Thursday, March 13, 2025

Ed Dowd: FED is 40% of Money Market


from Bannons War Room:

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King Charles and the Globalists set meeting for September at which they will plot how to accelerate goals of U.N. Agenda 2030 and the complete digitization of humanity


by Leo Hohmann, Leo Hohmann:

The World Economic Forum and United Nations are so concerned that the goals of Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development and the Great Reset (aka technocracy under a one-world beast system) are in jeopardy of not being fulfilled by the appointed date, that they have called for a summit in September to discuss how they can kickstart their stalled totalitarian agenda.

The September 18-19 Summit in New York will “mark the beginning of a new phase of accelerated progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals,” according to the U.N. website.


from Mark Dice:


Megyn Kelly Lands Knockout Blow On Fox News: “Not even Bud Lite lost this much of its customer base”


by David Hawkins, Slay News:

Ex-Fox News star warned Rupert Murdoch about the future of Fox News after the ratings tanked after he fired star host Tucker Carlson. Kelly thinks the decision to part ways is backfiring like Bud Light’s disastrous marketing stunt.

Ex-CNN media critic Brian Stelter broke down the bad news for Rupert Murdoch and Fox News: “Tuesday’s ratings showcase the new normal for Fox without Tucker: 5pm: 2.72 million viewers. 6pm: 1.89 mil. 7pm: 2.04 mil. 8pm: 1.48 mil. 9pm: 1.91 mil. 10pm: 1.67 mil. Tucker averaged 3 mil at 8pm. So that hour has been cut in half. And the later hours have lost at least a quarter.”

Disarm the IRS, De-Militarize the Bureaucracy, and Dismantle the Standing Army


by John W. Whitehead, Rutherford Institute:

“There are instruments so dangerous to the rights of the nation and which place them so totally at the mercy of their governors that those governors, whether legislative or executive, should be restrained from keeping such instruments on foot but in well-defined cases. Such an instrument is a standing army.”—Thomas Jefferson, 1789

What does it say about the state of our freedoms that there are now more pencil-pushing, bureaucratic (non-military) government agents armed with weapons than U.S. Marines?

Nordstrom Forced to Close San Francisco Stores

from Moonbattery:

San Francisco has reached the point in the Democrat Death Spiral where it is becoming impossible to do business there. Consequently, Nordstrom is closing both its stores in this mecca of moonbattery:

The company’s chief stores officer notified employees in an email that “the dynamics of the downtown San Francisco market have changed dramatically over the past several years, impacting customer foot traffic to our stores and our ability to operate successfully.”

Those dynamics involve the homelessness and crime that result from liberal policy. Derelicts are lavishly subsidized. Shoplifting is effectively legal in San Francisco. Crime control consists of paying thugs not to shoot people.

German Government Admits it Has No Evidence Face Masks Work

by Will Jones, Daily Sceptic:

As on several prior occasions, liberal Bundestag Vice-President Wolfgang Kubicki has used his parliamentary prerogatives to put a question to the Health Ministry, and compel an answer. He asked what study results the Ministry could cite to demonstrate the efficacy of face masks. Lauterbach’s crack team of virus understanders responded that, uh, it is a very complicated problem, and, in truth, well, actually, nobody really knows what effect masks really have. This is because “the effectiveness of individual measures… cannot be examined in isolation, but only in conjunction with the other measures in place at any given time”.

Confirmed: Jeffrey Epstein’s History as an FBI Source


by Techno Fog, The Reactionary:

Epstein was an FBI source before his 2007 plea deal

Back in 2007, the Department of Justice gave Jeffrey Epstein a sweetheart deal that deferred prosecuting Epstein for federal offenses – including the interstate sex trafficking of minors and recruiting minors to engage in commercial sex acts – in exchange for Epstein pleading guilty to Florida state-level solicitation of prostitution and procurement charges.

Assassination Attempt on Putin Threatens to Escalate Nuclear War

from The Alex Jones Show:


CV19 Bioweapon Caused a Pandemic of the Vaccinated – Ed Dowd

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Ed Dowd was a money manager on Wall Street and is still a skillful number cruncher.  He worked for Black Rock and made billions of dollars in profits by being right on the data.  Now, Dowd has turned his skills toward the numbers of deaths and serious injuries surrounding the CV19 bioweapon vax.  He sees a very dark and disturbing future taking shape.  Dowd explains, “We did our vaccine damage report after months and months of collecting data.  There are three buckets.  There are the dead, disabled and injured.  The dead is easy enough to find . . . it’s excess mortality.  In 2021 and 2022, it’s over 300,000 deaths, and that’s probably on the low side.  There are 1.36 million disabled from the vax, and that is a conservative number.  Finally, 26.6 million people are injured. . . .

Covid Hospital Protocols Destroyed Thousands of American Families


by Stella Paul, American Thinker:

Someday, if America is saved, there may be a museum to memorialize the Covid dead.  There will be a wing for those killed by the disease who died at home after being refused early treatment. There will be a wing for those who died of the vaccine and another for those who died from the lockdowns. And, surely, one wing will be dedicated to those who died in hospitals due to deadly protocols.

Here We Go Again: Troubled California Bank PacWest Craters 60% On Report It Is Seeking Buyers Or Capital Raise


from ZeroHedge:

Earlier today, when Jerome Powell openly lied to the American People during the FOMC press conference stating without a hint of irony that the US banking system is “sound and resilient”…

…we balked: how could this former lawyer lie so brazenly to the American people, the narrator wondered, when in just the past few weeks we had seen over half a trillion in bank failures, making the current bank failure episode even worse than the global financial crisis?

Short Sellers Cratered Silvergate Bank and First Republic; They’re Now Targeting PacWest and Numerous Other Regional Banks

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

President Joe Biden is putting the national security of the United States at risk by not suspending the short-selling of federally-insured banks. Concerns over the safety and soundness of the U.S. financial system could cause money flight out of the U.S., impacting the strength of the U.S. dollar and a loss of confidence by our foreign allies.

This is also a matter that impacts the financial lives of every American, because every American – rich, poor or middle class – will suffer the consequences in terms of ability to access bank credit and higher fees on that credit as a result of rebuilding the rapidly depleting federal Deposit Insurance Fund that protects bank deposits.

Episode 2704: The Public Flogging Of Tucker Carlson


from Bannons War Room: