Sunday, January 5, 2025

Jesus Revealed Cataclysmic Events That Happen In The Tribulation To A Woman Named Elizabeth Nebenfuhr During A Near Death Experience

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

God has been warning us over and over again about what is ahead.  Why is most of the population not interested in listening to such warnings?  Recently, a woman named Elizabeth Nebenfuhr reached out to me about a near death experience that she had as she was laying on an operating room table.  She had shared some of this information before, but she felt that now was the time to share her experience in a more detailed way.  I asked her to write out what she saw while she was dead, and she has given me permission to share it with all of you.  Please share this testimony as widely as you can, because I believe that it is important.

Big Pharma Drugs and the Sinister Push for Human Digitization

by Paul A. Philips, Activist Post:

The medical/pharmaceutical establishment was brought into existence, into being, by wealthy oil barons such as the Rockefellers. They lobbied Congress to criminalize naturopathic medicine regardless of efficacy. The net effect has been to crush its competitors and monopolize the health industry with poisonous petrochemical derivative, synthetic medicines.

DISCUSS: Syrian Government Falls, Assad Flees Damascus

by Kit Knightly, Off Guardian:

Syrian “Rebels” have declared total victory after claiming to have taken Damascus. In a television broadcast on Syria’s state broadcaster opposition leaders said Syria has been “liberated”.

President Bashar al-Assad has reportedly fled the capital and country, with some social media accounts sharing unconfirmed reports that his plane crashed.

A remarkable turn of events, given the conflict was “frozen” for years prior to last week when Western-backed rebels suddenly took Aleppo and began advancing on Damascus facing little to no resistance.

The Democrat paid agitators BLM are back making good on their threats today of protesting during the night


from State Of The Nation:

The only reason why Syria was just conquered in a day and a night is because of Trump’s POTUS win…and because the utterly lawless empty suit Joe Biden will do whatever he’s told by his Zionist masters.
However, it’s really because Trump will soon be occupying the Oval Office that the go ahead was given by The Powers That Be to conquer Syria. For Trump was completely behind this fundamentally top Israeli goal toward the fulfillment of the rapidly evolving Greater Israel project. Remember, it’s all about MIGA, not MAGA as Trump so often falsely trumpets.

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: Is NATO destroying the EU?

from 21st Century Wire:

In this video, Prof. Jeffrey Sachs provides a critical analysis of U.S. foreign policy in Syria and the broader Middle East. He traces the roots of the Syrian conflict to a long-standing strategy by the U.S., dating back to the early 2000s, aimed at destabilizing governments in the region that resist U.S. and Israeli objectives. Sachs emphasizes the influence of the Israel lobby in shaping these policies, noting that they align with Prime Minister Netanyahu’s vision of regional dominance and opposition to a two-state solution with Palestine. He highlights Operation Timber Sycamore, a covert CIA effort to arm Syrian rebels, as part of this broader campaign, criticizing the lack of transparency and the devastating humanitarian consequences of these interventions.


from SGT Report:

With the murder of Brian Thompson the CEO of UnitedHealthCare in Manhattan the question must now be asked, is systemic corruption leading to its inevitable end where vigilante justice is seen as a last resort remedy by those who have been ruthlessly victimized by corporate greed? Retired MMA champion Pat Miletich returns to SGT Report to discuss corporate greed AND the Great Awakening. Thanks for tuning in.

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Thirteen Years Ago: The US-NATO-Israel Sponsored Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research:

Today, December 8, 2024, our thoughts are with the people of Syria.The coup d’Etat in Damascus, was led by Jihadist terrorists supported by US-NATO-Israel.

President Bashar Al Assad has left the country.

We must understand  the history behind the December 2024 Damas Coup d’Etat. The objective of thirteen years of war led by jihadist terrorists sponsored by US-NATO-Israel was to destroy and impoverish an entire country, and install an Islamic State controlled by Washington.

Israel Seizes Land in Syria’s Golan Heights

by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation:

Israel went to work carving up the newly “liberated” Syria on Sunday by immediately seizing another chunk of the Golan Heights.

From Al Jazeera, “Israel grabs land in Syria’s Golan Heights, warns villagers to stay home”:

Israel has “seized” territory in Syrian-controlled areas of the Golan Heights, as its military warned Syrians living in five villages close to the Israeli-occupied portion of the strategic area to “stay home”.

President Trump on the Sham January 6 Committee: ‘Honestly, They Should Go to Jail’

from TheLibertyDaily:


OpenAI’s New AI Model Lied & Schemed to Avoid Being Shut Down

by Joe Martino, The Pulse:

I will come clean right off the top: I believe in a world where humans maintain their humanity deeply while working with technology (not embedded) to help make our world a better place.

I see a big place for AI, automation, and technology in our future. Not to increase economic prowess and societal power, but to free humanity.

I understand that right now many people have fearful views of a technological future where a technocratic surveillance state runs the show. In that vision, humans are getting a basic income from the government while their lives become limited based on their social credit score, and they are watched with every step they take.

‘Just incredible’: Biden-crime author says preemptive pardon names are ‘obviously guilty of something’

from WND:

‘All the people that are listed as going to get pardons, there’s sort of diplomatic immunity or Democratic immunity for crimes not even charged’

The author of “Laptop from Hell,” the book documenting alleged crimes by Biden family members, is now predicting the next pardons coming from Joe now that the president has excused his son Hunter, and says the listing of names likely to receive “preemptive pardons” demonstrates their guilt.

In the West Law Is Being Separated from Truth and Justice

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

The Biden regimes discussion of “preemptive” pardons for Tony Fauci,  Adam Schiff, and  Liz Cheney is the Biden regime’s admission that these people have committed felonies in their efforts to destroy Donald Trump and that Fauci by lying about the safety and protection of the Covid “vaccine” is liable for mass murder and health damage to millions of people worldwide. He is also liable for funding illegal biowarfare research in both US and Chinese laboratories. 

In effect, the preemptive pardons would be convictions that escape punishment.