Wednesday, March 26, 2025

California panel approves reparations proposal of up to $1.2 million EACH for black residents… but activists demand more than $200 million at heated public meeting

by Kamal Sultan, Daily Mail:

  • California’s reparations task force approved recommendations which could give black residents $1.2million each as compensation for slavery and discrimination 
  • But activists believe it is ‘nowhere near enough’ and demanded $200million as some called it a ‘further injustice’ and others called for direct cash payments
  • Previous calculations from economists predicted the reparations could cost around $800billion- more than twice California’s $300 billion annual budget

High Profile LGBT Supporter ‘Cancelled’ For Daring Speak Out Against Minors Transitioning, Labeled ‘Transphobic’ For Wanting To Protect Children

by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

– They’re Eating Their Own Now

Despite the media’s best efforts to confuse Americans regarding the transitioning of children to a gender they were not born as, whether with gender blockers, or life altering surgeries cutting off little girls’ breasts or little boys’ penises, we see that the majority of Americans are repelled by it as well. as they favor the GOP in the battle to save the children.

Not one to make such an assertion about the media without offering proof, we’ll take a look at a Washington Post headline, “Most Americans support anti-trans policies favored by GOP, poll show.” (Link is to archived version since Wapo is behind a paywall.)

Anti-trans policies?

An American blogger, living in Kharkov, glorified Putin until the SBU knocked on his door.


from The Last American Vagabond:


Was Bill Gates using Epstein to Blackmail People?

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

I have said before, Epstein was really creating a sophisticated operation for blackmail. Wall Street used Elliot Spritzer to take down AIG head Hank Greenberg because he refused to allow AIG to issue guarantees for Goldman Sachs’ mortgage-backed securities. They used Elliot Spitzer as the DA of NY to remove Hank Greenberg from AIG which opened the door for the 2007-2009 Crash. Removing Hank Greenberg made the whole Mortgage-Backed CDO Lending possible and the collapse of the Great Financial Crisis. Spitzer was fed info I believe to remove Greenberg by Goldman Sachs. It was Goldman who then sold the idea to AIG when Greenberg was removed. 


from SGT Report:

Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold. IRA
Noble Gold is Who I Trust ^^^

Sofia Smallstorm is back to discuss the covid era KILL BOX.

Downtown San Francisco Becomes a Ghost Town as Major Retailers Flee

by Mish Shedlock, Mish Talk:

Retailers abandon downtown San Francisco in droves. Nordstrom is the latest, signaling the death of the area.

That Tweet is from April 29. Since then, there have been more closures.

Nordstrom closes two stores and Saks Off 5th says goodbye as well.

World Health Organization Declares The COVID Pandemic To Be Over As Phase 2 Of The Great Reset Launches With Mealworm Tacos And 15-Minute Cities


by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

The spread of COVID-19 is no longer a global public health emergency, the World Health Organization declared Friday. Welcome to Phase 2 of the Great Reset.

Well, what do you know? Looks like the dreaded, terrible, worst plague of modern times has come to an ignominious end in a Friday afternoon memo from the World Health Organization. No brass bands, no ticker tape parade. Why? Because the vast majority of the people who have endured this pandemic now have PTSD, not from COVID but from the relentless gaslighting from our New World Order overlords. But take heart, the Great Reset is still here, and is in fact, now in Phase 2.

US Debt: Net Interest to Exceed $700B by November

by Peter Schiff, Schiff Gold:

The chart below shows the gimmicks the Treasury has been using to manage the debt while the debt ceiling keeps a lid on new issuance. The primary gimmick used is pillaging government retirement funds which hold non-Marketable debt. In April, the government replenished some of what has been taken by retiring public debt (mostly short-term) as tax receipts increased cash available to the Treasury. They will most likely tap back into this next month as the government gets closer to running out of money.

Unmasking The Great Reset: Schwab, Gates, and the Sinister WEF Plot to Depopulate the World using COVID Vaccines & Climate Change Lies as a Recipe for Disaster

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

In a world shrouded in suspicion and scepticism, where power seems concentrated in the hands of a privileged few and giant corporations, critical thinkers are raising questions about the intentions and actions of prominent entities such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) and renowned figure Bill Gates.

Whispers of a grand conspiracy suggest that under the guise of “saving the planet,” a dark agenda to depopulate the world may be unfolding.

The Battle Within the Club is Escalating Now


from The Conservative Treehouse:

As the geography narrows before us, it is important to remember the stakes and avoid the distractions.  As a consequence, the baseline must be reaffirmed. It is critical to understand that both the DNC and RNC are private corporations with no affiliation to government.

It is a difficult shift in thinking, but the party system in U.S. politics revolves around two distinct private corporations, two clubs that feed from the same corporate trough and position for influence and affluence within a political dynamic they control.

Atty. Tom Renz: “The COVID-19 Murder for Money Scheme in the Hospitals… Have Been Carried Out by Fake Doctors and Nurses”

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

On Saturday, anti-corruption attorney Thomas Renz in Ohio made headlines by suggesting that fake doctors and nurses may have been behind the COVID-19 murder-for-money scheme in hospitals.

“DEVELOPING: This is the most important developing story in the country. The COVID-19 murder for money scheme in the hospitals appears, in many cases, to have been carried out by fake doctors and nurses,” Renz wrote on Twitter.



from Press For Truth:


Exclusive — Jim Jordan Has ‘More Stuff Coming’ on Ex-Intel Officials’ Letter Undermining Hunter Biden Story

by Ashley Oliver, Breitbart:

House Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) anticipates providing the public with details that give “even more weight” to the revelation that 51 former intelligence officials sought to aid the Joe Biden campaign by using their influence to cast doubt on the Hunter Biden story in 2020.

Jordan told Breitbart News in an interview Friday that while he is still in the fact-finding process on the issue, his committee’s weaponization of the federal government panel has uncovered additional unreported and relevant details.