Thursday, March 6, 2025

Seamus Bruner’s ‘Controligarchs’ Reveals Bill Gates’ Hidden Agenda as He Buys Up U.S. Farmland


by Hannah Bleau Knudsen, Breitbart:

Billionaire Bill Gates is buying up farmland and investing in meat alternatives to control the public’s diet under the guise of saving the planet from climate change, Seamus Bruner argues in his new book Controligarchs: Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the Globalist Plot to Dominate Your Life.

Gates is one of the key figures in a group of billionaires who met at Rockefeller University in Manhattan in May of 2009 in the wake of Barack Obama’s presidential victory. Several other well-known names were there, including David Rockefeller, George Soros, Ted Turner, Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, and the heads of major corporations like Cisco, Blackstone Group, and Tiger Management. Their goal was “to figure out how they can pool their resources to spend on priorities that are important to them,” Bruner explained in an interview with Breitbart News Daily.

Two COVID Variants Spreading: HV.1 Is “Highly Contagious” & JN.1 Is “Immune Evasive”

by Mac Slavo, SHTF Plan:

HV.1, the new highly contagious COVID-19 variant that the ruling class and mainstream media are trying to panic the masses with is spreading across the United States. This variant is dominating other strains, including EG.5 aka Eris, which itself is the dominant strain worldwide right now, say the “experts.”

Life Expectancy Data Shows One Thing: The Experts Are Killing Us

HV.1 has been responsible for more than a quarter of all COVID-19 cases since the end of October, according to the Hindustan Times. The outlet also reported that according to the data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the variant was responsible for an estimated 25.2% of all the newly diagnosed cases during the two-week period ending on October 28th.

This Should Be Everywhere, COVID Testimony Has Already Proven Guilt?

from Red Voice Media:


How to Make Society Accept and Embrace Genocide ‘With This One Simple Trick’

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project:

In a glaring display of hypocrisy that has become all too common in the partisan theater, many on the right, who once proudly wore the badge of anti-war, have pivoted their stance amidst the bloody conflict in Gaza. Their anti-war voices, once loud against interventions and regime change wars, have muted, revealing a troubling inconsistency. The invasion of Gaza by Israel following the horrific attack on the Jewish state by Hamas has been met not with calls for peace and diplomacy but with a hawkish embrace of military aid, interventionist policies, and the wholesale embrace of genocide — a significant departure from their previous calls for non-intervention.

Increasing Instability Inside Our Planet Is Causing Apocalyptic Scenes In Iceland And Italy

by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

Have you seen the cataclysmic images that are coming out of Iceland?  I wrote about the tremendous shaking that is taking place in Iceland a few days ago, but things have gotten so much worse since then.  At this point, a giant “chasm” is literally running through the center of the town of Grindavik.  And in Italy, Mount Etna is putting on a spectacular fireworks show for us right now.  Of course most Americans don’t care about any of this because these disasters are happening on the other side of the world.  But they should care about these disasters, because the same geophysical forces that are causing them will inevitably cause major seismic events in our nation too.

Australian Blackouts Expose the Dangers of Digital Currency Social

from The Alex Jones Show:


War: Organized Murder and Nothing Else

by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

The title of this subversive little missive comes from a quote by Harry Patch, the last surviving soldier from World War I. The great Smedley Butler said that war is never about enemies, but opportunities for profit. Butler was one of Huey Long’s closest friends, and retreated from politics after the Kingfish was assassinated.

Jeanette Rankin was the only member of Congress to vote against WWII, and had to have a police escort out of that sanctified temple of democracy afterwards. She noted that “You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake.” She explained, in her unique fashion, “As a woman I can’t go to war, and I refuse to send anyone else.” Her courageous stance ruined her political career. Then, as now, it wasn’t popular to stand for peace. In my view, she is the greatest woman in American history, and should have her likeness on a fiat currency bill over Harriet Tubman or any other female. I’m confident that only a very small percentage of today’s dumbed down Americans have even heard of her.

Dollar Weakness May Send Gold Surging to This Staggering Figure

from Birch Gold Group:

This week, Your News to Know rounds up the latest top stories involving precious metals and the overall economy. Stories include: Gold forecasts ahead of the election, Powell feints as U.S. economy crumbles, and Kuwait bolsters its place on the list of gold consumers.

Experts forecast a shaky dollar will send gold to $2,500 next year

For all the bearishness we’ve seen this year regarding gold in the headlines, it seems gloomy forecasts for a 12-month period are hard to come by. British research firm Capital Economics, for example, expects gold to end next year around $2,100, with rate cuts as the primary driver.

New American Daily | Marjorie Taylor-Greene Holds Hearing On Covid Injection Injuries

from The New American:


UN & Bill Gates Team Up To Create “50-In-5” Digital Panopticon

by Alex Newman, Activist Post:

A digital prison for humanity? This was encoded in the Technocracy Course in 1934, and the technology has caught up to their lofty aspirations. There were only seven requirements for Technocracy. Here are 3, 4, 5: 3) “Provide a continuous inventory of all production and consumption”; 4) “Provide a specific registration of the type, kind, etc., of all goods and services, where produced and where used”; 5) “Provide specific registration of the consumption of each individual, plus a record and description of the individual.”

PHOTO-GRAPHIC PROOF that some COVID-19 Vaccines Contain a Sinister-Looking Chip


from State Of The Nation:

SOTN Editor’s Note: It does not get any bigger than this where it concerns the deliberate formulation of COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ to contain highly advanced technology which was never disclosed by the Big Pharma manufacturers.

The Pfizer–BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine was sold under the brand name Comirnaty.  The following images were taken from a sample of the Comirnaty ‘vaccine’.

CPI ‘Report’ and Healthcare LIES from the BLS

from Peak Prosperity:


COVID mRNA Vaccine Injury Series: Stillbirths Near Due Date in Normal Pregnancy


by Dr. William Makis, Global Research:

Pregnant women given NO INFORMED CONSENT with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination; 18 recent cases of unexpected baby death – 37 more after Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA – 55 Stillbirths Total

April 17, 2023 – Michael Sachs is a US Marine and his wife Anita Sachs is an active-duty member of the US Navy. Anita was forced by the US Navy to get a COVID-19 Vaccine when she was 6 months pregnant. A month before their baby was due, the baby was still born. Now she is struggling with infertility.

Reversal of Fortune: BRICS Countries Imports Record Amount of Russian Oil

from 21st Century Wire:

The geniuses in Washington, London and Brussels thought it was such a brilliant idea at the time. ‘Let’s slap a price cap on Russian oil and punish Putin!’

Well, the numbers are in and this half-baked master plan looks to have failed already. Russia is shipping crude through its ports at rates greater than last May. About 3.48 million barrels a day of oil are making their way to customers around the world, and their customers are happy, because they are getting a great deal (thanks to the collective West). This is only bringing the BRICS nations closer together, and making them more prosperous compared to their near bankrupt Western counterparts who are intent to pay over the odds for their American imports and ‘green energy’ deals. Quite simply, the entire Ukraine project and attempted wrecking of the Russian economy – has been an unmitigated disaster.

Anne Frank Daycare Center in Germany is Renamed After Migrant Family Pressure

by Shane Trejo, Big League Politics:

An “Anne Frank” daycare center in the German State of Saxony-Anhalt will be renamed after migrant family pressure.

This move was prompted by parents who had trouble explaining the historical significance of Frank to their children.

Per Apollo News, a German news outlet, the daycare center in Tangerhütte has been operating for decades prior to this decision to change its name.

Frank gained international fame for her diary documenting her life under Nazi occupation. The German-born Jewish girl would tragically perish in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.