Sunday, March 9, 2025

The weaponization of the US justice system goes far beyond stopping Donald Trump

by Frank Wright, LifeSite News:

‘This case is the Deep State versus democracy, not the U.S. versus Donald Trump,’ opined American lawyer Robert Barnes.

Weaponizing the legal process is not simply about stopping Donald Trump – it aims at the permanent capture of U.S. power by the Deep State. 

According to U.S. lawyer Robert Barnes, the latest legal measures deployed against former President Donald Trump are aimed at supplanting the powers of the presidency – permanently. 

How Many Forever Chemicals Are in Your Contact Lenses?

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • Mamavation, in partnership with Environmental Health News, had 18 different brands of contact lenses tested for organic fluorine, a marker for PFAS
  • All the contact lenses tested positive for fluorine, at levels ranging from 105 to 20,700 parts per million (ppm)
  • While 44% of the contact lenses tested contained fluorine at a level over 4,000 ppm, 22% contained more than 18,000 ppm

Fighting Racism and the Culture War in America

by Tom Renz, Esq., America Outloud:

I’m of the belief that we should recognize and celebrate our history. It’s integral that we understand where we’ve come from and learn from our past, especially the dark parts. The bottom line is slavery is a horrible chapter in American history, and Juneteenth celebrates its abolition as a good thing.

Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech is my favorite historic speech of all time. Dr. King talks about American history and the Emancipation Proclamation, and how long after the slaves were freed, people of color were still treated as lesser in our society. A black man was not viewed as equal to a white man, and those who lived through the civil rights movement know all too well about the evils of segregation and the racism that was still occurring at that time. Regardless of race, Every man and woman must have equal opportunity in a free society.


from Owen Benjamin:


The World Economic Forum and U.N. Agenda 2030

by E. Jeffrey Ludwig, American Thinker:

Many articles are being published about the globalist agenda being put forward by the World Economic Forum and its megalomaniacal leadership, first and foremost Klaus Schwab, but also including Bill Gates and a mysterious figure Dr. Yuval Noah Harari who boasts a Ph.D. from Oxford in world history and now teaches at a university in Jerusalem.

Harari, like many of the globalists can sometimes sound non-threatening and even benign. For example, he writes, “There is no contradiction between nationalism and globalism. Because nationalism isn’t about hating foreigners. Nationalism is about loving your compatriots. And in the twenty-first century, in order to protect the safety and the future of your compatriots, you must cooperate with foreigners.”

TITANIC SUB PSYOP: It’s much more than you think!


from State Of The Nation:

Really, could there be a more captivating distraction during the devastating summer of 2023 for Team Biden than the globally captivating Titanic sub drama?!

After all, everyone on planet Earth has already been primed for it with LOTS of predictive programming from the 1997 blockbuster TITANIC starring Hollywood’s politically correct “Marlon Brando”—Leonardo DiCaprio—as well as Céline Dion’s voice.

ZEROTIME: LOCKSTEP Council Agenda – Banning Humans in Nature

from mariazeee:


Biometric National Digital IDs are Coming Soon to Pave the Way for Central Bank Digital Currencies

by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Imagine a world where you cannot purchase anything in a retail store, or online, or be able to access the cash in your bank account, unless you first use your cell phone to scan your face to prove your identity.

You are assured that your face image is “secure” and never shared or sold to third party advertisers, but now every time you scan your face to make a financial transaction, a new digital image of your face is stored somewhere, where it can be hacked or sold to the highest bidder.

IN-DEPTH: Pentagon Paying the Price for Going ‘Woke’

from The Epoch Times:

WATCH: The president of the Human Rights Campaign Kelley Robinson is unable to answer the simple question is there a difference between women and men under questioning from Sen. Ted Cruz.


Globalists Dealt Devastating Defeat: COVID Tyranny – FULL SHOW 6/19/23

from The Alex Jones Show:


Wall Street’s Most Dangerous Derivative Secrets Are Hiding in Plain Sight in a Regulator’s Report

by Pam Martens and Russ Martens, Wall St On Parade:

On March 17, 2022, the Federal Reserve began its interest rate hiking cycle, which has, thus far, evolved into 10 consecutive rate hikes, making it the fastest rate increases in 40 years. The Fed’s actions to tame inflation included four consecutive interest rate hikes of an aggressive 75 basis point hike (three quarters of one percent) on June 16, July 28, September 22, and November 3 of last year.

At that point, every trading veteran on Wall Street was scratching their head and asking themselves the same question: why aren’t we hearing about interest rate derivatives blowing up and taking down either a U.S. mega bank or its counterparty on the wrong side of the trade?

The Catastrophic Failures Of The Biden Administration Are Motivating More Americans Than Ever To Prepare For An Apocalypse

by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

The verdict is in.  Joe Biden is the worst president in the entire history of the United States, and that is really saying something because we have had some absolutely horrible presidents.  Just about everything that Biden has done since he entered the White House has turned out badly, and our once great nation is now barreling down a deeply self-destructive path.  If we do not reverse course, our country is not going to have a future, and more Americans than ever are losing faith in the federal government.  In fact, a brand new survey has discovered that a lack of faith in the government in Washington is motivating large numbers of Americans to hoard “water, food, warm clothing, weapons, and cash” for the extremely chaotic times that are ahead of us…

Cancer Taking Off ‘Like Wildfire’: Unsettling Insights from Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole

from The Vigilant Fox:


Greta Thunberg Predicted Climate Change Would ‘Wipe Out All of Humanity’ by Today


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg predicted that “all of humanity” would be wiped out by June 21, 2023, due to “global warming.”

In a now-deleted tweet on June 21, 2018, Thunberg warned that we only had five years left to save the planet from “climate change.”

Today is the anniversary of Thunberg’s doomsday prediction.

However, many would argue that nothing has changed at all in that time, especially concerning the environment.

When she was just 15 years old, Thunberg wrote: