Monday, September 16, 2024

World Health Organization Officially Ends Monkeypox Health Emergency

by John Hayward, Breitbart:

The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) on Thursday declared a formal end to its monkeypox emergency due to rapidly declining case numbers around the world. The monkeypox crisis wound up lasting almost exactly one year.

W.H.O. Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus noted monkeypox is still a threat in parts of Africa as it has always been. Fears of a pandemic only began after a mysterious surge of cases in Europe and North America in May 2022.

Legal Researcher For Senator Ron Johnson Warns ‘Brutal Global Mass Murder Program Was Fully Intentional’ And A ‘Biomedical Police State Kill Box’ Is Now Fully Established

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

The stories over at Substack the last several days from numerous different authors are absolutely alarming and tell a story that must be told considering the mainstream media won’t touch these with a 50-foot pole and instead, are helping the anti-America terrorists/squatters sitting in the White House, Congress and the Pentagon wage a deadly war upon the American people, now aimed at your children and mine.


by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

I may or may not be seeing things correctly, so that’s  why I’m filing this one under the “You Tell Me” category.  But the way I’m seeing this is that the state of Texas seems to be leading some sort of “revolt of the states”. It began some years ago with Texas starting its state bullion depository, placing the state out in front of other states that had already passed “constitutional money” resolutions recognizing gold and silver as legal tender.  Texas, by starting its own state bullion depository, took practical action to give those resolutions teeth, and now a number of other states are adding teeth to their resolutions, including exemptions from taxes and Wyoming took the unprecedented step of passing laws requiring the state to accept specie in payment of taxes.  My point with all of this has been that as that federal-enclave- of incompetence and bottomless corruption called Swampington, DC, an enclave surrounded by an unfortunate circumstance called reality, continues to print money at throw it at the Ukraine,  the cultural divide in the country continues, and its becoming more and more clear that the two sides of that divide are mutually incompatible.

‘Devastating’ Cleveland Clinic Study Reveals More COVID Vax Doses = MORE COVID

from The Vigilant Fox:



from SGT Report:

Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA
Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^

Sofia Smallstorm is back to discuss the covid era KILL BOX.

Will Anyone Be Held Accountable for the 300,000 Americans Murdered by the COVID-19 Shots in 2021?

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

2021 will go down in history as the worst year of “death by lethal injection” as an estimated 300,000 people in the United States were killed by lethal injections.

Lethal injections are only supposed to be injected into convicted criminals who receive the death penalty in a court of law.

But starting in December of 2020, when President Trump threatened the FDA and forced them to approve experimental injections of COVID-19 shots that were produced by U.S. Government funds through his Operation Warp Speed program, through 2021 when President Biden instituted mandates for people to receive those lethal injections as a condition for employment, an estimated 300,000 Americans lost their lives from these lethal injections.

Covid-19 pandemic is over – WHO

from RT:

The World Health Organization has said that coronavirus no longer qualifies as a global emergency

After more than three years and nearly 7 million dead, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that Covid-19 is no longer a global health emergency. Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus officially downgraded the status of the disease on Friday while stressing it remained a “global health threat.”

Next PLANDEMIC Already Underway: Global Elites To HYPE Marburg Virus FEAR & Deploy Next Bioweapon?

from Stew Peters Network:


JUST IN – COVID no longer a “global health emergency,” WHO declares.

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche – Why ‘COVID’ Isn’t Going Away

from mariazeee:


German Government Admits it Has No Evidence Face Masks Work

by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic:

As on several prior occasions, liberal Bundestag Vice-President Wolfgang Kubicki has used his parliamentary prerogatives to put a question to the Health Ministry, and compel an answer. He asked what study results the Ministry could cite to demonstrate the efficacy of face masks. Lauterbach’s crack team of virus understanders responded that, uh, it is a very complicated problem, and, in truth, well, actually, nobody really knows what effect masks really have. This is because “the effectiveness of individual measures… cannot be examined in isolation, but only in conjunction with the other measures in place at any given time”.