Friday, October 25, 2024

Supreme Court: IRS Can Obtain Bank Records Of 3rd Parties Not Under Investigation

from Activist Post:

In a unanimous decision, the US Supreme Court ruled last week that it’s legal for the IRS to secretly obtain the bank records of third parties who are not under investigation, when seeking a summons for banking records believed to be relevant to the tax delinquency of another person.

The new ruling gives the IRS “startlingly broad authority to pry into the financial records of people who may be only remotely connected to a delinquent taxpayer,” according to one lawyer briefed on the decision, the Epoch Times reports.

US and Israeli envoys clash over Soros

from Azerbaycan 24:

Washington thinks criticizing the financier is anti-Semitic, while the Israeli government thinks supporting him is anti-Semitic George Soros addresses the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos,

The US and Israeli anti-Semitism envoys have taken opposing positions on whether supporters or critics of Jewish financier George Soros is anti-Semitic. The argument kicked off when Twitter CEO Elon Musk compared Soros to a cartoon supervillain.

Nicholson1968 – Globalist Plan For Mark of the Beast EXPOSED!

from mariazeee:


WHO to Govern the Health of the World?

by Ramesh Thakur, Brownstone:

Last year the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted a deeply troubling position on abortions. In a long and thoughtful article on an issue that is as emotionally fraught as it is intellectually and morally challenging, Dr. David Bell explains how the organization’s abortion care guidance published in March 2022 calls for babies to “be killed up until the moment they emerge from the birth canal, without delay, whenever a pregnant woman requests it.” Thus Recommendation 2(LP) says that abortion should be available on request and 3(LP) advises against “laws and other regulations that prohibit abortion based on gestational age limits” (p. xxv).

The Obama Connection No One Is Talking About (Ep. 2016)

from The Dan Bongino Show:


Why did Jake Sullivan fly to Saudi Arabia?

by Viktor Mikhin, New Eastern Outlook:

The unconditional further strengthening of Saudi Arabia’s authority and influence in the Middle East in the recent period has significantly increased the general interest in developing relations with the kingdom. This is especially true of the “beacon of democracy,” the United States, and its closest ally in the Middle East, Israel.

Ten years ago, in assessing Saudi Arabia’s international activities, many assumed that Riyadh preferred to give money to various elements in the region and entrust them with protecting its interests. At one time, the Saudis, according to some reports, even allegedly gave money to the Islamic State (a terrorist group banned in the Russian Federation) to make the group fight against the Iraqi government, which had fallen under Iranian influence. The Saudis thought they were rich enough to give money to others and hire them to fight for their cause.

Where Is Zaluzhny? Ukrainian Commander-In-Chief Is MIA and Hasn’t Been Seen in Weeks – Russian Sources Suggest He May Have Been Injured in Bombardment – Kiev Without Its Main General Ahead of Hyped Counteroffensive

by Paul Serran, The Gateway Pundit:

A big mystery is unfolding right now in the Ukraine war: where the hell is Valeri Zaluzhny? The Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Army hasn’t been seen in weeks, fueling speculations into his whereabouts and the reason for his sudden disappearance.

The rumors started in Russian Telegram channels, but now news outlet RIA Novosti also reported on it, referencing a viral message from the hacker group ‘Joker DPR’:

“General Zaluzhny was seriously wounded in early May during a missile attack on the headquarters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Pavlograd, Dnepropetrovsk region. Several severe surgical operations were carried out after which, if he survives, he will definitely not be able to adequately manage the army.

Connecticut May Grant Pedophiles Protected Status

from Moonbattery:

As George Orwell put it, all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. Most equal of all are those who enjoy the special protection of the Democratic Party. Their position in society relative to the rest of us is comparable to that of Muslims as opposed to dhimmis under Islamic rule. Among those who enjoy this special privilege are blacks, homosexuals, transsexuals, and now pedophiles:

Jeffrey Epstein Threatened to Expose Bill Gates’ 2010 Affair with Russian Bridge Player

by David Hawkins, Slay News:

New evidence has emerged that suggests Jeffrey Epstein was threatening to expose Bill Gates’s affair and was demanding favors from the Microsoft co-founder in return for keeping the secret.

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Epstein tried to blackmail Gates after learning about an affair he had with a young woman.

Epstein learned that Gates had an affair with a Russian bridge player in 2010.


from SGT Report:

Jason Bermas returns to SGT Report to discuss the Durham report, treason and the future of our fallen nation, which was once regarded as a Democratic Republic by and for the people.

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Facial recognition program to be rolled out at 16 major U.S. airports, increasing biometric surveillance of Americans

by Lance D Johnson, Natural News:

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is rolling out a new facial recognition program at 16 airports across the United States, increasing the government’s biometric surveillance of Americans. These airports include the Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall and Reagan National and the following destinations: Washington, Atlanta, Boston, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Gulfport-Biloxi, Jackson (MS) Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Orlando, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, and San Jose.

JUST IN – Robert F. Kennedy Jr Receives a Standing Ovation at the 2023 Bitcoin Conference Leaving Announcers Stunned

America’s Smoldering Wreck Of A Legal System Was Unleashed Upon The American People In A Seditious Conspiracy To Overthrow America, Rendering ‘Justice’ Obsolete

by James Howard Kunstler, All News Pipeline:

“After all, this was a collective effort. In Washington, the more people involved in a conspiracy, the less culpable it becomes. They all did it, so no one did.” —Jonathan Turley

Historians of the future, boiling up a nice spring bouillabaisse of nettles, cattail tubers, and frogs over their campfires, will pore over John Durham’s mystifying RussiaGate report for clues as to what begat the smoldering wreck of the legal system that once girded all the rough-and-ready ways of the old America, turning us into a land of simpering zombies. There was, apparently, a strange, Satanic cult called the FBI that cast a spell over the land, giving license to wickedness and depravity that transformed a once-upright folk into liars, until nobody knew what was the right way to do anything anymore….

Catastrophic Borrowing Kills Global Financial System – John Rubino

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Analyst and financial writer John Rubino says this time, the so-called debt ceiling fight could end in a systemic failure.  Rubino points out, “In a well-run society, the debt limit would be zero.  Governments should not borrow money in the first place.  The amount of money we are borrowing is catastrophic.  Historians are going to look back at this era, and they are just going to wonder why we allowed it to happen and what were we thinking.  We are destroying the global financial system by allowing governments to borrow this much money.  The debt limit thing is being called a crisis, and if they let it go too far, it will be a crisis. . . . I think this game of chicken will end in the not-too-distant future, and if it doesn’t, they have an ulterior motive.  They want to crash the economy because that achieves something for them.  We can speculate about this.  The party in power wants to crash the economy, and that is a very dark scenario. . . . They are willing to burn down the world around them to get what they want.  Look at Russia-gate and the contents of the Durham Report.

Joe Biden Is Preparing to Provide US F-16 FIghter Jets to Ukraine – World War III Can’t Come Fast Enough for These Elites

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Bakhmut, Ukraine on Saturday.

Joe Biden is preparing to supply fighters for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
He wants more war.

This is a serious escalation in the War in Ukraine and it comes on the same day that Russia captured Bakhmut, an important base in eastern Ukraine.