from reallygraceful:
from reallygraceful:
by Gillian Jamieson, Daily Sceptic:
I am heartened to see that the negative effects of technology, such as smartphones and remote learning are now being discussed more publicly. Last Friday on GB News, Bev Turner talked about an ALDI store, to which entry can only be gained via smartphone. Various national newspapers are mentioning the psychological damage done to children through overuse of screens and social media. Addiction is a major problem.
However only a handful of people and organisations seem to be aware of the likely damage to physical and mental health from the radio-frequency radiation (RFR) emitted by smartphones, wi-fi and phone masts.
by Trish Randall, American Thinker:
In a recent essay, I explored longstanding dissatisfaction about a bodily fact. I’m happy being a woman, so I focused on a bodily fact that I’ve never been happy about. My “persistent, insistent, consistent” desire for a rock-star voice was my best window into the disappointment over an aspect of one’s body that has life-changing implications.
My description of unrequited desire for a powerfully pleasing voice was met with some sympathetic attention, which I found quite sweet.
Mine is one of many potential unhappy bodily realities, including height, build, hair (color, frizz, thickness, absence), eyesight (nearsighted, farsighted, colorblind), weakness, etc. Seeing a healthy, functional limb as intrusive and alien causes unhappiness compounded by rational reasons that this doesn’t evoke sympathy.
from ZeroHedge:
Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) on Monday dropped yet another bombshell in the recent spate of Biden corruption headlines – that the foreign national who allegedly bribed then-VP Joe Biden kept seventeen secret recordings of both Hunter and Joe Biden as an ‘insurance’ policy.
According to the Washington Examiner, that foreign national is Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky.
from The Money GPS:
by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:
America was once a country that built stuff. Previous generations of Americans constructed the greatest highways, bridges, railroads, ports, dams and water systems that anyone had ever seen. Magnificent new mega-cities were erected from coast to coast, and the rest of the world looked at us with envy. Ultimately, the keys to all of this infrastructure were handed down to us, and we have really messed things up. We don’t actually build much of anything these days. In fact, we can’t even maintain the infrastructure that we have been given. As a society we have become extremely lazy and extremely incompetent, and so the great civilization that our forefathers built for us is now crumbling right in front of our eyes.
by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:
A dangerous malignancy has been growing on the U.S. banking system for at least two dozen years: It’s the job function benignly called the “Relationship Manager.”
In October 2013, Carmen Segarra, a lawyer and former Bank Examiner at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, filed a federal lawsuit alleging that Relationship Managers there, who were assigned to delicately manage relationships between the New York Fed and the powerful Wall Street banks, had obstructed and interfered with her investigation of Goldman Sachs and tried to bully her into changing her negative findings. When Segarra refused to change her examination, she was fired, according to a federal lawsuit she filed. In 2018, Segarra provided a more detailed accounting of how these corrupted relationships play out in her book, Noncompliant: A Lone Whistleblower Exposes the Giants of Wall Street.
by James Grundvig, The Tenpenny Report:
Thursday, May 18, 2023, began like most days for me at American Media Periscope. In the early morning I skimmed through my various crowdsourced truth groups and online sites, hunting for interesting news or video clips that I could use for an article or put on the “Unrestricted Truths” show recorded later in the day.
Initially, I noticed no connection between the data points, but God opened my eyes to them and linked them into what became an epiphany by Friday morning. That was precisely what happened. They were spread hours apart and revealed no apparent link at the time. Still, I gravitated towards these standalone items, following my gut intuition. Throughout my life, it was a pattern that I became accustomed to on how God works through me to see and connect often key but disparate pieces of information that most others would miss entirely or consider inconsequential.
by Ethan Huff, Natural News:
On Monday, United Nations (UN) World Health Organization (WHO) director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus officially announced the launch of his globalist body’s long-awaited “global digital health certification network,” which in many ways looks like it could be part of the prophesied Mark of the Beast.
The purpose of this new WHO network is to track and limit the movement of people all around the world based on their obedience to government orders, especially during a “public health emergency” like the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). When the next “pandemic” is launched, the WHO will be ready and waiting with this new network to control everything.
by Rebekah Barnett, Umbrella News:
The COVID vaccines should never have been approved, and the rollout should be suspended pending further inquiry, says British cardiologist and public health campaigner, Dr Aseem Malhotra. Touring Australia with the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society, Dr Malhotra is calling for honesty, transparency and accountability from the medical profession and drug regulators, to amend what he believes to be, “perhaps the greatest miscarriage of medical science we will witness in our lifetime.”
from InfoWars:
Pride indoctrination is beginning to backfire on the younger generation.
Video going viral on social media shows a California math teacher threatening to punish her students if they refuse to watch an LGBTQ Pride Month video.
The video begins with a classroom of Edison High School students groaning in unison as the Pride video begins, prompting the teacher to threaten them with Saturday school if they keeping acting up.