by Hannah Bleau Knudsen, Breitbart:
Billionaire Bill Gates is buying up farmland and investing in meat alternatives to control the public’s diet under the guise of saving the planet from climate change, Seamus Bruner argues in his new book Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life.
Gates is one of the key figures in a group of billionaires who met at Rockefeller University in Manhattan in May of 2009 in the wake of Barack Obama’s presidential victory. Several other well-known names were there, including David Rockefeller, George Soros, Ted Turner, Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, and the heads of major corporations like Cisco, Blackstone Group, and Tiger Management. Their goal was “to figure out how they can pool their resources to spend on priorities that are important to them,” Bruner explained in an interview with Breitbart News Daily.