Sunday, January 26, 2025

Consolidating Control

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • In an interview with Whitney Webb, finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts discusses how central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) will consolidate control of the financial system
  • Corporate media pushes the idea that you must put all your money with major banks to keep it safe, but this is a dangerous move
  • The big banks the media are trying to drive consumers to are engaged in criminal activities and allowed to operate above the law
  • When you have small, local banks and credit unions flourishing, it translates into healthy small businesses and small farms in the community
  • The most important thing you need to do to prepare financially is get yourself out of the control grid

Episode 2730: The Tale Of Two Borders

from Bannons War Room:


Minnesota Democrats push government ‘bias registry’ to track conservative speech


by Raymond Wolfe, LifeSite News:

Saying that COVID is a ‘Chinese bio-weapon’ could get you on a proposed government speech registry in Minnesota.

ST. PAUL, Minnesota (LifeSiteNews) — Minnesota residents may soon end up on a government database if they discuss the origins of COVID-19 or quote Bible verses that criticize homosexuality.

Minnesota’s Democrat-controlled legislature last month approved a bill that requires the state Department of Human Rights to collect allegations of perceived “discrimination” or microaggressions in a new “bias” registry.

Homeless Vets Booted to Make Room for Illegal Aliens

from Moonbattery:

Who should get first dibs on a place to sleep? Homeless veterans who served our country? Or unlawful invaders from every corner of the Third World who attack our country in its moment of weakness by exploiting the undefended border? For reflexively treasonous Democrats, the choice is easy:

Nearly two dozen struggling homeless veterans have been booted from upstate [New York] hotels to make room for migrants, says a nonprofit group that works with the vets.

“Migrants” in this context means “conquerors.” They are invading the USA in contravention of the law. Military uniforms are not necessary. This is foreign conquest.

Weather As A Weapon? Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News

from Dane Wigington:


Surveillance Contractor Monitored Vaccine Skeptics, Report Says

by Ken Macon, Reclaim The Net:

Flashpoint, a surveillance contractor for the FBI, infiltrated chatrooms of airline industry groups that opposed vaccine mandates, according to a report by investigative journalist Lee Fang.

In the past, Flashpoint infiltrated Islamic terror groups. But it has since focused on vaccine skeptic groups and other domestic political groups.

GoldSeek Radio Nugget — Craig Hemke:

from GoldSeek Radio:


Another Federal Scheme To Steal Your Freedom! Biden EO Creates ‘Office of Environmental Justice’

by George McClellan, America Outloud:

Biden and the Democrats are rushing to make Americans more dependent on government before the 2024 elections. They’re not exactly sure they’re going to win again. Biden threatens our currency, wanting to replace it instead with digital currency to influence our personal finances. He terrorizes our freedom of transportation by killing off our energy independence and mandating expensive subsidized Green Energy schemes, especially EV cars and trucks. He has promised the total elimination of fossil fuels citing the dangers of Climate Change, the most significant fraud next to transgenderism to be perpetrated on today’s world.

Should a Government That Would Leave a Jordan Neely on the Streets Even Exist?

by Selwyn Duke, The New American:

It’s not that government can’t clamp down on people when it wants to. The J6 prisoners’ treatment proves that abundantly. It’s that when it wants to, it’s not driven by the imperative of justice but the incentive of politics. A prime example is the Jordan Neely/Daniel Penny affair.

Neely, 30, the violent, deranged man who died while or after being restrained on a New York City subway May 1, had a voluminous rap sheet of 42 arrests. On the list are the kidnapping of a seven-year-old girl and multiple assaults, one of which was a 2021 attack on an elderly woman on whom Neely inflicted serious injuries. Yet he was still on the streets.

We are probably not prepared ENOUGH for the events now approaching


from Health Ranger Report:


Trump Takes a Hammer to the Carefully Maintained Delusions Inside the Left-Wing Bubble


by William Sullivan, American Thinker:

Despite an audience that was friendly to the candidate, CNN’s recent town hall hosting Donald Trump was anything but an effort to inform independent and Republican voters about the candidate’s position on the substantial issues faced by struggling Americans.  It was a hedonistic exercise to satiate its left-wing producers’ and viewers’ desire to emphasize all the criticisms that CNN talking heads have been levying against him since 2020.

Government Workers Betray Constitutional Oath and Submit to United Nations Agenda


from Reese Report:


After-School Satan Clubs Are Hot, Hot, Hot!

from ZeroHedge:

Following a major legal victory in the free speech department, after school Satan Clubs are picking up steam.

Launched in 2020 and promptly opposed by most parents, the clubs, associated with the Satanic Temple, are being pitched as an alternative to Christian after-school groups for those who identify as agnostics, atheists and religious minorities, such as pagans.

CV19 Vax is a Murder Campaign – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny


by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny was one of the first doctors to sound the alarm on the CV19 “vaccine” and the death and disability that would come from it’s widespread use during the so-called Covid pandemic.   Increasing numbers of mass death and disability have proven her right.  Dr. Tenpenny has long been against the use of all vaccines because data shows they do much harm and little good.  Dr. Tenpenny says, “When talking about the shots, it was just a natural extension for me to look at the Covid vaccine, and I really should not call it a vaccine because it is a bioweapon. . . .  I found 40 mechanisms of injury in July of 2021, and how the Covid shots could make you sick or kill you. . . . Early on I tried to warn people . . . . The reason they are letting off the accelerator is enough people have been injected that are going to die.  That was the intention.  It as population control or depopulation. . . . This was never meant to do good for people. . . . There were no long term studies and we pushed it on every age group all the way down to the fetus. . . . . I mean this is a murder campaign.”

Monkeypox resurfaces in Chicago just as WHO declares end of monkeypox global emergency


by Cassie B., Natural News:

A cluster of monkeypox cases has emerged in Chicago just as the World Health Organization (WHO) is declaring the health emergency over.

dozen confirmed cases and one probable case of monkeypox were reported in the nation’s third-biggest city in the period from April 17 to May 5. In all of these cases, the virus was spread through sexual contact. Nine of the infections were noted in men who were fully vaccinated against the virus.