Thursday, March 6, 2025

U.S.-Made F-16 Crashed in Ukraine, Killing the Pilot

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

The US sent six F-16s to Ukraine. A Ukrainian pilot reportedly just crashed one of them. What happened?

The Wall Street Journal comments on the Crash of an F-16 in Ukraine.

A Ukrainian pilot was killed in combat when his F-16 jet fighter crashed Monday, just weeks after the first of the American-made aircraft arrived in Ukraine, according to U.S. and Ukrainian officials.

Zuckerberg will answer for censoring vital information about the death jabs and more during the Covid plannedemic.

More Influencers Coming Forward, Kamala Harris Offering $1,500 PER POST


from The Highwire with Del Bigtree:


Mayor Mike Koffman Confirms Illegal Alien Venezuelan Gangs have Taken Over at Least 3 Apartment Complexes

The Stage Is Being Set For The Cataclysmic Wars Of 2025

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

While the mainstream media focuses our attention on the upcoming election, the stage is being set for the unthinkable.  Chess pieces are in motion all over the planet, and global leaders continue to drag us in directions that we should not want to go.  If everyone truly understood where current events were taking us, there would be massive protests in every major city right now.  The comfortable lifestyles that so many of us take for granted are about to be shattered.  The U.S. could soon find itself involved in several major wars simultaneously, and we are definitely not prepared for such a scenario.

Drinking Ice Water in Cyber Hell

by Donald Jeffries, “I Protest”:

I must sound monotonous stating the obvious; that we’re living in a barely recognizable society, run by corruption and incompetence. That there is no moral foundation left, no great ideals, no shared values. I feel increasingly like Robert A. Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land. America is on life support. Running on fumes.

Well, you’re probably saying at this point; okay, if you’re so tired of sounding black pilled, then why do you keep black pilling it, Mr. bigshot Community College Dropout? Good question. I often don’t know what else to write about, because the truth is cathartic, and unfortunately, the truth in our time is very, very bleak. I have a powerful need to write and talk about the madness which has enveloped our politics and our culture.

Leaked BioTeq Slides: Scarily Advanced Human Chipping Well Underway – Video #136

by Makia Freeman, Activist Post:

UK firm BioTeq partnered with Pfizer to develop microchip tags which have been tested in people, spread to all organs, can be spread to other people and which are activated with 5G. These leaked BioTeq slides are shocking! See for yourself.

Polling Guru Nate Silver’s Latest Election Forecast Spells Doom for Kamala

from 21st Century Wire:

The Blaze reports…

While much of the mainstream media has expressed glee at recent polling showing Democratic candidate Kamala Harris surging ahead of former President Donald Trump, a new election forecast spells doom for Democrats.

The forecast from polling expert Nate Silver stunned many when it was published on Thursday.

“Kamala Harris had one of her worst days in some time in our forecast on Thursday despite gaining in our national polling average,” wrote Silver.

Kamala AND Walz To Sit For SCRIPTED Interview w/ CNN!

from The Jimmy Dore Show:


CDC Issues Warning as ‘Sloth Fever’ Arrives in US from South America

by Jack Davis, The Gateway Pundit:

Health experts are raising red flags as what is commonly known as “sloth fever” has gained a foothold in the United States.

The Oropouche virus has been detected in two states, according to CBS.

Florida officials said they have spotted 30 cases, all connected with travelers from Cuba.

One case was diagnosed in New York state, also linked to travel from Cuba.

Bob Kudla – Fed Is Trapped In Their Own Agenda, Red October, Watch Japan & The Bond Market

from X22 Report:


Reports: Despite Warnings of Fraud, Biden-Harris Resume Parole Pipeline for Migrants

by John Binder, Breitbart:

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is reportedly resuming a parole pipeline for migrants to come to the United States despite having previously shuttered the program due to warnings of widespread fraud.

Earlier this month, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas temporarily shut down the CHNV program over reports of fraud and abuse. The program serves as one of two parole pipelines that Biden and Harris have created, giving advanced travel authorization to Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans so they can fly to the U.S. and secure parole.