by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:
By now all of you regular readers know where I stand on “climate change”. In my opinion, it’s not happening because of cow farts, farming, ranching, logging or even hypocritical billionaire fussbudgets like John Ketchup Kerrey or billious flatulating blowhards like Greta Thunberg or der Hochklaus von Blohschwab Freiherr von Bomburst und Bloviation releasing methane and other greenhouse gases every time they lecture the rest of us on YouTube. (A case might be made that “climate change” might be affected when the Chinese decide they’re going to build concrete dams the size of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex and artificial lakes the size of Lake Michigan and turn all of Tibet into a weather modification facility, but that’s another matter for a different blog on a different day).