by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:
Oh no, not another column about our border, or about Biden. Really, it is actually about how bad the lies are regarding them both, or better said, about ones lies concerning the other. As is my wont to do, I shall begin with a quick story to give some reference; a quick wire frame to give this clay sculpture some kind of basic form you might say.
For over forty years now I have used a system to rid the yard of ants that works out wonderfully and is very simple and is pet safe as well. I don’t remember where I first heard of it but may have been on the radio or in some gardening book or the like. We usually get a number of breeds of ants, with the small black ones and even smaller sugar ants, the large black ones and large red ones and a mid size red and black type as well. Nothing out of the ordinary I assume, and often three or four types around the yard on occasion, and it works well on all of those types with perhaps the best results when red ones are involved. The system works on the basis that ants are colonies led by one Queen and do not like competition for resources. To find a way to eliminate those colonies is easy; just follow human history and instigate a war between them and watch them kill each other off. Easy!