Friday, September 6, 2024

U.N. ‘secretly working with banks’ to destroy American food industry

from WND:

Farmers not sufficiently ‘woke’ can have accounts shut down without notice

Farmers are under attack in multiple food-producing nations now.

WND reported just days ago on a video that showed empty stores in France, where a climate agenda threatened the production processes for farmers, and they more or less staged a strike.


from The Highwire with Del Bigtree:


Nolte: Another Year of Anemic Grammy Ratings

by John Nolte, Breitbart:

The sixty-sixth annual Grammy Awards drew only 16.9 million viewers “across CBS, Paramount+ and other digital platforms, according to early data from Nielsen,” reports the far-left Deadline.

While this is a 34 percent improvement from 2023, until the arrogant, smug, preachy Woke Gestapo era began in 2017 with the election of President Donald Trump, the Grammy Awards averaged around 25 million viewers for nearly a decade without breaking a sweat.


from Wardo Rants:


Ukraine Strikes A Bakery In Russia Killing 28


by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

On Sunday, Russia said that at least 28 people were killed in the Ukrainian shelling of a bakery in Lysychansk, a city in the Russian-controlled Luhansk Oblast in eastern Ukraine.

According to a report by Anti-War, the bakery was hit on Saturday afternoon, and the death toll rose as emergency workers searched through the rubble overnight. According to Reuters, local officials said the strike was carried out by Ukrainian forces using a United States-provided HIMARS rocket system.

NEW – Trudeau says the opposition leader is proposing “to make Canada great again. That is not what Canadians want.”


Has The Stage Been Set For “The Big One” To Hit California?

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Trillions of gallons of rain have already fallen on the state of California, and more rain continues to fall as I write this article.  Billions of dollars in damage has already been done, but of even greater concern is what all of this water could mean for southern California’s fault lines.  As you will see below, geophysicists have discovered that the additional weight that flooding puts on fault lines can help trigger earthquakes.  Of course we have been warned for many years that “the Big One” is way overdue in southern California, and when it finally happens it will be a disaster unlike anything we have ever seen before.

Large geriatric practice reports 3X increase in deaths AFTER the COVID vaccines rolled out

by Steve Kirsch, Steve Kirsch’s newsletter:

Deanna Kline, an RN with 35 years of experience, has the case histories of everyone who died. They were all vaccinated with the COVID vaccine and the excess deaths were attributed to the shots.

Where are the “success anecdotes” where all-cause mortality dramatically fell in a US geriatric practice after the COVID shots rolled out???

All I can find are anecdotes, like that from Deanna Kline, an RN with 35 years of experience who wrote a top-rated book on Amazon about what she observed in the large geriatric practice she works at (thousands of elderly patients).

On the rising danger of Democratic lawfare

by Alex Berenson, Unreported Truths:

The New York state fraud case against Donald Trump is absurd; and the White House now openly tells its operatives to defy Congressional subpoenas. Democrats seem blind to the risks they’re running.

Even dictatorships have judges.

Which doesn’t mean they have justice.

Democrats appear ever-more enamored with “lawfare” — a term that hardly existed before Donald Trump was elected president in 2016 — as they try to keep Trump from returning to the White House.

Left-wing politicians, prosecutors, and lawyers may be sincere when they say they believe Trump is an existential threat to democracy who must be stopped by any means necessary. But they would be wise not to become what they fear.

Agenda 2030- Alive and Well

by javelin, The Burning Platform:

It is easy to be distracted by election nonsense, the southern border crisis, covid “vaccine” deaths and other orchestrated sleight of hand. While many of these issues help support the Globalists overall goals of ending national sovereignties, reducing global population and empowering unelected international bodies like the WHO, they are just the trees in the forest.

I encourage everyone to visit this website and peruse it. It is the plan they have for you, your kids and grandkids to live under a global, Orwellian governance system. From giving the WHO power above nation’s individual decisions to intentional carbon crediting, social credit scores and cashless societies– their plan is well under way and nearing the final completion on schedule.

Controlled Instability

by Robert Gore, Straight Line Logic:

Would-be rulers embrace a moronic oxymoron.

The Houthis stymie 12 percent of the world’s shipping. Israel has bitten off more than it can chew and is desperately trying to maneuver the U.S. into a broader Middle Eastern engagement and years of pointless war. In Europe, farmers and truckers are protesting and blocking roads over climate change measures and other grievances. In the U.S., a governor ignores a Supreme Court decision and receives support from 25 fellow governors.

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton – ‘French Farmers Siege Paris & EU’

from 21st Century Wire:

French farmers rise up to siege Paris amidst the global farmers protest across the European Union.

In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on January 31, 2024,  Patrick talks with independent French researcher and journalist Freddie Ponton, about the French farmers protest and siege on Paris and “Rungis”the world second largest wholesale food market where he breaks down the cause and effects of the penalising the EU’s environmental roadmap including the bureaucratic burden associated with the European Green Deal and the EU Farm to Fork Strategy.