Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Paid $11.25 Million for Being Late 47 Times

from Moonbattery:

Racist oppression works great: show up late for work 47 times, get fired, collect $11.25 million. Thanks to the politicization of the judicial system, the looting spree known as “racial justice” has no limits:

High-end gym chain Equinox has been ordered to pay $11.25 million to one of their former trainers after her lawyers convinced a New York jury that her firing was racially motivated and not because she showed up for work late 47 times.

Robynn Europe lives near Coney Island. Eventually, she showed up for work at a gym on the Upper East Side. She does not deny frequently being late. Nonetheless:

Diversity’s Blessings: Rival Somali Factions Riot, Ending Minneapolis City Council Convention

by Selwyn Duke, The New American:

When hearing about rival Somali political factions rioting, one might assume the event occurred in Somalia, where political violence is the norm. But the mayhem in question actually was in Minneapolis, where, increasingly, being Somali is the norm. (Apparently, “Minnesota nice” hasn’t rubbed off.)

Per The Post Millennial:

A riot erupted in Minnesota during Democrat nominations for Minneapolis City Council on Saturday [May 13], which led to no candidate being chosen in Ward 10 after officials were forced to shut down the event over safety concerns.

Civil War, Nuke War & Financial War Destroy America – Steve Quayle

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog:

Renowned radio host, filmmaker, book author and archeological dig expert Steve Quayle has been warning of dark times coming for America and the world.  Quayle now warns of a specific time frame, “I can’t remember a more dangerous time than the month of June.”

We will be seeing civil war, nuclear war and financial calamity soon.  Quayle predicts dramatic changes coming, and most people are simply not aware or even prepared in the slightest.  Quayle says, “I am on record that we are already undergoing a communist takeover and takedown.  There is no regress at the ballot box any longer.  I hear that we can win the 2024 election.  If everybody in the Congress, with the exception of a few Senators and Congressmen, and the cabinet are still part of the appointed Left, what would a President, whether it is Trump or DeSantis, be able to do?  The whole military is shot. . . . Communist takeovers and takedowns always result in millions of people dying. . . . Back in the days of the Weather Underground, they wanted to kill 25 million to 40 million people.  Now, we are up to 120 million people that need to be killed.”


from SGT Report:

James Hill, the CEO & President of MCF Energy joins me to discuss the madness of the anti-human green agenda which James and his company are firmly aligned against. MCF Energy is focused on bringing the much needed energy to Europe in its cleanest form, natural gas.


Sex Traffickers Are Victimizing Children All Across The US

from ZeroHedge:

Authored by Jana J. Pruet via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours),

On any given day—in communities across the nation—thousands of children are being victimized by sex traffickers.

In 2022, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) received 31.9 million reports of suspected child sexual exploitation—up from 29.3 million reports in 2021 and 21.7 million in 2020. NCEMC is a national nonprofit founded in 1984 by John and Revé Walsh, whose son Adam, 6, was abducted from a department store in Florida in 1981. The boy was later found murdered.

Federal government tried to hide peer-reviewed study showing Fluoridated water lowers IQs of children

by Leo Hohmann, Liberty Sentinel:

There’s an old cliché: The truth always finds you out. But this is a lesson that governments never learn, especially when they have a corrupt media to cover for their lies.

We see this on issue after issue, but nowhere has the government-media collusion been stronger than on the deliberate poisoning of American drinking water.

The final report of a six-year National Toxicology Program review of fluoride neurotoxicity was blocked from public release by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in May 2022 according to the Fluoride Action Network (FAN).

The Next Psyop Has Been Launched As The WHO Warns Of Mass Death To Come While Babies Are Being Born With Deadly Heart Diseases, Proving The Psychopaths Are Bent On Depopulation

by Stefan Stanford, All News Pipeline:

As we’ve warned time and again on ANP over the last several years, with the globalists getting away with launching the COVID bioweapon attack upon America and the world that allowed them to steal the 2020 U.S. election and impose medical tyranny upon most of the planet, we should be completely prepared for the next ‘attack‘ to come along, and with the NY Post reporting in this May 23rd story that the head of the World Health Organization just announced “the next pandemic, ‘even deadlier’ than COVID, is coming,” we can see the next ‘psyop‘ unfolding before our eyes.

“Horrible news. Horrible for Joe Biden.” 😂


Chinese Hackers Target US Infrastructure

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

The US National Security Agency (NSA) issued a warning to all members of the Five Eyes organization that China has launched a cyber attack against the US. “Private sector partners have identified that this activity affects networks across U.S. critical infrastructure sectors, and the authoring agencies believe the actor could apply the same techniques against these and other sectors worldwide,” the report states. They are attributing the attack to a state group by the name of Volt Typhoon.

Dr. McCullough: “Troubling” New Study About The Spike Protein’s Impact On Men’s Health

by Dr. McCullough, The Gateway Pundit:

The legacy of the COVID-19 pandemic and the widespread use of experimental vaccines continue to wreak havoc on the health of everyone on the planet, but now, there is frightening new data that suggests men are even more at risk.

A review of studies recently published in the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation notes that,

“…male patients developed more complications and had mortality rates ~ 77% higher than those of female patients. The extensive expression of the SARS-CoV-2 receptor and related proteins in the male reproductive tract and the association of serum testosterone levels with viral entry and infection have brought attention to COVID-19’s effects on male fertility.”

Target Donates to Activist Group Focusing on Injecting LGBT Agenda into Schools

by Hannah Bleau, Breitbart:

Target is donating to an activist leftist group which focuses on injecting the LGBT agenda into schools, the company recently confirmed.

Target has fallen under continued criticism over the past several weeks due to its overt promotion of woke gender ideology and the LGBT agenda, despite the fact those who identify as such make up a small percentage of the U.S. population. Regardless, Target has openly embraced what society has deemed “pride” month — taking place in June — with flashy pride-themed displays prominently displayed at the front of stores, some of which have since been moved to the back due to backlash.


from Mark Dice: