Tuesday, July 2, 2024

How Do They Explain This? Video Shows 386,151 Votes REMOVED from GOP Supreme Court Candidate’s Totals in PA Where She Ended Up Losing by 207,237 (Video)

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Audit the Vote PA released an explosive video following the November 7, 2023, Pennsylvania Supreme Court election that has so far been largely ignored.

We hope to change that today.

Thanks to Behizy for posting this on his popular Twitter-X account.

Audit the Vote PA posted video recently that shows 386,151 in-person votes were removed from Pennsylvania Republican Supreme Court candidate Carolyn Carluccio on election night.

Washington Has Decided that a Dominant US Presence in the Middle East Is the Key to US Hegemony and Much More Important than Palestinian Lives

by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

The extensive menu I prepared for readers today can wait until tomorrow.  The interview with Michael Hudson brilliantly explains the past, present, and future.  Read it three times.  PCR

Washington Has Decided that a Dominant US Presence in the Middle East Is the Key to US Hegemony and Much More Important than Palestinian Lives

“To the United States, Israel is its landed aircraft carrier in the Near East. Israel is the takeoff point for America to control the Near East.” — Michael Hudson

Pfizer and Moderna COVID jabs found to be contaminated with short DNA fragments, making them potentially TUMORIGENIC and GENOTOXIC

by Lance D Johnson, Natural News:

A team of researchers from Ontario, Canada recently discovered the presence of DNA fragments in the monovalent and bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. All the vaccines in this study contained billions to hundreds of billions of DNA fragments, and they each exceeded the DNA adulteration standard of 10 nano-grams per dose set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the World Health Organization (WHO). In fact, these batches exceeded FDA standards by 188 to 509 times that limit.

US-based NGO confirms running Russian opposition troll farm

from RT:

The organization, however, denies links to Alexey Navalny’s FBK and that it used network to target rival Russian opposition groups

The Free Russia Foundation (FRF), a Washington-based NGO, has confirmed running a network of paid online commenters focused on influencing Russian current affairs and the Ukrainian crisis.

The pro-opposition troll farm was exposed in an explosive report published on Wednesday by SVTV, an online outlet created by Russian libertarian activist Mikhail Svetov. The report claimed, citing a trove of documents received from ex-employees of the network, that the FRF-payrolled troll farm has collaborated with FBK (Anti-Corruption Foundation), founded by jailed Russian opposition figure Alexey Navalny, and has also routinely targeted critics of FBK and the government alike.

Ep. 39 Candace Owens responds to Ben Shapiro.


YouTube Boasts About Elevating “Quality” Content, Collaborating With the WHO, and Suppressing “Misinformation”

by Didi Rankovic, Reclaim The Net:

Google’s algorithmic manipulation.

YouTube (Google) is yet another in a series of tech behemoths that feel the need to declare their stance on content, including its effective algorithmic manipulation, just as US primaries are ushering the country into another year of presidential elections.

Beating around that bush – Google representatives now talk about processes, procedures, and tools of censorship of health-related information that, unfortunately, can easily be “repurposed” to serve other, for example, political ends.

The U.S. Government is Secretly Stealing Newborn Babies DNA – Is This Tied to Creating a Biometric Digital ID?

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

There’s something sinister about that little “heel-prick” test that hospitals routinely do on newborns. They say it’s to detect disease but, if that’s the case, why do some states try to keep the DNA samples taken during these procedures and store them for decades without ever telling the parents? asked journalist Leo Hohmann, who says “We know it’s been happening in at least one state and several other states have been caught trying, so this may be more widespread than we thought.”

No Peace in the Middle East – Says USA

from Reese Report:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

HPV Vaccine May Cause Increase in Cancer-Causing Strains, Study Shows — But Media Puts Misleading Spin on Study’s Findings

by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., Childrens Health Defense:

The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine may increase the prevalence and distribution of some HPV virus strains not targeted by the vaccine — including some strains that are linked to cancer, according to a study published last week in Cell Host & Microbe. But STATNews misleadingly, according to experts, concluded the study showed the vaccine was effective at preventing cancer.

Whistleblowers: FBI targeted unvaxxed agents who didn’t wear masks, took part in ‘religious activities’

by Stephen Kokx, LifeSite News:

FBI agents were stripped ‘of security clearances, which sidelined them on the job and pushed them toward the exit, according to the [whistleblower] disclosures.’

EMFs Destroy Sperm Count

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • Mean sperm counts in men around the world have dropped by 51.6% over the past 50 years. Total sperm counts (TSC) are down by 62.3%, and the decline is accelerating
  • An environmental factor that might play a significant role in this trend is electromagnetic field (EMF) exposures from wireless technologies, also referred to as electromagnetic radiation (EMR) or radiofrequency EMF (RF-EMF)

Miss Universe Gets Woke and Goes Broke

from Moonbattery:

Unless for laughs, no one who isn’t sick wants to look at men presenting themselves as women. That goes double at beauty pageants. Yet like every other institution moonbats have marched through, Miss Universe subordinated its purpose to woke ideology. Now it reaps its reward:

While the 2023 Miss Universe pageant, known for its inclusion transgender contestants, will still take place this Saturday, the JKN Global Group behind it filed for bankruptcy just days before the event.

Disease, Debt and Death: How the corporate-controlled UNIPARTY achieves ABSOLUTE POWER

from Health Ranger Report:

TRUTH LIVES on at https://sgtreport.tv/

A Crumbling Sense of Justice


by Paul Engel, America Outloud:

According to the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States, one of its purposes is to establish justice. Today, the very idea of justice seems to be a confusing issue. We have social justice, racial justice, and economic justice, but all of these claims of “justice” are actually calling for the destruction of justice.

According to Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary, justice is “The virtue which consists in giving to everyone what is his due;” Yet all of these claims of adjective justice are nothing more than feeling entitled to take from others what is their due. What’s worse is it seems the very idea of liberty and justice for all is crumbling in American society. Let’s take a look at some examples and see if there’s something we can do to reinforce the idea of justice in ourselves and our society.

Brawls Nearly Erupt on Capitol Hill; More Jews Are Buying Guns


by Paul Dragu, The New American:

The House voted 336 to 95 to pass a short-term, laddered, continuing resolution that will fund the government through early next year. But it’s not policy that stirred the most chatter on Capitol Hill yesterday — the division and acrimony almost erupted into fist fights on two separate occasions. We look at what happened and discuss a history of violence on Capitol Hill.

Also, more Jews in America are beginning to appreciate the Second Amendment since the October 7 attack on Israel; eight Republicans voted against impeaching DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for his disastrous open-border policies; and the World Health Organization (WHO) is dealing with a big sex scandal in Congo, where more than 100 women were sexually abused.