Sunday, July 7, 2024

Ukraine conducts drone strike on journalists – Moscow


from RT:

Kiev’s forces targeted a group of Russian reporters, injuring one of them, the Russian Defense Ministry has said

A group of Russian journalists has been attacked by a Ukrainian drone in Zaporozhye Region, the Russian military has reported. Boris Maksudov, a reporter with Rossiya-24 TV channel, was wounded in the attack, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday.

Stories From the Freedom Fight

by Tom Renz, Esq., America Outloud:

It’s been a very busy couple of weeks. We have been in Missouri, Washington DC, Nevada, and elsewhere. Many people have asked about our work, what we are doing, and what it’s like. Today, we are discussing all these things, including what happened in these events.

Documentary Unmasks Truth About George Floyd, Rioting

by Steve Bonta, The New American:

Joe Wolverton interviews award-winning investigative journalist Liz Collin about her blockbuster new documentary “The Fall of Minneapolis,” which exposes the truth about the death of George Floyd and the 2020 riots. Put simply, the media lied, and the lies duped and divided America.

Also, in Argentina, the markets are going up, not down, in the wake of Javier Milei’s election in Argentina, despite dire warnings to the contrary. In the U.S., OpenAI — creator of the celebrated Chat-GPT AI system — fired CEO Sam Altman, who was then hired by Microsoft.

Plus, John Birch Society research project manager Christian Gomez joins us to discuss the Second Amendment and state nullification of federal anti-gun laws.

New Jan 6 Tapes: They Lied to Us, w/ Darren Beattie | SYSTEM UPDATE

from Glenn Greenwald:


First They Came for the Smokers…

by William Sullivan, American Thinker:

In the early 2000s, entertainers Penn and Teller had a show called Bullsh*t! that aired on Showtime, in which the iconic duo apply their sense of humor and libertarian sensibilities to butcher lots of sacred cows.

In recently revisiting some episodes of the show that I enjoyed back then, one moment, in particular, contained a brief bit of what can only be described as the purest prophecy.

Airplane GPS Systems Targeted by Hackers, Causing ‘Critical Navigation Failures’

by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

The GPS systems of airplanes have come under attack from hackers, according to reports.

The targeting of the systems is causing “critical navigation failures,” the New York Post is reporting.

More than 50 recent reports revealed that hackers are launching cyberattacks against airplanes, including commercial jets.

The Federal Aviation Administration issued a memo to aircraft operators in late September.

The memo warned about increased “safety of flight risk to civil aviation operations.”

WarRoom Battleground EP 421: Conflicting Interests Of The Elite; Political Justice System

from Bannons War Room:


With all the talk about Russia, China and Iran, who’s really responsible for destroying the land we love? A Thanksgiving manifesto

by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

Is it time for a Second American Revolution? And if so, what would it look like?

As we celebrate Thanksgiving and near the close of another year, it’s a good time to reassess and also to resolve.

It’s only through individual resolve on the part of enough Americans that we will ever get back on the right path. We must resolve to get ourselves and our families on the right path before we can worry too much about a nation that seems destined for self-destruction and marching headlong into a digital slave state.

“This Is Going To Expose Everything”: Mike Lindell Says Georgia Voting Machine Ruling “Opened The Door That No Man Can Shut”

from ZeroHedge:

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has vowed to ‘expose everything’ following last week’s massive ruling by an Obama-appointed judge in Georgia, Amy Totenberg, who agreed with Lindell’s legal team that electronic voting machines used by the state of Georgia have substantial flaws.

US Army begs anti-vaxxers to re-enlist (and die for Israel)

from Health Ranger Report:


A Deep Dive into the Unprecedented Wall Street Journal Attack on FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

In seven of the past nine days, a Wall Street Journal article has been published attacking the culture of the bank regulator, the FDIC, and/or its Chairman, Martin Gruenberg, a Democrat and Biden nominee. The cumulative total of this attack so far is eight articles bylined by Rebecca Ballhaus (one was co-bylined with Andrew Ackerman); an unsigned Wall Street Journal video; and a podcast interview with Rebecca Ballhaus on her reporting about the FDIC and Gruenberg.

According to one Ballhaus article, the Wall Street Journal investigation included “interviews with more than 100 current and former employees, including more than 20 women who quit.”

More Problems With The Banks: JPMorgan Chase, Bank Of America And Wells Fargo Have All Had Their Ratings Downgraded

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

There is a reason why I am watching the banks so carefully.  The banks are the beating heart of our economic system, and so if they get into big trouble we will all feel the pain.  That is precisely what happened in 2008, and that is precisely what is happening again right now.  In recent months there have been endless banking “glitches”, banks have been shutting down hundreds of branches and laying off thousands of workers, and lenders are getting really tight with their money because they are sitting on hundreds of billions of dollars of unrealized losses.  And just in time for Thanksgiving, three of our “too big to fail” banks have had their ratings downgraded by Moody’s Investors Service

Reformed ex-climate alarmist: “There is no climate crisis… [There is] no consistent correlation between carbon dioxide and Earth’s temperature—at times CO2 was 1300% of today


from The Salty Cracker: