuters, Google is preparing to launch an aggressive campaign aimed at killing off independent media outlets and creators. The campaign will begin in Europe and spread to America later this year:

NEW – Nikki Haley: “Every person on social media should be verified by their name” because of “national security.”

POLICE STATE: FBI Quietly Created New Category of Extremism Ahead of 2024 Election to Include Trump-MAGA Supporters

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Shut It Down – The FBI is beyond repair.

As the 2024 election season heats up the FBI has created a new terrorism category to include Trump supporters.

This is taking place at the same time the Biden regime is targeting President Trump with over 91 indictments on bogus criminal acts in several states.

And it occurs as the demented President screams about MAGA during his public speeches.