Friday, September 6, 2024


from Mark Dice:


“Bold Goals”: Biden’s EO Will Have Us Bioengineering Everything

by Marie Hawthorne, Activist Post:

In September 2022, President Biden released an Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology. Then, in March 2023, he released a document entitled Bold Goals for U.S. Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing, outlining specific areas of focus in this bioengineering manifesto.

The goals in these documents sound very nice.  They’re all about using new technology to fight climate change, increase the food supply, cure diseases, and strengthen national security by increasing domestic manufacturing.

“Mask Up or Pack Up” – New Twitter CEO is a WEF Executive Chair

from AlexandraBruce:


Simple Home Logistics Planning Tips


by Kevin C, Survival Blog:

One of the puzzles for people starting out in the business of being prepared is “How much?” How much sugar, flour, rice . . . do I need to have on hand? There are lots of sources that will provide planning figures for this, and in the absence of any other guidance, following them – at least partially at first – is a good idea. I did so. But these one-size-fits-all guides, as useful as they are, may not reflect your specific tastes and usages. Here is a method for arriving at a figure somewhat associated with your needs – based on your usage rates of the stuff you use.

Journalist’s attempt to debunk blue city’s bad reputation fails miserably

from WND:

Instead, writes about it ‘spiraling’ out of control

A journalist and San Francisco resident set out to debunk the frequent stories portraying the city as dangerous and largely abandoned, but her investigation led her to write a piece revealing how the city is “spiraling” out of control.

Coronation of the New World Order, and the Pedos, Prostitutes, Perverts and Pinheads in Charge

from DollarVigilante:


Biological warfare expert warns: WHO will lower humans to the status of animals to gain more control


by Belle Carter, Natural News:

Biological warfare epidemiologist Dr. Meryl Nass has warned that the World Health Organization‘s (WHO) “One Health” concept will put animals and ecosystems on the same level as humans.

In an interview with the independent media organization Bright Light News in Brussels, Belgium, the board-certified internist and anthrax expert said under the direction of the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty and proposed changes to the International Health Regulations (IHR), the United Nations specialized health agency would be given centralized powers superseding those of its 194 member states’ sovereign governments.

Trump Gets Ukraine Question RIGHT! CNN Melts Down!

from The Jimmy Dore Show:


‘Did Your Brain Fall Out of Your Head?’ Elon Musk Goes to War Over Twitter Files


by Kyle Becker, Becker News:

Twitter CEO Elon Musk got into a fascinating confrontation with former Twitter Files journalist Matthew Yglesias on Saturday as the hot topic of a Turkish government censorship request arose.

“In response to legal process and to ensure Twitter remains available to the people of Turkey, we have taken action to restrict access to some content in Turkey today,” Twitter Global Government Affairs reported to users on Friday. “We have informed the account holders of this action in line with our policy. This content will remain available in the rest of the world.”

It would be healthier and safer for humanity to sign an agreement with the Columbian drug cartel than with WHO, says MEP


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

The third International Covid Summit was held at the European Parliament last week, on 3 May.  The Members of the European Parliament (“MEPs”) who attended said it was a historic event.

The Summit covered all aspects of the pandemic.  It also covered the documentation of the increasing power grab by the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) and increased control by organised global entities.

Oversight Chairman James Comer: FBI Whistleblower on Biden Family Crimes Has Gone Missing – FBI Won’t Look Into This (VIDEO)

by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

During their discussion Comer told Maria that NINE Biden family members received foreign payments totalling more than $10 million. Comer then dropped this bomb — The FBI whistleblower has gone missing.

Chairman Comer then added this, “We have evidence that Joe Biden when he was Vice President was involved in a quid pro quo with a foreign country in exchange for foreign aid. This is a very serious accusation. All the FBI has to do is say, ‘Yeah, we looked into it and it wasn’t a credible informant.’ But they won’t answer our questions.”

Election Group With Ties to Soros, Zuckerberg Meets in Washington for Conference Closed to Public

from The Epoch Times:

WASHINGTON—An elections group with ties to Democrat mega-donor George Soros and Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg gathered in Washington on May 8 for a meeting that was closed to the public.

The Epoch Times was denied entry to the event, called a “Summit on American Democracy” and hosted by the Center for Election Integrity & Research (CEIR). Organizers said that the event was invite-only. Only preapproved press and other guests were permitted to attend the summit.

Mia Farrow Confesses: ‘Satanic Hollywood Elites Rape and Eat Children’


from The People’s Voice:


Consolidating Control

by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola:

  • In an interview with Whitney Webb, finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts discusses how central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) will consolidate control of the financial system
  • Corporate media pushes the idea that you must put all your money with major banks to keep it safe, but this is a dangerous move
  • The big banks the media are trying to drive consumers to are engaged in criminal activities and allowed to operate above the law
  • When you have small, local banks and credit unions flourishing, it translates into healthy small businesses and small farms in the community
  • The most important thing you need to do to prepare financially is get yourself out of the control grid

Episode 2730: The Tale Of Two Borders

from Bannons War Room: