Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Terminator-inspired Electrodes Grown in Living Brains Pave Way for Neurological Disorder Treatments

from Activist Post:

Activist Post Editor’s Note: Of course this type of technology can offer breakthroughs in health, but it shouldn’t take science fiction to predict where this can also go horribly wrong, not to mention potential military applications.

Electrical conductors, reminiscent of those in the “Terminator” films, which can guide brain activity, have been successfully grown inside the brains of fish and worms. This advancement could set the stage for innovative treatments for neurological conditions, including Alzheimer’s, according to researchers.

The US Military Is Laying the Groundwork to Reinstitute the Draft

by Zachary Yost, Mises Institute:

The most recent edition of the US Army War College’s academic journal includes a highly disturbing essay on what lessons the US military should take away from the continuing war in Ukraine. By far the most concerning and most relevant section for the average American citizen is a subsection entitled “Casualties, Replacements, and Reconstitutions” which, to cut right to the chase, directly states, “Large-scale combat operations troop requirements may well require a reconceptualization of the 1970s and 1980s volunteer force and a move toward partial conscription.”

Let’s Keep It Local

by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

Those of us who support a complete free market often have to face an objection. “Isn’t a Rothbardian program very unlikely to be put into effect soon? Convincing people it’s the right path will take a long time. Meanwhile, what do we do now, within the limits of our current American political system? The great Dr. Ron Paul has the answer to this, and it is an answer Murray Rothbard fully accepted. Our main enemy is the centralized state, now run by brain-dead Biden and his gang of neocon controllers, Because that is true, we should try to move decisions to the local level.

RED OCTOBER IS HERE: Just how many October Surprises will the NWO globalists pull off?

from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: Everyone knows that the whole world is treated to various “October Surprises” every 4-year POTUS election cycle.  What most don’t realize is that October is often the month that The Powers That Be pull off many other captivating catastrophic events which are integral to the implementation to their New World Order agenda.

Latest: RFK Jr Flees Democrat Plantation, Preparing to Run as Independent

from 21st Century Wire:

This has been on the cards for quite some time now. Campaign manager Dennis Kucinich looks like he’s decided to take the plunge, and all the heat that will invariably come with this decision. Just as Jill Stein (Green Party) was blamed for stealing Democrat votes from Hillary in 2016 and was summarily condemned as being a ‘Russian asset’, so too will RFK Jr reap the whirlwind of Establishment scorn and vitriol should he build a successful ‘third party’ independent run in 2024 (especially if it results in a Trump victory). If RFK garners a mere 4% of the popular vote, it will be enough to offset any of the DNC ‘special contingency plans’. 

The Hegemonic UN-WEF-NATO Triad: U.N. “Sustainable Development” (SDG 2030) = Endless Wars, Poverty and Famine Worldwide

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research:

“The United Nations as it exists today is useless, inoperative, dysfunctional and an instrument of the empire”

The UN System has over the years become of an instrument of U.S. hegemony. In the words of Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann:

We must wrest it from those who have usurped it so that we, the truly concerned for the future of the Earth, can inject new life, relevance and effectiveness into our world Organization.”  

Appointed by Washington, UNSG Antonio Guterres has more than usurped our trust. He is the epitome of ambiguity and DoubleSpeak, particularly in relation to the dramatic social and economic crisis affecting the Global South. 

2 Very Ominous Events That Are Going To Happen This Week

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

You only practice for something if you think that there is a decent chance that it will actually happen.  This week, two “tests” will be conducted that sound rather ominous.  The first of these “tests” will happen in Russia on Tuesday.  Vladimir Putin has ordered the very first “nationwide nuclear attack exercise” in the entire history of his country, and that is making headlines all over the globe

Top scientist has meltdown when confronted with absurdity of men in women’s sports

from WND:

There was once a time when scientists were held in high esteem for opening our eyes to the wonder of the world thanks to their new and exciting discoveries.

Unfortunately, those days may be long behind us, and it does not bode well for the reputation of the profession when one of the chief representatives of modern science publicly defends the great delusion of our age.

Chicago Armed Robbers on an Extraordinary Rampage: ‘Everyone Is so Freaked Out’

by Rick Moran, PJ Media:

Chicago’s criminal class is feeling a little left out these days. They’re envious of all the smash-and-grab looters that are operating out west. So Chicago’s criminals decided to go the looters one better.

In a shocking series of armed robberies throughout the city, thieves have developed new tactics that allow them to hit a dozen or more unsuspecting victims on the street and disappear before the police can scoop them up.